2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.
The nutters are out in full force... Algore and his billions of green lobby money are behind this no doubt. Lol


^see what I mean?

NASA and NOAA are dismissed as the pawns of Al Gore. The shit one has to make up to believe in fairy tales.

It has been demonstrated too many times to count that their data is a big fat lie.
The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.

Nice source! They are one of the worst offenders at misinformation in the history of government!
For example?
Today's Climate Change Is Different!

Today's climate change is different from past climate change in several important ways:
  1. Natural causes are not responsible.None of the natural causes of climate change, including variations in the sun's energy and the Earth's orbit, can fully explain the climate changes we are seeing today. Learn more about how we know this.
  2. People's activities are the main cause. By burning lots of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, people are overloading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and adding to the greenhouse effect. People are also adding other heat–trapping greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, to the atmosphere.
  3. Greenhouse gases are at record levels in the atmosphere. For hundreds of thousands of years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stayed between 200 and 300 parts per million. Today, it's up to nearly 400 parts per million, and the amount is still rising. Along with other greenhouse gases, this extra carbon dioxide is trapping heat and causing the climate to change.
Any idea what the temps were for...oh say 1800? 1750? 500 AD? 500 BC? The time records have been kept is a mere hiccup in the grand scheme
BS, they have ice cores etc etc for thousands of years. Read something, ignorant dupe.

Excellent! Using the ice core data, how hot was the year 1256 BC?
Look it up, Pubtroll. It hasn't been this hot since the dinosaurs, climatologists believe.

You want me to find proof for your claim? LOL!
Your claim was wrong.
Your failure to answer my question highlights your error.

It hasn't been this hot since the dinosaurs,

Hotter than it's been in over 60 million years? Based on 60 million years of ice cores? Durr.
Wow, you fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.

Nice source! They are one of the worst offenders at misinformation in the history of government!
For example?

Do you think posting information that does not support your position is actually going to help your argument?

Correlation is not causation.

Maybe when you graduate from high school you will be educated enough to recognize your mistakes.
The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.

Nice source! They are one of the worst offenders at misinformation in the history of government!
For example?
Hey, Dumbass...

Notice all of the peaks that exceed the "current temperature" on the graph YOU posted???

How do you explain why 2015 was "the warmest year ever" when YOU post evidence proving that you are full of shit????
The GOP, only party in the world that denies GW. And a lot of other stuff...a disgrace. And ty for wrecking the world...multiple times...

Do you know the difference in global warming and anthropogenic global warming?

I know the first is probably true.

There is no proof for the second.

Nice source! They are one of the worst offenders at misinformation in the history of government!
For example?
Hey, Dumbass...

Notice all of the peaks that exceed the "current temperature" on the graph YOU posted???

How do you explain why 2015 was "the warmest year ever" when YOU post evidence proving that you are full of shit????

one of the reasons they are called libtards

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