2015 Is Warmest Year On Record, NOAA and NASA Say

Are you stating you've not said the Arctic was melting? Ok tooth.

There can't be warmer water in the Atlantic if the Arctic is melting. No way!

So, which is it?

You understand the Atlantic is a very big ocean, right?

Ice meltwater cools the part next to Greenland, as the maps all show.

The eastern US coast, however, is not next to Greenland. Hence it's warmer.

If your voices need help understanding that, let me know exactly what's giving them problems.
That's more or less right. It's well within normal variation. As far as "cyclical" goes, I think deniers have all convinced themselves that's a mandatory adjective if they want to be taken seriously by the educated. A magic word. Weather and the climate operates on numerous scales chaotically. Chaos is NOT cyclical.
A Chaotic system will always follow its power source.. Again you cant grasp simple physics concepts.
Just keep talking, Silly Billy. And take the pretty pills the nice nurse has for you.
Are you stating you've not said the Arctic was melting? Ok tooth.

There can't be warmer water in the Atlantic if the Arctic is melting. No way!

So, which is it?

You understand the Atlantic is a very big ocean, right?

Ice meltwater cools the part next to Greenland, as the maps all show.

The eastern US coast, however, is not next to Greenland. Hence it's warmer.

If your voices need help understanding that, let me know exactly what's giving them problems.
Now wait, I thought the sea level was rising right? Greenland melt right? So it's not making it down that short distance to NY? Well where the fk is the melt going if the sea is rising?

So back to my original question, which is it? Warm or melt?
June 2015 Blended Land and Sea Surface
Temperature Percentiles

Global Analysis - June 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Well, jc, obviously the cold area is not making in down to New York.

Sea Level Rise - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

Fast Facts - Sea-level Rise in New York

  • New York has an estimated 1,850 miles of tidal shoreline exposed to the action of tides, wind and waves - much of it developed and densely populated.
  • New York has experienced at least a foot of sea-level rise since 1900, mostly due to expansion of warming ocean water. Certain conditions along New York's coast make sea-level rise here somewhat higher than the global average.
  • New York's coastal marine counties already see more intense storm surges and floods. Superstorm Sandy highlighted the risks and vulnerabilities of our tidal shorelines, which are home to more than half of New Yorkers.
  • By 2100, scientists project sea levels 18 to 50 inches higher than today along New York's coastlines and estuaries, though a rise as high as 75 inches could occur.
  • Sea-level rise is locked in for centuries, or even millennia, by heat-trapping greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. Continuing or increasing emissions will speed up the rise to higher levels.
  • Energy, land use and infrastructure decisions made now will determine how vulnerable our children and grandchildren will be to rising sea-levels.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Looks like it is reaching New York.[/FONT]

Global Analysis - June 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Well, jc, obviously the cold area is not making in down to New York.

Sea Level Rise - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

Fast Facts - Sea-level Rise in New York

  • New York has an estimated 1,850 miles of tidal shoreline exposed to the action of tides, wind and waves - much of it developed and densely populated.
  • New York has experienced at least a foot of sea-level rise since 1900, mostly due to expansion of warming ocean water. Certain conditions along New York's coast make sea-level rise here somewhat higher than the global average.
  • New York's coastal marine counties already see more intense storm surges and floods. Superstorm Sandy highlighted the risks and vulnerabilities of our tidal shorelines, which are home to more than half of New Yorkers.
  • By 2100, scientists project sea levels 18 to 50 inches higher than today along New York's coastlines and estuaries, though a rise as high as 75 inches could occur.
  • Sea-level rise is locked in for centuries, or even millennia, by heat-trapping greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. Continuing or increasing emissions will speed up the rise to higher levels.
  • Energy, land use and infrastructure decisions made now will determine how vulnerable our children and grandchildren will be to rising sea-levels.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Looks like it is reaching New York.[/FONT]
Well do you believe in directional flow of water? Which direction does water flow? See in the US all north south rivers flow south. Now I know there are magical powers in libturd world but last time I checked, NY is south of Greenland. So another failure on your part. So are the seas warming or is Greenland melting? Can't be both on the shoreline of NY.
Not being very bright, most deniers think that global warming theory said it would never snow again, or never get cold anywhere.

That's just one reason why everyone laughs hard at deniers.

Wait, that was the priests and prophets of the Church of Gaea and Anthropogenic Global Warming.

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

“Based on the rising temperature, less snow will be expected regionally. While currently 1/3 of the precipitation in the Alps falls as snow, the snow-share of precipitation by the end of the century could end up being just one sixth.”
Germanwatch, Page 7, Feb 2007

“Good bye winter… In the northern hemisphere the deviations are much greater according to NOAA calculations, in some areas up to 5°C. That has consequences says DWD meteorologist Müller-Westermeier: When the snowline rises over large areas, the bare ground is warmed up even more by sunlight. This amplifies global warming. A process that is uncontrollable – and for this reason understandably arouses old childhood fears: First the snow disappears, and then winter.”
Die Zeit, 16 Mar 2007

“Warm Winters Result From Greenhouse Effect, Columbia Scientists Find, Using NASA Model … Despite appearing as part of a natural climate oscillation, the large increases in wintertime surface temperatures over the continents may therefore be attributable in large part to human activities,”
Science Daily, Dr. Drew Shindell 4 June 1999

“Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
David Viner, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 20 March 2000

“In a warmer world, less winter precipitation falls as snow and the melting of winter snow occurs earlier in spring. Even without any changes in precipitation intensity, both of these effects lead to a shift in peak river runoff to winter and early spring, away from summer and autumn.”
Nature, T. P. Barnett et. al., 17 Nov 2005

“Winter has gone forever and we should officially bring spring forward instead. … There is no winter any more despite a cold snap before Christmas. It is nothing like years ago when I was younger. There is a real problem with spring because so much is flowering so early year to year.”
Express, Dr Nigel Taylor, Curator of Kew Gardens, 8 Feb 2008

69. “The global temperature will increase every year by 0.2°C”
Michael Müller, Socialist, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Environment, in Die Zeit, January 15, 2007

Y'all cultists are some dumb motherfuckers....
True. However, as we can see an ever increasing temperature with each El Nino, we can, at this point, state that the stronger El Nino's are related to global warming.

