2014: Reversal of Fortune in the House

And the far right and libertarian wishful thinking brigade continue to guarantee a generation of Democratic control
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

I think we are going to find out how much women hate being lied to.
Obama has a huge credibility gap theres no way he's passing any major laws. Period

"White People"

One bill makes you larger
And one bill makes you small
And the ones that Boehner gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Nancy
When she was ten feet tall

And if you go chasing immigrants
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking President
Has given you the call
Call Nancy
When she was just small

When the men causing gridlock
Get up and filibuster all for show
And you've just seen the new pages
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Nancy
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Are absent in every thread
And Ann Coulter is talking backwards
And Sarah Palin's off with her head
Remember what Harry Reid said
We're the walking dead
We're the walking dead
Relax everybody no repeal or reform of Obamacare can possibly pass both houses.

Without repeal or reform the Ds lose their base.

The problem of a small minority voting for the Rs while the GOP sticks to the unDs platform assumes that the Ds can survive their unerring streak of self-destruction, that is doubtful.

The Ds may always be wrong but that doesn't mean that the exact opposite is right, it can be, and more often than not is, just another flavor of wrong.

Republicans are going to get blindsided with the fact they don't want Americans to have health care.

All the Republicans I know want everyone to get health care. Most of them just don't want to have to pay for their own and someone elses health care insurance.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

You actually trust boehner, reid, and O to pass some meaningful law on immigration? Seriously?

Jake trusts Obama. Period.

Don't all mainstream Republicans, as Jake claims to be, trust Obama? Or at least the mainstream Republicans that are democrat operatives?
It's amazing how many people have a perfect crystal ball. Since you already know what the 2014 election results are...can you tell me next weeks lotto numbers?

Thanks in advance. :)

Were not these the same dicks that were saying that the GOP was dead for 10 years (in 2008) ? And then gave back the house in a big way in 2010.

More predictions ? You'd think they would learn their lesson.
Get ready to lose about 2/3rds + of the Hispanic votes each election.

17% of this population is now voting nearly 2/3rds against you compared to 45% for you in 2000( 12.5% of population). This population group is growing at 4-6% per decade in percentage of population the past 25 years.

Good luck in getting over 60% white to win elections....You'd have too to win another national election.

The cold hard truth is THESE PEOPLE AREN"T GOING TO BE DEPORTED. Obama Bill of enforcement after legalizion of the people already here is the only way we're going to do anything.

Don't you get it?

Florida--->Miami having a growing Hispanic population is why you lose Florida.
Co--->growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Nevada-->Growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Va--->Growing minority population and woman are killing you in the northern part of the state.

I looked at the Hispanic turn out+population growth and how much the shift effected the election.

Turning off 20-25% of the Hispanic population that MAY vote republican are killing the republican party.

I wouldn't worry too much according to this recent Gallup poll.

December 5, 2013
Obama Approval Down Most Among Hispanics in Past Year
Hispanics' approval has fallen from 75% in December 2012 to 52% in November

Obama Approval Down Most Among Hispanics in Past Year
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

You actually trust boehner, reid, and O to pass some meaningful law on immigration? Seriously?

Jake trusts Obama. Period.

Jake voted for him.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

I'll bet you and all your aliases that the Republicans pick up house and Senate seats in 2014

I'll take that bet.

Sigs..nothing obscene.
The dems will lose the senate and the GOP will strengthen it's hold on the house.

With any luck, Hillary will have a stroke.

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