2012 NBA Playoffs

Spurs made the mistake of not coming to play in Game 3 and letting the Thunder back in this series. And losing Game 5 at home, starting the game flat was a cardinal offense. And Game 4 in between Sefolosha and Ibaka played above their heads.

Game 6 is dangerous, but I expect the Spurs to throw everything at the Thunder and then take this back to Game 7 and close it out still.

I think Game 5 is more dangerous for the Celtics than Game 6 is for the Spurs. Celts will be playing 5 on 8 in a hostile environment and they'll have to play head and shoulders better than the Heat to pull it out. If they don't do it then their backs will be against the wall.

Game 5 is going to be some bullshit, expect to see the rig job tonight in Miami.

Boston was down big now only 2. They won't go down without a fight.
The Heat couldn't beat Dallas last year with Chris Bosh.

What makes you think they can beat the Thunder this season even if Bosh comes back healthy?

The Thunder will polish off the Spurs at SA - then will be rested for the winner of Heat-Celtics.....

Will win the finals in 6 games at the most.

I hope you meant in OKC because if not, you think its going 7 and the Spurs lose? I think if it goes 7, which it will not, like in 2005, the Spurs will win. I just know it. That's why game 6 is pivotal for the Thunder. But they will do it. And Westbrook will show up because its at home. He sucked in game 5. :eusa_shhh:
I think the Spurs are boring and hope it isn't them who wins it all this year.

Did you forget Dallas? They may have a repeat in them but I doubt it. Its tough to do.

The Lakers. I was starting to think maybe them and then Meta World Piece of Shit punched that guy on Oklahoma and now I don't think so. And Bynum is an asshole too. Bad Karma on this team. No championship, I hope. But you never know with Kobe. He is great.

I think it is amazing that the Heat are probably not going to win again this year. I think it is a better story that Lebron still doesn't have a ring. I'm sure Cleveland fans agree.

Boston? Good but no way. But man is Rondo the bomb or what?

NY? I wish. I don't know why I want them to be good. NY is a big market and should be good. Spike Lee vs. Jack Nicholson finals would be great! Maybe next year when Lin is back.

I want Oklahoma to win and picked them earlier this year but now I'm not so sure. They are showing weaknessess all of the sudden. But I LOVE Durant. He's the best, not Lebron. And of course I mean when Kobe retires. Because he's still the best.

It would be cool if the Bulls won. But I just don't see that happening. They have to win one to win me over. But they are a solid TEAM and they have Rip Hamilton now too. Man what would Miami do if the Bulls beat them? OMG. I can't wait.

Looks like its going to be Thunder v Heat. Sorry Celtic fans. You just don't have enough faith yourself for me to have any in the old boys. They gotta step up and make that shot like Harden and Westbook. :eusa_whistle:

Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:

They know it now. 84% of the time the team that wins game 5 wins the series. :bow2::bowdown::banana:

Magic and the gang are saying Miami plays like its an open court game at the gym. No plays. No team concept. Hopefully Miami/Lebron gets exposed like this every year. Last year it was in Dallas, this year its in Boston. Good luck Boston!
Looks like its going to be Thunder v Heat. Sorry Celtic fans. You just don't have enough faith yourself for me to have any in the old boys. They gotta step up and make that shot like Harden and Westbook. :eusa_whistle:

Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:

They know it now. 84% of the time the team that wins game 5 wins the series. :bow2::bowdown::banana:

Magic and the gang are saying Miami plays like its an open court game at the gym. No plays. No team concept. Hopefully Miami/Lebron gets exposed like this every year. Last year it was in Dallas, this year its in Boston. Good luck Boston!

Yeah, ESPN post game guys murdered Miami
Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:

They know it now. 84% of the time the team that wins game 5 wins the series. :bow2::bowdown::banana:

Magic and the gang are saying Miami plays like its an open court game at the gym. No plays. No team concept. Hopefully Miami/Lebron gets exposed like this every year. Last year it was in Dallas, this year its in Boston. Good luck Boston!

Yeah, ESPN post game guys murdered Miami

Sour grapes. They all picked Miami. Barkley and Shaq picked the Celtics in six.
I was in the gym playing basketball for most of the first three quarters. I watched the final quarter on the stairmaster. I got the typical bs I expected from the refs. Their were two or three calls in the meat of the quarter that weren't even borderline. They were just plain bad calls. The Garnett post-up on Wade where he just flopped down because he didn't want to get posted is the first that comes to mind. That shit would have never been called in the 70's. Be a man and stay on your feet.

But then at the end is when the refs really put their stamp on the game. That called block on Pierce was easily a charge. It should have been ball game right there. Instead, 2 FTs for the Heat.

