2012 election the year that proved the TEA party is a sham

The collapse was coming it started because of Carters' actions. Gore would have just as obama has done made it worse

Truth only says things that she knows will get you riled up dude. I honestly dont believe that she believes half the shit she spews.

Tell us your evidence upon which you claim that Gore would have gone into Iraq?

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power.

We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."

Al Gore, Former Clinton Vice-President
Speech to San Francisco Commonwealth Club
September 23, 2002

Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

Al Gore said last night that the time had come for a "final reckoning" with Iraq, describing the country as a "virulent threat in a class by itself" and suggesting that the United States should consider ways to oust Saddam Hussein.

"Even if we give first priority to the destruction of terrorist networks, and even if we succeed, there are still governments that could bring us great harm. And there is a clear case that one of these governments in particular represents a virulent threat in a class by itself: Iraq. As far as I am concerned, a final reckoning with that government should be on the table."

The New York Times
Gore, Championing Bush, Calls For a 'Final Reckoning' With Iraq
February 13, 2002

Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq
You support a man who continued the Bush tax cuts, continued Bush's idea of spending money that you dont' have and you support a man who's continued the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East.

You're too stupid to know it, but you support everything you come on here and pretend to hate.

No you just pretend its true.

BTW the Iraq war is over and OBL is dead

Obama didn't keep the Bush tax cuts in place?

Obama isn't spending money that we don't have, like Bush did?

Obama isn't continuing the War on Terror?

If you deny all that reality, no wonder you're an Obama supporter.

so this is all Obamas plan for the country?

No body on the right screamed and insisted the Bush tax cuts continue?

No body on the right blocked all attempts to change the Bush direction?

see you people are dishonest as the day is long
1. I am not a leftie
2. The TEA party has become a shame because of who it supports.

But that's just it, they have not thrown there support behind neither gingrich nor romney. I am not sure where you got that info reb but it's simply not true, just because people voted for one or the other does not mean they endorse them as far as the ideology goes. People have to vote, and they simply are voting there concience on who is left that can win this election.
Look at the poll I provided.

So they are supposed to sit at home and not vote? Paul has no chance, and santorum just is not getting the message out there. Obviously people are going to vote for whom they think can win against Obama, even if it sours there mouths doing so.
1. I am not a leftie
2. The TEA party has become a shame because of who it supports.

But that's just it, they have not thrown there support behind neither gingrich nor romney. I am not sure where you got that info reb but it's simply not true, just because people voted for one or the other does not mean they endorse them as far as the ideology goes. People have to vote, and they simply are voting there concience on who is left that can win this election.

The Tea Party supported Grinch in SC.

And you base this on what? Opinion? Link?
Truth only says things that she knows will get you riled up dude. I honestly dont believe that she believes half the shit she spews.

Tell us your evidence upon which you claim that Gore would have gone into Iraq?

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power.

We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."

Al Gore, Former Clinton Vice-President
Speech to San Francisco Commonwealth Club
September 23, 2002

Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

Al Gore said last night that the time had come for a "final reckoning" with Iraq, describing the country as a "virulent threat in a class by itself" and suggesting that the United States should consider ways to oust Saddam Hussein.

"Even if we give first priority to the destruction of terrorist networks, and even if we succeed, there are still governments that could bring us great harm. And there is a clear case that one of these governments in particular represents a virulent threat in a class by itself: Iraq. As far as I am concerned, a final reckoning with that government should be on the table."

The New York Times
Gore, Championing Bush, Calls For a 'Final Reckoning' With Iraq
February 13, 2002

Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

Gore would not have gone into Iraq and that crap does not prove he would
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.

How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

Who do you imagine the TEA party is supposed to vote for?
Not Newt and not Romney.
You want a REAL TEA Party candidate? His name is Ron Paul.
Did you notice the TEA party no longer supports Ron Paul they support big government Romney and GETRICH.

What we've noticed is how desperate turds like you are to use anything you can to discredit the TEA Party.

