2012 election the year that proved the TEA party is a sham

funny stuff from a pack of clucking chickens who insist Obama is to blame for everything

You support a man who continued the Bush tax cuts, continued Bush's idea of spending money that you dont' have and you support a man who's continued the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East.

You're too stupid to know it, but you support everything you come on here and pretend to hate.

No you just pretend its true.

BTW the Iraq war is over and OBL is dead
Why are they so concerned about the Tea Party? Because it is an effective political movement? The only reason why the Tea Party is affiliated with the Republican party is because the democrat party is hopeless. Relax lefties. If the Tea Party was really a sham you wouldn't be so worried about it would you?
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

You don't stop the overflow by clogging it with more shit. First you stop doing what you did to cause the clog then you turn off the water.

Obama was the biggest turd dropped into the bowl. We managed a historic midterm in 2010, hopefully we can make an even bigger dent AND fire obama at the same time, only then can things get better. But only if we put in place strict constitutionalists Republicans and democrats.
this economic collapse would not have happened if Gore had been allowed to win the election like the American people wanted him to

The collapse was coming it started because of Carters' actions. Gore would have just as obama has done made it worse
Why are they so concerned about the Tea Party? Because it is an effective political movement? The only reason why the Tea Party is affiliated with the Republican party is because the democrat party is hopeless. Relax lefties. If the Tea Party was really a sham you wouldn't be so worried about it would you?
1. I am not a leftie
2. The TEA party has become a shame because of who it supports.
Freedom works owns the tea party

George soros and Van Jones backs OWS, at least freedom works loves America and does not want the constitution to be destroyed, the other two however the same can not be said about them.

The Tea Party and OWS have (had) a lot in common. However:

The media has been doing their divide and conquer thing.

Both have been co-opted.
Bush did distroy this economy.

He stood in front of the American people and annouced it BEFORE Obama was elected.
Bush had a Democratic controlled congress. and Bushj wasn't a conservative he was the beginning of obamaII

bush ii had a republican controlled congress for awhile.

Not a filibuster proof congress though like the dems had for two years. The dems own this economy, they can blame Bush all they want, but with a two year filibuster proof congress, there are no excuses, they could have passed whatever legislation they wanted to improve the economy, but instead insisted on spending 5 trillion dollars and sink it even further into the ground.
The problem with the tea party is the same problem all ideology driven groups come up against, politics requires reality. When everything is viewed through the large end of the binoculars you miss a lot. The one thing they accomplished is the election of the hard core do-nothings of the 2010 election. A perfect example of why ideology always fails, at some point you have to do more than say NO. Roll up your sleeves and work, anyone at all including little babies can whine and cry.

from the day i first heard about the tea party i told my wife that i was going to patiently wait and watch to see how they evolved. i was most interested to see if they were really concerned about reducing our national debt, or, if it was a re-branding of the republican party to regain power. i think there is a minority of people who genuinely want to address and reduce our national debt. those people seem to be now drowned out by standard republicans (who jumped on the bandwagon and rode it all the way to power). i feel most sorry for those that want to address the real issue of our debt. their heart in the right place but they really have no chance against the established republicans. and in a twist of irony, they have helped elect, and will continue to help elect people that will act against their main objective.

The GOP can only absorb the tea party if we let them. Our only job now is to keep electing tea party candidates into office and over time they will have a majority, and then and only then will you see positive change in the Republican party. Of course they will be absorbed, but that doesn't mean they lost there conviction and constitutional beliefs, it only means they temporarily must spend time in the devils house until the house is remodeled.
See , you are pretending Bush and the republican party never had complete control.

The reason the dems got elected in the 2006 elections is because the people were already feeling the crash coming.

Which years did Bush and the Republicans have complete control? This is news to me.
Bush distroyed the world economy with wars built on lies and spending like fools.

Now they refuse to ever even admitt they had control.

everything is Obamas fault in their fact devoid brains.

Americans are sick of these fools
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
See , you are pretending Bush and the republican party never had complete control.

The reason the dems got elected in the 2006 elections is because the people were already feeling the crash coming.

Oh yes there was wasteful spending while the republicans had control. However, the real wasteful spending under bush started when the democrats took control,


wars built on lies and unfunded mandates from YOUR guys.

See how easy to out you are.

Both wars approved by democrats in congress. Bush could not have went to war without democrat approval, so if you wanna use this gems you have to use it on them as well. Unlike obama, Bush did the right thing and got congress's approval first.

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