2011 9th Warmest Year in Satellite Record

The Earth cooled in 2011. CO2 gas does not explain that.

LOLOLOL....yeah, it "cooled"....a tiny bit relative to some other very recent years that were a bit hotter....but 2011 was still 'hotter' than about 150 of the last 160 years that they've kept temperature records. Only desperate denier cultists would be silly enough to call that "cooling".

Moreover, "CO2 gas does not" have to "explain that" slight dip in temperatures this last year. It is only you duped denier cultists who fantasize that climate scientists don't take into account all of the other factors that influence the Earth's climate, like the recent solar minimum and the strong La Ninas that brought colder water to the surface of the Pacific. As the sun moves towards a new solar maximum and an El Nino inevitably cycles through in the next few years, the still continuing anthropogenic global warming that has been slightly masked since mid-2010 will combine with those factors I just mentioned and cause the world to see some new record world average temperatures.

Actually your theory DOES have to explain the change. Surely if CO2 and humans are such big factors in global temperature, a clear and proveable answer can be given. Further, it should have been forecastable and this year should be predicted as well. Of course, you can't do that because there is no connection.
Hmm..... So the normal GHGs have no effect? CO2 does nothing?

So you finally get it. CO2 does nothing because it has no mechanism by which do do anything that might result in warming. It absorbs and disperses IR radiated from the earth. If anything, the dispersion is a cooling mechanism, not a warming one.

Real scientists of world wide reputation state otherwise.


But of course we should just put our faith in some unknown internet message board poster.

I can't help but notice, rocks, that they don't mention a single law of physics that either supports, or predicts their hypothesis. Oddly enough, none of them do. If any law of physics supported, or predicted their claims, it would be the first thing they tout.

I also couldn't help but notice that they didn't mention any actual observed data. Considering the subject matter, why do you suppose that might be?

As to who states what, in the interest of honesty, perhaps you should add the caveat that scientists of world wide reputation who depend on grant money state otherwise.
Actually your theory DOES have to explain the change.

Hypothesis, not theory. The claims of climate science have never been legitimately raised to the level of a theory. AGW is, and shall forever remain a mere hypothesis, and a piss poor one at that.

Theory - A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena. Most theories that are accepted by scientists have been repeatedly tested by experiments and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

The claims of climate science have been devised to explain a set of phenomena, but they have not been tested by even the first observable, repeatable experiment, and their predictive power is, unfortunately, obvious for those who devised them. AGW most certainly doesn't rise to the level of theory. Lets look at what constitutes a hpyothesis.

Hypothesis - A statement that explains or makes generalizations about a set of facts or principles, usually forming a basis for possible experiments to confirm its viability.

Well, it does make generalizations about the climate but after all these years, I don't see any movement towards putting together any experiments at all that will confirm the most basic tenets of the claims. The most basic claims are simply assumed to be true. No experimentation has ever been done to prove them. It is all based on a quaint 19th century experiment that was promply disproven. So you see, even by the definition of a lowly hypothesis, the claims of climate science really don't cut the mustard. It might be called a hypothesis, but it is a poor one indeed.

Hell, even the warmers here, and most every where else don't believe the actual claims and have strayed from the reservation in search of a more plausible mechanism by which CO2 might warm the earth. Those who claim that CO2 can trap heat within the atmosphere, or "slow down" the escape of heat out into space, are not stating the hypothesis of AGW. They have rejected the actual hypothesis as surely as I have and have invented their own, or are repeating claims invented as a substitute for the ludicrous claims made by the actual hypothesis.
Ummmm, I said from one of your AGW supporters. Did I not? There are plenty of papers attributing warming to natural cycles from sceptics and unafiliated scientists. How about from the warmist side?

Did you read the fucking abstract?

In particular, the Sun cannot have contributed more than 30% to the steep temperature
increase that has taken place since then,

What is the "warmist" side exactly?

You're not good on reading comprehension are you.

I gave you exactly what you wanted.
LOLOLOL....yeah, it "cooled"....a tiny bit relative to some other very recent years that were a bit hotter....but 2011 was still 'hotter' than about 150 of the last 160 years that they've kept temperature records. Only desperate denier cultists would be silly enough to call that "cooling".

That's just another way of saying that for the last 14 years temperatures have been flat or declining. Every one of the years warmer than 2011 occurred after 1998.

If you actually had the facts on your side, you wouldn't be trying so hard to spin them.

Moreover, "CO2 gas does not" have to "explain that" slight dip in temperatures this last year. It is only you duped denier cultists who fantasize that climate scientists don't take into account all of the other factors that influence the Earth's climate, like the recent solar minimum and the strong La Ninas that brought colder water to the surface of the Pacific. As the sun moves towards a new solar maximum and an El Nino inevitably cycles through in the next few years, the still continuing anthropogenic global warming that has been slightly masked since mid-2010 will combine with those factors I just mentioned and cause the world to see some new record world average temperatures.