You still FAILed.
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.

Who are you going to vote for, Ron Paul?

I've got news for you: Ron Paul can't win.

We can only for one of the candidates that is actually running. If you want perfection, you're on the wrong planet.

Getting better candidates has to start years and years before the primary season. It isn't going to happen this election, so just live with it and quit your whining.

Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?
But that's just it, they have not thrown there support behind neither gingrich nor romney. I am not sure where you got that info reb but it's simply not true, just because people voted for one or the other does not mean they endorse them as far as the ideology goes. People have to vote, and they simply are voting there concience on who is left that can win this election.

The Tea Party supported Grinch in SC.

And you base this on what? Opinion? Link?

That is what was reported. I didn't keep a link.
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.

Who are you going to vote for, Ron Paul?

I've got news for you: Ron Paul can't win.

We can only for one of the candidates that is actually running. If you want perfection, you're on the wrong planet.

Getting better candidates has to start years and years before the primary season. It isn't going to happen this election, so just live with it and quit your whining.

Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?

Ahhh, the old "can't win" thing that we are sold by the corporate media.
No you just pretend its true.

BTW the Iraq war is over and OBL is dead

Obama didn't keep the Bush tax cuts in place?

Obama isn't spending money that we don't have, like Bush did?

Obama isn't continuing the War on Terror?

If you deny all that reality, no wonder you're an Obama supporter.

so this is all Obamas plan for the country?

No body on the right screamed and insisted the Bush tax cuts continue?

No body on the right blocked all attempts to change the Bush direction?

see you people are dishonest as the day is long

If he were a true leader, he wouldn't care about their screams or what they insist. He'd stick to his principles, but he doesn't have any.

You had a majority, and the president, you had far more power than republicans did.

You love Bush policies, as long as a democrat is doing them. Partisanship has destroyed every brain cell in your skull.
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.

Who are you going to vote for, Ron Paul?

I've got news for you: Ron Paul can't win.

We can only for one of the candidates that is actually running. If you want perfection, you're on the wrong planet.

Getting better candidates has to start years and years before the primary season. It isn't going to happen this election, so just live with it and quit your whining.

Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?

Who are you going to vote for, Ron Paul?

I've got news for you: Ron Paul can't win.

Saying that does not make it so BTW I don't give a damn I am not going to be a fucking hypocrite by saying I want obama gone just to replace him with a BIG GOVERNMENT REPUBLICAN. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN I WILL WRITE RON PAUL IN IF I HAVE TO.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.

How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

Who do you imagine the TEA party is supposed to vote for?
Not Newt and not Romney.

Oh well, it is what it is. Explain to me again what interest you have in this again? I thought you supported the left.
Did you notice the TEA party no longer supports Ron Paul they support big government Romney and GETRICH.

What we've noticed is how desperate turds like you are to use anything you can to discredit the TEA Party.

You still FAILed.
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.

Are you a paul supporter?
Turds like me? You are so fucking anyone but obama bullshit I am fed up with it. god damn you fucking hacks don't get it Newt and Romney have the same god damn agenda obama does. but you fucking support the rino's to get obama out to replace him with the same of fucking shit.

Truly fucking pathetic people.

Who are you going to vote for, Ron Paul?

I've got news for you: Ron Paul can't win.

We can only for one of the candidates that is actually running. If you want perfection, you're on the wrong planet.

Getting better candidates has to start years and years before the primary season. It isn't going to happen this election, so just live with it and quit your whining.

Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?

Ahhh, the old "can't win" thing that we are sold by the corporate media.

Well obviously if everybody voted for Paul he would win, that is a gimme, it's just that Paul cannot get enough people crazy enough to buy into his foreign policy ideology, so therefore being that mathematically he cannot get the votes he cannot get the win. It's simple really.
yep. Looks like they've been co-opted/bought-off like every other splinter group. Sad. The two party system :barf: has the $ and influence to kill reform movements.

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