2012 NBA Playoffs

I could see calling a timeout with .8 seconds down 4 - a freak 4 point play happens once in a blue moon.

But a 5 point play in .8 sec is a physical impossibility.

And it is not about coaching a young team to compete to the last second.

Spurs probably still the oldest team in the NBA.
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Spurs made the mistake of not coming to play in Game 3 and letting the Thunder back in this series. And losing Game 5 at home, starting the game flat was a cardinal offense. And Game 4 in between Sefolosha and Ibaka played above their heads.

Game 6 is dangerous, but I expect the Spurs to throw everything at the Thunder and then take this back to Game 7 and close it out still.

I think Game 5 is more dangerous for the Celtics than Game 6 is for the Spurs. Celts will be playing 5 on 8 in a hostile environment and they'll have to play head and shoulders better than the Heat to pull it out. If they don't do it then their backs will be against the wall.
And I get the feeling its going to come down to the last second of every game. That's how they beat us in 2004. Mathotical mother#*$&@#&s I do fear Ginobli, Parker and Duncan. 3 smart crafty mothers who know how to play with each other really well. They know how to take away your strengths and exploit your weakness'. And if their roleplayers step up, oh shit.

But I'm hoping that like always, old eventually loses to young. Young eventually takes over. Duncan was playing back when David Robinson was in the league. The dude has to be 100 years old by now. And Ginobli's bald spot is rediculous. You know how they show the president 4 years later and he is much grayer? That's this Spurs team. OLD! But Freakin GOOD too. I know why you lame asses like them, and so should I, but I don't. You want the old to beat the young. Show them we still got it. I get it. I just want to see the new come in and take over. Durant is going to win several championships, not Lebron. And I don't want to wait until next year. Who knows what will happen next year. This is OK's chance. I hate it in the NBA that every great team has to first learn how to fail before they win. I hate taking the lumps. I want to the Thunder to be the new reigning champs who win 3 in a row. Then Kobe will go away. Then LeBron will not win 7 rings, as he predicted.

But if the Spurs win, they'll just gain a new fan, me. Granted a fair weather fan, but still a fan.

Keep this in mind though, whens the last time a young team won a championship? Dallas last year was not by any means a young team and neither were the Lakers or Celtics, its usually older mature teams like Boston, San Antonio, etc that win, not young bucks like the Thunder and Clippers.

What was that? :lol:

OKC didn't win the championship last night, last time I checked.:eusa_hand:
The playoff seeds are not yet set; but it's an interesting discussion to start now!

Just some thoughts off the top of my head:

  • The Spurs are the deepest team I've seen in a long time. I know that that doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot in terms of playoff rotations when teams are only using an 8 man rotation. But it does mean a couple things still. First, they've taken advantage of their depth to potentially get the one seed while playing key players limited minutes. Second, it means that injuries won't hurt them as much as the next team. It'd still be hard to see them winning it all though w/o The Big Three healthy.
  • Although the Heat have so much athleticism that they can somewhat defy the conventional wisdom of having strong bigs; I have to believe the odds are against them even with Stern pulling all his punches (inevitably). They can win the weaker East for sure though. So it would depend on who they match-up with from The West.
  • I think the Bulls are a bit hyped but I have been taking them more seriously in recent weeks and I do think they are the best team in the East. I do like that they gel as a team. They are fun to watch. But personally, I don't like Rose or Noah so I personally won't be rooting for them.
  • The Celtics are the third team from the East with a real shot. I'll lay it out on the table. I'm a C's fan so that's my bias. But ever since Doc inserted Avery Bradley into the starting line-up the defensive intensity has returned. They have all the types of pieces and experience needed. Their achilles heel is rebounding though.

    I could see them beating the Heat or the Bulls; but both would probably be a stretch. So hopefully one of them gets upset from my C's fan P.O.V.

    But the C's often play down to their competition. So before it even gets to that, they'll have their hands full with the freaking Hawks who suck. But still Boston will find a way to keep them in games.
  • I like watching the OKC Thunder come playoff time b/c they're exciting. But I have to agree with Shaq. They rely entirely too much on jump shooting. That could hurt them especially if they play a quick team with good perimeter defenders. The Grizzlies or Clippers come to mind.
  • Speaking of the Grizzlies and Clippers; I tend to think that neither of them will make it to the conference finals. They are fun to watch though.
  • I am disappointed that the 4 v 5 Clippers vs. Lakers match-up did not occur. That would have been epic. Kobe is so jealous of the new kids on the block lol.
  • The eight seed is not yet set in the West. This game between Phx and Utah looks like do or die. Phoenix is pretty weak. I think the Spurs will be rooting for them. Houston, who is also in the chase for the last seed is looking dysfunctional. So I think the Spurs would like them too. I think Utah is a sleeper. But I don't think Harris can outplay Parker so it still won't matter.

I think the Spurs are boring and hope it isn't them who wins it all this year.

Did you forget Dallas? They may have a repeat in them but I doubt it. Its tough to do.