What climate scientists don't take into account is the fact that for the last 14 years, the Earth hasn't been warming. It has been cooling. Every time warmist nutburgers make a prediction about the climate, nature makes them look like fools. All your hero Dr Hansen's predictions have turned out to be drastically wrong. He's a disgrace who should be locked up for fraud.
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Sceptics = thread domination!!!!


Just total domination...........and these meatheads dont mind coming back day after day and getting schooled.
The Earth cooled in 2011. CO2 gas does not explain that.

LOLOLOL....yeah, it "cooled"....a tiny bit relative to some other very recent years that were a bit hotter....but 2011 was still 'hotter' than about 150 of the last 160 years that they've kept temperature records. Only desperate denier cultists would be silly enough to call that "cooling".

Moreover, "CO2 gas does not" have to "explain that" slight dip in temperatures this last year. It is only you duped denier cultists who fantasize that climate scientists don't take into account all of the other factors that influence the Earth's climate, like the recent solar minimum and the strong La Ninas that brought colder water to the surface of the Pacific. As the sun moves towards a new solar maximum and an El Nino inevitably cycles through in the next few years, the still continuing anthropogenic global warming that has been slightly masked since mid-2010 will combine with those factors I just mentioned and cause the world to see some new record world average temperatures.

Warmer only because Hansen has been falsifying the historical temperature record, which a denial cult retard like you should figure out. You're just too dumb to do so.

Oh my, so Dr. Hansen has been falsifying all those satellite temperatures kept by all the nations with weather satellites in orbit? Falsifying ground temperature readings from the governments of the nations around the world?

Talk about dumb lies. You are getting increasingly senile, Walleyes. More and more you make claims that are patently ridiculous.
LOLOLOL....yeah, it "cooled"....a tiny bit relative to some other very recent years that were a bit hotter....but 2011 was still 'hotter' than about 150 of the last 160 years that they've kept temperature records. Only desperate denier cultists would be silly enough to call that "cooling".

That's just another way of saying that for the last 14 years temperatures have been flat or declining. Every one of the years warmer than 2011 occurred after 1998.

If you actually had the facts on your side, you wouldn't be trying so hard to spin them.

Moreover, "CO2 gas does not" have to "explain that" slight dip in temperatures this last year. It is only you duped denier cultists who fantasize that climate scientists don't take into account all of the other factors that influence the Earth's climate, like the recent solar minimum and the strong La Ninas that brought colder water to the surface of the Pacific. As the sun moves towards a new solar maximum and an El Nino inevitably cycles through in the next few years, the still continuing anthropogenic global warming that has been slightly masked since mid-2010 will combine with those factors I just mentioned and cause the world to see some new record world average temperatures.

What climate scientists don't take into account is the fact that for the last 14 years, the Earth hasn't been warming. It has been cooling. Every time warmist nutburgers make a prediction about the climate, nature makes them look like fools. All your hero Dr Hansen's predictions have turned out to be drastically wrong. He's a disgrace who should be locked up for fraud.

Well, let's see. The three warmest years on record. 1998, 2005, and 2010.

As far as nature making someone look like a fool, the weather disasters of the past two years have confirmed the predictions of the scientists. And willfully ignorant assholes like you continue to flap-yap that nothing is happening.

And here is the real record of temperature and weather;

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2011 Annual Analysis
LOLOLOL....yeah, it "cooled"....a tiny bit relative to some other very recent years that were a bit hotter....but 2011 was still 'hotter' than about 150 of the last 160 years that they've kept temperature records. Only desperate denier cultists would be silly enough to call that "cooling".

Moreover, "CO2 gas does not" have to "explain that" slight dip in temperatures this last year. It is only you duped denier cultists who fantasize that climate scientists don't take into account all of the other factors that influence the Earth's climate, like the recent solar minimum and the strong La Ninas that brought colder water to the surface of the Pacific. As the sun moves towards a new solar maximum and an El Nino inevitably cycles through in the next few years, the still continuing anthropogenic global warming that has been slightly masked since mid-2010 will combine with those factors I just mentioned and cause the world to see some new record world average temperatures.

Warmer only because Hansen has been falsifying the historical temperature record, which a denial cult retard like you should figure out. You're just too dumb to do so.

Oh my, so Dr. Hansen has been falsifying all those satellite temperatures kept by all the nations with weather satellites in orbit? Falsifying ground temperature readings from the governments of the nations around the world?

Talk about dumb lies. You are getting increasingly senile, Walleyes. More and more you make claims that are patently ridiculous.

You might want to look at who actually runs those satellites some day olfraud. Well, come to think of it, no you wouldn't. You don't look at anything but scripture lest ye be damned to hell.
must spread more rep around! Aarghhh!