And then that out of bounds call with 41 seconds left. F'ing #9 ref looking right at the play 7 feet in front of him and he blatantly misses the call. You can say, what's the big deal, replay last 2 minutes of the game anyhow and the C's got the ball. Yea, but if it wasn't conclusive then the ball wouldn't have went to the C's. I laughed when Stern instituted instant replay for the final 2 minutes on plays like that. He unwittingly shot himself in the foot. Back in the day that was guaranteed cheating for him.
I was in the gym playing basketball for most of the first three quarters. I watched the final quarter on the stairmaster. I got the typical bs I expected from the refs. Their were two or three calls in the meat of the quarter that weren't even borderline. They were just plain bad calls. The Garnett post-up on Wade where he just flopped down because he didn't want to get posted is the first that comes to mind. That shit would have never been called in the 70's. Be a man and stay on your feet.

But then at the end is when the refs really put their stamp on the game. That called block on Pierce was easily a charge. It should have been ball game right there. Instead, 2 FTs for the Heat.

And then that out of bounds call with 41 seconds left. F'ing #9 ref looking right at the play 7 feet in front of him and he blatantly misses the call. You can say, what's the big deal, replay last 2 minutes of the game anyhow and the C's got the ball. Yea, but if it wasn't conclusive then the ball wouldn't have went to the C's. I laughed when Stern instituted instant replay for the final 2 minutes on plays like that. He unwittingly shot himself in the foot. Back in the day that was guaranteed cheating for him.

Yup I saw that charge on Pierce also, definently a foul on the Heat. The refs are doing their part to keep the Heat in these ball games for sure its just that Miami hasn't been able to capitalize on it, the thing is Boston still has to win another game and with Bosh getting more minutes and the refs on their side anything is possible, Miami can still win this.
Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:

They know it now. 84% of the time the team that wins game 5 wins the series. :bow2::bowdown::banana:

Magic and the gang are saying Miami plays like its an open court game at the gym. No plays. No team concept. Hopefully Miami/Lebron gets exposed like this every year. Last year it was in Dallas, this year its in Boston. Good luck Boston!

Yeah, ESPN post game guys murdered Miami

They all picked Miami last night and in game 4, honestly I thought Miami would win last night as well. They really had everything going for them, they were at home, they had Chris Bosh coming back, they had the support of the refs and everyone and their dog picked Miami to win. You really cannot ask for too much more and Miami is blowing it.
This is far from over though, Stern is going to do everything in his power to make sure Lebron and company get to the NBA Finals, theres too much invested in this Heat project for it to fail like this.
I been thinking on it and theres no way Stern lets Boston win this series, too much time, money and treasure has been invested into Lebron and company, failure is not an option. I expect Miami to win the next 2 games with the most extreme ref help we have ever seen.
I been thinking on it and theres no way Stern lets Boston win this series, too much time, money and treasure has been invested into Lebron and company, failure is not an option. I expect Miami to win the next 2 games with the most extreme ref help we have ever seen.

If that happens at the Garden tomorrow night the crowd might go European soccer style on the refs and run them out of the building.
I been thinking on it and theres no way Stern lets Boston win this series, too much time, money and treasure has been invested into Lebron and company, failure is not an option. I expect Miami to win the next 2 games with the most extreme ref help we have ever seen.

If that happens at the Garden tomorrow night the crowd might go European soccer style on the refs and run them out of the building.

I hate to say it but thats the kind of shit that may need to happen to force Stern and his thugs from rigging these games, to be honest this series would have been over already if the refs would have called the foul on Wade when he hacked Rondo going to the basket in OT in game 2. I expect some wierd shit to happen tomorrow, the refs will not go down without a fight.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOM4qgO_IYk]Celtics vs. Heat GAME 5 Highlights (2012 NBA Playoffs) - YouTube[/ame]

Wade slams the ball at the one minute mark after the official had called a foul. Last I checked that's supposed to be at T. Of course, it's Wade (the most over-rated player in NBA history) so there's no call.
Spurs get up 18 and all of the sudden they're playing 5 v 8. That tech on Jackson was nonsense. And the Thunder are allowed set moving screens on the offensive end.
Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:

They know it now. 84% of the time the team that wins game 5 wins the series. :bow2::bowdown::banana:

Magic and the gang are saying Miami plays like its an open court game at the gym. No plays. No team concept. Hopefully Miami/Lebron gets exposed like this every year. Last year it was in Dallas, this year its in Boston. Good luck Boston!

Yeah, ESPN post game guys murdered Miami

What is about to happen??? Will Durant do it? Is Harden heating up? About to take over? Take it to another level? Or are the Spurs going win? I doubt it, although its anyones guess. You don't usually win when you blow a 20 point lead.

Which is why I think basketball is a lot more mental than we think. If not, why is it so much better to be playing at home? Or why is it the Spurs can blow a 20 point lead but the Thunder don't go another 20 points ahead of them in the next quarter. Are they playing differently? Why not just pretend you are down 20 all the time and then you will wind up 20 points ahead of your opponent? I just got home when the Spurs were up 12. I didn't know they were up 20. I would have been so nervous. And I'm glad to see the Thunder came back quickly from being 12 down.

Its the Durant show. I told you all he was the greatest and you guys said he had no D. Well he's beating the team you all said was the best team, the deepest team, etc. Wrong! The Thunder are ready to take the title. God please don't blow this guys. :eusa_pray:

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