2013: Australia's Hottest Year On Record

The denier cultists have to ignore this news item, Abe. Acknowledging that a whole continent just had its hottest year on record might disrupt some of the myths that the deniers hold dear, like the one that claims that the the Earth is now "cooling" because it was really cold in someone's backyard last week (in the winter). The deniers just have to shut their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears and shout LA-LA-LA-LA when you try to point out to them that more places around the world had hotter than average temperatures than the number of places that had colder than average temperatures this last year, which is why 2013 is going to be the seventh warmest year on record.

2013 On Track to be Seventh Warmest Year Since 1850
November 13th, 2013
The world is on track to have its 7th warmest year on record in 2013, which is up from 2012, which was the globe’s 9th warmest year, according to a new report released on Wednesday. The report from the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva found that the January to September period tied with 2003 for the 7th warmest such period on record, with an average global surface temperature that was 0.86°F above the 1961-1990 average. In addition, global average sea level reached a record high this year, with an average rate of increase of 0.13 inches per year, which is double the observed 20th century rate. Sea level is rising because of melting polar ice caps and warming ocean temperatures that cause the water to expand over time. WMO secretary-general Michel Jarraud pointed to sea level rise as a factor that makes coastal populations more vulnerable to the impacts from tropical cyclones, such as deadly Super Typhoon Haiyan, which was also known as Yolanda in the Philippines. “Although individual tropical cyclones cannot be directly attributed to climate change, higher sea levels are already making coastal populations more vulnerable to storm surges. We saw this with tragic consequences in the Philippines,” Jarraud said. “All of the warmest years have been since 1998 and this year once again continues the underlying, long-term trend,” Jirraud said. “The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998."

Largely as a result of all the extra CO2 and other greenhouse gases pumped into the air, worldwide average temperatures have already risen by 1.6°F between 1901-2012 and are projected to increase by between 0.54°F to 8.64°F by 2081-2100 compared to 1986-2005 levels, depending on the future amounts of greenhouse gases in the air, according to the IPCC. The WMO report amounts to a status report of the global climate system, and it notes that Australia experienced the most unusually warm weather this year, while parts of North and South America, northern Africa, and much of Eurasia also saw warmer than average temperatures. Cooler-than-average temperatures were observed over parts of North America, central South America, and parts of northeastern Asia, among other areas. Australia had its hottest month on record in January 2013, its hottest summer on record, and its 3rd-hottest winter. The country is also headed for its hottest year on record as well. During the country’s intense heat wave in January, Australia set a record for the hottest nationally-averaged maximum temperature, with a reading of 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the report, the annual number of record high temperatures in Australia has doubled since 1960, with the past decade seeing the highest number on record during that time period.
Once again the AGW cultists show that local weather is climate, even though they post often that it is not.
Once again the AGW cultists show that local weather is climate, even though they post often that it is not.

Yup. let one of us post the coldest year for somewhere and they are quick to state that it is local and not world wide. Then they trot this crap out.

Still waiting for a real explanation, if CO2 is causing warming how come global temps stopped growing in 1998?
Who is after the coldest year???

Who cares? You were just on about how cold temps in the US did not matter because the world was not the US, now your all aglow about some temps in Australia. Last I checked they are not the whole world either.

Ohh and care to tell us why the temps have not gone up since 1998?
Ohh and care to tell us why the temps have not gone up since 1998?

You're misinformed, as usual. Global temperatures have, in fact, gone up quite significantly since 1998. As was pointed out by the head of the World Meteorological Organization, in the article that I just cited, all of the warmest years on record, going back to the mid to late 1800s, have happened since 1998, and even the coldest years that have occurred since 1998 have been warmer than the warmest years before 1998. Of course, that's just referring to the surface air temperature record which only accounts for about 3% of the total heat energy being retained by the Earth from the sun's input. Over 90% of the sun energy is absorbed by the oceans which have been shown to be heating up faster in the last decade and at greater depth than they were before. Some of the extra heat energy the Earth has been retaining has been going into melting the Arctic ice cap, Greenland, West Antarctica, the mountain glaciers, and the permafrost, and the speed of that melting has also increased in the last several decades. Recent studies, using satellite measurements that can better calculate the actual warming in the Arctic than the surface station records, show that even the rate of global average surface air temperature increases that was seen in the 1980s & 90s has not slowed down or 'paused' since 1998.

Your denier cult myth about 'no warming since 1998' has been debunked repeatedly, both on the matter of statistical cherry-picking and on the basis of actual physical reality, but you deniers are too brainwashed and too blinded by your cultic myths and political fixations to be able to let it go. It will be interesting to watch your response to the new high record breaking temperatures for the year that will be set sometime in the next few years. If an El Niño event should develop in the Pacific this next summer, as they are now predicting, 2014 might be the new hottest year on record, replacing 2010 and 2005 which are now tied for first place.

The Wamers want you to be in hysteria because tempatures are rising.

What they don't want you to know is that global tempatures have been going up steadily for the last 12,000 years (since the last ice age) and that it is perfectly natural.

Do you always flap yap with no information at all to back you up on every subject you address?

File:Holocene Temperature Variations.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Went up rapidly to 10,000 years ago, peaked at 8,000 years ago, and has been declining since that time. Except, after the industrial revolution, we have a rise so rapid that it doesn't even show on the chart.

Now Hawk, people like you could do some basic research before flapping yap, but you are just too damned lazy.
Once again the AGW cultists show that local weather is climate, even though they post often that it is not.

I never said it was climate but temps for an entire continent for an entire year is a hell of a lot closer than the nightly weather report from Green Bay.

Once again the AGW cultists show
Still waiting for a real explanation, if CO2 is causing warming how come global temps stopped growing in 1998?

Because they haven't.

1) The Top of Atmosphere (ToA) radiative imbalance is UNCHANGED. The Earth is still accumulating infrared as fast as it ever was. That is really all I need to say, but let's continue.

2) The only temperatures whose rate of increase has slowed are the surface temperatures and they are still warming, just at a slower rate.

3) The deep ocean, whose heat capacity is vastly larger than the entire atmosphere, is heating up at a rapid rate and that rate increased dramatically at the same time surface warming slowed.

4) The current hiatus strongly resembles a weaker version of the 1941-1979 period. That, of course, did not mark the end of global warming either. It also puts the current climate's behavior well within the bounds of it's recorded natural variation.

This is probably the fourth or fifth time I've made these points. No one has refuted any of them but none of you seem to accept them. What does that say about the validity of your positions? Nothing good.
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Hi guys

I am new here.

I am from Sydney, Australia.

Someone above mentioned that a country had just experienced its coldest year ever.

Which country was that ?

Thanks in advance!

I don't know. There was some discussion about cold weather in the US. Cold air has been leaving the Arctic and flowing down across Canada and the American midwest. On more than one occasion this season, it's been colder at spots in the northern US than it has been at the North Pole at the same time.

How's your weather been in Sydney? More importantly (for this forum at least) how's your climate been?

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