LOL.....oh, walleyed, everybody knows that your actual motto is "must spread more bullshit, lies and misinformation around".

Since your own 'reputation' is that of being a clueless, confused, lying retard, it is hard to see how you could give anyone else any positive "rep". More like the kiss of death.

And so, getting back on topic, let's not forget the fact that if you look at every consecutive twelve month period on record and compare it every other 12 month period on record, you find that the very recent period from June 2009 to May 2010 was, in fact, the warmest 'year' on record since widespread record keeping began in the late 1800's.

As the sun's activity moves from a recent minimum towards a new maximum and as the ENSO cycle moves into a new El Nino phase, the ongoing anthropogenic global warming will push world average temperatures into new record highs in the next few years.

Some AGW denier cultists' brains may explode when their cherished myth of a 'cooling Earth' is so clearly revealed to be a retarded bit of insanity.
must spread more rep around! Aarghhh!

LOL.....oh, walleyed, everybody knows that your actual motto is "must spread more bullshit, lies and misinformation around".

Since your own 'reputation' is that of being a clueless, confused, lying retard, it is hard to see how you could give anyone else any positive "rep". More like the kiss of death.

And so, getting back on topic, let's not forget the fact that if you look at every consecutive twelve month period on record and compare it every other 12 month period on record, you find that the very recent period from June 2009 to May 2010 was, in fact, the warmest 'year' on record since widespread record keeping began in the late 1800's.

As the sun's activity moves from a recent minimum towards a new maximum and as the ENSO cycle moves into a new El Nino phase, the ongoing anthropogenic global warming will push world average temperatures into new record highs in the next few years.

Some AGW denier cultists' brains may explode when their cherished myth of a 'cooling Earth' is so clearly revealed to be a retarded bit of insanity.

Oh, poor blunder. You know if you actually spoke without expletives someone might actually take you serious. But you are so silly and incapable of actual thought you simply revert to form and lose people to the sceptic side every time you open your trap. And we thank you for that!
Oh, poor blunder. You know if you actually spoke without expletives someone might actually take you serious. But you are so silly and incapable of actual thought you simply revert to form and lose people to the sceptic side every time you open your trap. And we thank you for that!
Does everyone else notice that not a single post of westwals ever contains anything other then insults and stupidity?
Oh, poor blunder. You know if you actually spoke without expletives someone might actually take you serious. But you are so silly and incapable of actual thought you simply revert to form and lose people to the sceptic side every time you open your trap. And we thank you for that!
Does everyone else notice that not a single post of westwals ever contains anything other then insults and stupidity?
Then you've not been here long enough. He's done a yeoman's work shutting the chicken little chorus' "concensus science" down.
Oh, poor blunder. You know if you actually spoke without expletives someone might actually take you serious. But you are so silly and incapable of actual thought you simply revert to form and lose people to the sceptic side every time you open your trap. And we thank you for that!
Does everyone else notice that not a single post of westwals ever contains anything other then insults and stupidity?
Then you've not been here long enough. He's done a yeoman's work shutting the chicken little chorus' "concensus(sic) science" down.

LOL.....but BigFart, you only say that because you're at least as clueless, ignorant and retarded as ol' Walleyed.

Walleyed's moronic, anti-science nonsense generally gets immediately debunked with actual scientific evidence as soon as he posts it. The only people who can't see that are the other brainwashed denier cult imbeciles.
Does everyone else notice that not a single post of westwals ever contains anything other then insults and stupidity?
Then you've not been here long enough. He's done a yeoman's work shutting the chicken little chorus' "concensus(sic) science" down.

LOL.....but BigFart, you only say that because you're at least as clueless, ignorant and retarded as ol' Walleyed.

Walleyed's moronic, anti-science nonsense generally gets immediately debunked with actual scientific evidence as soon as he posts it. The only people who can't see that are the other brainwashed denier cult imbeciles.

Careful RT, you'll tick me off enough to read ALL of your sources and rip them from one oend to the other. Those that have been here a while have seen me do it before. I just use you guys for entertainment value now. You should be glad. I'm Hell on Faithers.
Does everyone else notice that not a single post of westwals ever contains anything other then insults and stupidity?
Then you've not been here long enough. He's done a yeoman's work shutting the chicken little chorus' "concensus(sic) science" down.

The only people who can't see that are the other brainwashed denier cult imbeciles.

Who are also winning!!!:banana::banana::banana:

President Obama's green losing streak - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

Green profit crash deters new CEO recruiting | The News Journal | delawareonline.com

Why Is the US Losing the Green Race? - Energy and the Environment - AEI

Poll: Alternative energy funding loses support - The Denver Post


Alternative Energy - Why do we Need it?


Losers always make the attacks personal..........because it sucks to always be losing.
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