The Lakers. I was starting to think maybe them and then Meta World Piece of Shit punched that guy on Oklahoma and now I don't think so. And Bynum is an asshole too. Bad Karma on this team. No championship, I hope. But you never know with Kobe. He is great.

I think it is amazing that the Heat are probably not going to win again this year. I think it is a better story that Lebron still doesn't have a ring. I'm sure Cleveland fans agree.

Boston? Good but no way. But man is Rondo the bomb or what?

NY? I wish. I don't know why I want them to be good. NY is a big market and should be good. Spike Lee vs. Jack Nicholson finals would be great! Maybe next year when Lin is back.

I want Oklahoma to win and picked them earlier this year but now I'm not so sure. They are showing weaknessess all of the sudden. But I LOVE Durant. He's the best, not Lebron. And of course I mean when Kobe retires. Because he's still the best.

It would be cool if the Bulls won. But I just don't see that happening. They have to win one to win me over. But they are a solid TEAM and they have Rip Hamilton now too. Man what would Miami do if the Bulls beat them? OMG. I can't wait.

Looks like its going to be Thunder v Heat. Sorry Celtic fans. You just don't have enough faith yourself for me to have any in the old boys. They gotta step up and make that shot like Harden and Westbook. :eusa_whistle:

Whatever the Celtics have been playing 5 on 8 the whole series, if the Heat win it won't be because they are the better team and even they know that.:eusa_hand:
Spurs made the mistake of not coming to play in Game 3 and letting the Thunder back in this series. And losing Game 5 at home, starting the game flat was a cardinal offense. And Game 4 in between Sefolosha and Ibaka played above their heads.

Game 6 is dangerous, but I expect the Spurs to throw everything at the Thunder and then take this back to Game 7 and close it out still.

I think Game 5 is more dangerous for the Celtics than Game 6 is for the Spurs. Celts will be playing 5 on 8 in a hostile environment and they'll have to play head and shoulders better than the Heat to pull it out. If they don't do it then their backs will be against the wall.

Game 5 is going to be some bullshit, expect to see the rig job tonight in Miami.
The Thunder are going to win the title.

Durant, Westbrook, Harden, Collison were all on the Sonics.

The Thunder are going to win the title.

Durant, Westbrook, Harden, Collison were all on the Sonics.


I still think one of the older teams probably the Spurs is going to win, whens the last time a young team win a title? can anyone answer me that?
Spurs made the mistake of not coming to play in Game 3 and letting the Thunder back in this series. And losing Game 5 at home, starting the game flat was a cardinal offense. And Game 4 in between Sefolosha and Ibaka played above their heads.

Game 6 is dangerous, but I expect the Spurs to throw everything at the Thunder and then take this back to Game 7 and close it out still.

I think Game 5 is more dangerous for the Celtics than Game 6 is for the Spurs. Celts will be playing 5 on 8 in a hostile environment and they'll have to play head and shoulders better than the Heat to pull it out. If they don't do it then their backs will be against the wall.

Game 5 is going to be some bullshit, expect to see the rig job tonight in Miami.

Forty plus free throws between James/Wade/(Bosh)?
The Heat couldn't beat Dallas last year with Chris Bosh.

What makes you think they can beat the Thunder this season even if Bosh comes back healthy?

The Thunder will polish off the Spurs at SA - then will be rested for the winner of Heat-Celtics.....

Will win the finals in 6 games at the most.
Spurs made the mistake of not coming to play in Game 3 and letting the Thunder back in this series. And losing Game 5 at home, starting the game flat was a cardinal offense. And Game 4 in between Sefolosha and Ibaka played above their heads.

Game 6 is dangerous, but I expect the Spurs to throw everything at the Thunder and then take this back to Game 7 and close it out still.

I think Game 5 is more dangerous for the Celtics than Game 6 is for the Spurs. Celts will be playing 5 on 8 in a hostile environment and they'll have to play head and shoulders better than the Heat to pull it out. If they don't do it then their backs will be against the wall.

The Spurs have nothing left. They have been exposed. God I hated every year the Spurs won except the first one with Robinson. That year I liked the Spurs. But the Duncan Spurs were/are boring. Great team basketball, but boring and I don't want them to win. And I'm glad the Thunder have risen to the challange. God damn the 2005 Pistons. Pussies. Maybe that's why I hate the Spurs so much. Boring ass team beat Sheed, Ben, Chauncey, Rip and Prince. I loved that starting 5. 8 straight Eastern Conference finals or something like that. Almost a decade in Sterns grill. I'm sure he didn't like us. :lol: No way they liked Sheed.

Anyways, time for the New Kids on the block. Next year it will be Thunder, Clippers, Grizzlys, Chicago, Miami, Philly, Indiana. Kobe, the Celtics and Spurs can retire now. Or go help Durant win another one. Bout the only way Kobe wins another one.

Watch the Spurs come back. Totally capable. No one would have believed that the Thunder would win 3 in a row, so not that unthinkable the Spurs win 2 in a row. But they gotta win in OKC??? NO fucking way. :eusa_pray:

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