2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

On a more serious note. How do you like it LaCocaCola when your thread gets ruined? This is what your little libshit pals do all day and night long.

I'm used to it. I just consider the sources and laugh it off.

Damn! you had your rep turned off. I'm disappointed in you chief.

Go, Pee-wee, go...


Thanks Lakhota for opening up this thread. I am so looking forward for a breath of fresh air this week, it was quit stuffy and stiff last week. Notice good weather ahead, so the Dems should hit front page.

You're welcome! I look forward to getting that RNC lying shit taste out of my mouth.

:lol: haaa so true I could only watch it in small increments, or I would get nauseated with the bullshit. Too rehearsed and phony~
Thanks Lakhota for opening up this thread. I am so looking forward for a breath of fresh air this week, it was quit stuffy and stiff last week. Notice good weather ahead, so the Dems should hit front page.

You're welcome! I look forward to getting that RNC lying shit taste out of my mouth.

:lol: haaa so true I could only watch it in small increments, or I would get nauseated with the bullshit. Too rehearsed and phony~

I will be watching zero minutes. The last one I watched was when Reagan was nominated the first time.
Anything can happen between now and Election Day, but here is how it currently looks to me:

Obama 52, Romney 48.
When you vote remember this
Since 1946 democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years
they dropped the A-bomb

They have expanded the welfare system to a point that it makes for a comfortable life style.
A democrat signed the assault weapons ban
A democrats signed NAFTA
A democrat took money from social security to make it look like there was a surpplus
A democrat gave us a recession
A democrat lied his way to election but continued Bush policy
A democrat extended and expand portions of the Patriot act
A democrat signed into law the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention
A democrat gave aid to Americas enemy in Libya
A democrat by passed congress and gave amnesty to illegals
A democrat refused to assist border states with illegals crossing the border

Record number of Americans on food stamps 64 million last checked

42 straight months of Unemployment 8% or higher

Americas AAA credit rating DOWN GRADED

Even though the recession was over in 2009 things have not gotten better in the industry's that drive the economy Manufacturing and Construction

I haven't seen gas below 3.00 a gallon in North Carolina since obama's first year in office.

American tax payers lost money on a democrats bailout to unions and CEO'S that supported Democrats
American tax payer lost money on bankrupt green energy company's
A democrat allowed firearms into the hands of Mexican terrorists
A democrat did back door deals to create the biggest tax on the middle class in Americas history called obamatax.
When you vote remember this
Since 1946 democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years
they dropped the A-bomb

They have expanded the welfare system to a point that it makes for a comfortable life style.
A democrat signed the assault weapons ban
A democrats signed NAFTA
A democrat took money from social security to make it look like there was a surpplus
A democrat gave us a recession
A democrat lied his way to election but continued Bush policy
A democrat extended and expand portions of the Patriot act
A democrat signed into law the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention
A democrat gave aid to Americas enemy in Libya
A democrat by passed congress and gave amnesty to illegals
A democrat refused to assist border states with illegals crossing the border

Record number of Americans on food stamps 64 million last checked

42 straight months of Unemployment 8% or higher

Americas AAA credit rating DOWN GRADED

Even though the recession was over in 2009 things have not gotten better in the industry's that drive the economy Manufacturing and Construction

I haven't seen gas below 3.00 a gallon in North Carolina since obama's first year in office.

American tax payers lost money on a democrats bailout to unions and CEO'S that supported Democrats
American tax payer lost money on bankrupt green energy company's
A democrat allowed firearms into the hands of Mexican terrorists
A democrat did back door deals to create the biggest tax on the middle class in Americas history called obamatax.

Well, you can thank George W. Bush for much of it.


When you vote remember this
Since 1946 democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years
they dropped the A-bomb

They have expanded the welfare system to a point that it makes for a comfortable life style.
A democrat signed the assault weapons ban
A democrats signed NAFTA
A democrat took money from social security to make it look like there was a surpplus
A democrat gave us a recession
A democrat lied his way to election but continued Bush policy
A democrat extended and expand portions of the Patriot act
A democrat signed into law the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention
A democrat gave aid to Americas enemy in Libya
A democrat by passed congress and gave amnesty to illegals
A democrat refused to assist border states with illegals crossing the border

Record number of Americans on food stamps 64 million last checked

42 straight months of Unemployment 8% or higher

Americas AAA credit rating DOWN GRADED

Even though the recession was over in 2009 things have not gotten better in the industry's that drive the economy Manufacturing and Construction

I haven't seen gas below 3.00 a gallon in North Carolina since obama's first year in office.

American tax payers lost money on a democrats bailout to unions and CEO'S that supported Democrats
American tax payer lost money on bankrupt green energy company's
A democrat allowed firearms into the hands of Mexican terrorists
A democrat did back door deals to create the biggest tax on the middle class in Americas history called obamatax.

Well, you can thank George W. Bush for much of it.



Most sane people know that presidents don't normally have much control over gas prices.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9ElKpJkzpE]Liberals blamed President Bush for high gas prices in 2006 but don't accept blame now. - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, I'm looking forward to Monday. The Democratic Labor Day celebration which is also open to the public in Charlotte will be awesome. Should be a great week.
Wow, I'm looking forward to Monday. The Democratic Labor Day celebration which is also open to the public in Charlotte will be awesome. Should be a great week.

well whoopee, just go and shut up about it already...good GRIEF
In 2006 47% of republicans said high gas prices were affected by Bush. In 2012,
65% of republicans polled say Obama is affecting the price of gas ;)

In 2006, 73% of Democrats said high gas prices were affected by Bush. In 2012, only 33% of Democrats polled say Obama is affecting the price of gas.

So with Republicans 18 point difference, Democrats a 40 point difference.

Seems Democrats love using a good crisis to spur ignorance.

Overall, 62% blamed Bush, 50% blame Obama.

Love the way you try to spin info, it is amusing, dishonest, but amusing.


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