2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

2014 is on track to be the next new 'hottest year on record' but the denier cultists bleat about how cold it is in their backyard, as if that 'disproved' the plain fact that the Earth is heating up as the extra CO2 retains more of the sun's energy. Their seeming inability to recognize the difference between local weather and global climate trends is either the calculated denial of the facts by paid trolls, or the befuddled incomprehension of reality by brainwashed rightwingnut retards.

I've already mentioned, by way of giving some balance to their citing some cooler areas of (just) the USA, that California just had a record breaking hot first eight months of the year, exceeding the old record for that period by over one full degree F., and that LA has just recently been going through a pretty strong heatwave. Here's some more recent contrasting weather, just here in the US, that the deluded deniers HAVE to ignore or their propaganda meme will collapse and their heads will explode.

Punishing heat wave scorches central, southern U.S.
Doyle Rice
August 25, 2014
The worst heat wave of the summer continues to scorch much of the central and southern U.S. this week, with high temperatures topping 100 degrees from Texas to Kansas. Heat index values, which factor in the humidity, are as high as 110 degrees Monday, the National Weather Service warns. Tuesday should be equally dreadful. The weather service has posted heat advisories and excessive heat warnings across the region through Tuesday. The entire state of Missouri, along with much of Illinois and Arkansas, is under a heat advisory. In St. Louis city, eight people have suffered a heat-related illness and four have been admitted to local hospitals. "Feels like summer, we've been spoiled," golfer Mike McKee said Sunday in St. Louis, speaking about the relatively cool summer before this heat wave. Monday will likely be Chicago's hottest day of the summer. The heat should also pay a brief visit to the Northeast by midweek. High temperatures will reach well into the 80s across New England and the central Appalachians, and can reach near the 90-degree mark along the Interstate 95 corridor during the middle of this week, reports AccuWeather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski. Temperatures in this range are between 5 and 10 degrees above average for late August.
It all comes from the same 'hair on fire' brigade.....

1. “Ron Arnold, a former executive director of the Sierra Club and founder of the unfairly maligned ‘Wise Use’ movement, has spent the last twenty years researching the cooperation among foundations, ENGOs, individual activists, and activist federal employees….

Arnold proves that thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas.

Put plainly, by the early 1990s, according to Arnold, the federal agencies- the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management- and many equivalent state agencies were riddled with activists.”
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.164.

More rightwingnuttery from corporate stooges who are insane enough to believe that people who are concerned about the damage to the Earth's ecology that unrestrained capitalism is doing, are somehow "fascists".

".... corporate stooges ...."

"thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas."

See any ".... corporate stooges ...." in there, you dunce?
LOLOL.....yeah, I see you stooging for the corps like the brainwashed moron you are, and I see the author and the publishers of that idiotic twaddle you posted also stooging for the corporate anti-environmental, anti-regulatory agenda.

I asked you a question....

"thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas."

See any ".... corporate stooges ...." in there, you dunce?
LOLOL.....yeah, I see you stooging for the corps like the brainwashed moron you are, and I see the author and the publishers of that idiotic twaddle you posted also stooging for the corporate anti-environmental, anti-regulatory agenda.
I asked you a question...."thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas." See any ".... corporate stooges ...." in there, you dunce?

LOLOL......I already answered your question, stooge.
"thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas."

Here's a question for you: what percentage of ALL government employees do you believe have the capacity to exercise ANY influence, agenda-driven or not; undue or not? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? The government is filled with hundreds of thousands of clerical worker bees and very, very, very few queens. If you believe otherwise, you're either ignorant or paranoid.
"thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas."

Here's a question for you: what percentage of ALL government employees do you believe have the capacity to exercise ANY influence, agenda-driven or not; undue or not? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? The government is filled with hundreds of thousands of clerical worker bees and very, very, very few queens. If you believe otherwise, you're either ignorant or paranoid.
That us better a question asked if those who follow Howard zinn, a government worker been who advocated that all in government could be activists within their perspective government jobs.

Crick, you know nothing of the liberal movement you a part of, liberalism could be Marxism but crick would never know, that is how shallow crick's thinking is.

I posted the current temperatures in a graph showing cooling.. and the moron rants on... If it were not for the need to teach others and expose others to the truth, I wouldn't even bother to respond to these idiots..

I'm reporting on the scientific evidence that 2014 will almost certainly be the next new 'warmest year on record' GLOBALLY, you deceitful troll. Your article is talking about ONLY one small area of Indiana. You are so lame!

Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade New York Post

ONLY talking about New York City, cretin.

NOAA Winter 2013-2014 Among Coldest on Record in Midwest Driest Warmest in Southwest - weather.com

LOLOL.....it is right in the title, idiot, "coldest in Midwest" but "WARMEST IN SOUTHWEST". And ONLY in parts of the U.S., which you jingoistically seem to imagine is the whole world.

Global Warming Alert 2014 coldest year on record Poor Richard s News

Nothing but desperate lies from rightwingnut central.

How's a person to know who is telling the truth?

Well...in your case...you would have to first grow a brain...

Then...you would have to grasp the difference between 'local' and 'global'.

Then you might be able to grasp the fact that the first three articles were "telling the truth" about very small areas, not the planet. Your last article was total bullshit. You're either very retarded or a very deceitful troll.
How to know a complete idiot. He posts about his back yard when we are talking global issues.

Yes, you are a fucking idiot, ......

The Number Of Volcanic Eruptions Is Increasing And That Could Lead To An Extremely Cold Winter Alternative

No, you are the "fucking idiot", as you continually demonstrate.

What do imagine that an increase in volcanic eruptions has to do with the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting AGW or the fact that 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record?
Old Moron just cant get his facts straight..


We are no where near a warm record...
Old Moron just cant get his facts straight..


We are no where near a warm record...

You freaking idiot! We're talking about 2014 being the warmest year on record GLOBALLY!!! The USA only covers about 2% of the Earth's surface.

Grow a brain, retard.
How to know a complete idiot. He posts about his back yard when we are talking global issues.

Yes, you are a fucking idiot, ......

The Number Of Volcanic Eruptions Is Increasing And That Could Lead To An Extremely Cold Winter Alternative

No, you are the "fucking idiot", as you continually demonstrate.

What do imagine that an increase in volcanic eruptions has to do with the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting AGW or the fact that 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record?

There is NO OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE, it's assholes like you that keep yelling it, and have FALSE evidence! Such as the e-mails from East Anglia!!!
Like when old crock reported on glaciers old crock sees from old frock ' s house

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