And of course, so are weaker ones. As well as ones that are exactly the same.

Hotter summers are because of global warming. Milder summers are because of global warming. Colder winters are because of global warming., more rain is because of global warming., less rain is because of global warming. warmer winters are because of global warming.
You understand the Atlantic is a very big ocean, right?

You understand that you are a cultist kook with zero credibility, right?

Ice meltwater cools the part next to Greenland, as the maps all show.

The eastern US coast, however, is not next to Greenland. Hence it's warmer.

If your voices need help understanding that, let me know exactly what's giving them problems.

Yes, the East Coast is suffering with the heat.

Koolaid time....
Yes, the East Coast is suffering with the heat.

Damn, that's stupid. Is Uncensored really as dumb as he sounds, or is he merely playing stupid so he'll fit in better with his cult?

But then, he was also addled enough to say this ...

Hotter summers are because of global warming. Milder summers are because of global warming. Colder winters are because of global warming., more rain is because of global warming., less rain is because of global warming. warmer winters are because of global warming.

To normal people, warming means warming. To kooks like Uncensored, cooling means warming. Don't ask us to explain it, as he's the one proudly proclaiming it to the world. Must be a cult thing.

Now, those who aren't cult droolers understand that the latest blizzard was fed by moisture off of the oceans, and a warmer ocean mean more moisture, and thus more snow. The ocean off of the east coast was crazy warm.


Alas, that's the real world, and to any denier cultist, real world data burns them like sunlight burning a vampire. That means Uncensored will now run off to comfort himself by guzzling that cult piss which he savors with such open glee.
Damn, that's stupid.

Damn, you are stupid, cult boi.

Is Uncensored really as dumb as he sounds, or is he merely playing stupid so he'll fit in better with his cult?

Dunno, am I saying Gaia is punishing us for our carbon sins? Oh wait, that would be you and your retard cult.

To normal people, warming means warming. To kooks like Uncensored, cooling means warming. Don't ask us to explain it, as he's the one proudly proclaiming it to the world. Must be a cult thing.

There is nothing normal about you cult boi, you're fucking retarded.

Now, those who aren't cult droolers understand that the latest blizzard was fed by moisture off of the oceans, and a warmer ocean mean more moisture, and thus more snow. The ocean off of the east coast was crazy warm.

And that's what your church has predicted all along, right cult boi?

. “Winter has gone forever and we should officially bring spring forward instead. … There is no winter any more despite a cold snap before Christmas. It is nothing like years ago when I was younger. There is a real problem with spring because so much is flowering so early year to year.”
Express, Dr Nigel Taylor, Curator of Kew Gardens, 8 Feb 2008

“Snowlines are going up in altitude all over the world. The idea that we will get less snow is absolutely in line with what we expect from global warming.”
WalesOnline, Sir John Houghton – atmospheric physicist, 30 June 2007

“In a warmer world, less winter precipitation falls as snow and the melting of winter snow occurs earlier in spring. Even without any changes in precipitation intensity, both of these effects lead to a shift in peak river runoff to winter and early spring, away from summer and autumn.”
Nature, T. P. Barnett et. al., 17 Nov 2005
Yes, the East Coast is suffering with the heat.

Damn, that's stupid. Is Uncensored really as dumb as he sounds, or is he merely playing stupid so he'll fit in better with his cult?

But then, he was also addled enough to say this ...

Hotter summers are because of global warming. Milder summers are because of global warming. Colder winters are because of global warming., more rain is because of global warming., less rain is because of global warming. warmer winters are because of global warming.

To normal people, warming means warming. To kooks like Uncensored, cooling means warming. Don't ask us to explain it, as he's the one proudly proclaiming it to the world. Must be a cult thing.

Now, those who aren't cult droolers understand that the latest blizzard was fed by moisture off of the oceans, and a warmer ocean mean more moisture, and thus more snow. The ocean off of the east coast was crazy warm.


Alas, that's the real world, and to any denier cultist, real world data burns them like sunlight burning a vampire. That means Uncensored will now run off to comfort himself by guzzling that cult piss which he savors with such open glee.
In other word, you are very abnormal and suffering from paranoid delusions. You know, those delusions that the Global Warming Cult has infused into your mind via repeated messaging via the media?

You are a brainwashed dumbass.
nd that's what your church has predicted all along, right cult boi?

Only the most desperate cult liars tell that sort of crazy lie. We've seen it hundreds of times before. Your belligerent bedwetter routine is just boring.

You've got a problem. All the facts and evidence say you're making up stupid shit. Hence, you respond by ignoring the facts and evidence, and instead quoting ... the "Curator of Kew Gardens", for example.

I don't need to add any more. You literally consider the "Curator of Kew Gardens" to be an authority figure, that's how loopy you are.

If you're flustered on how to respond, I suggest you check back with the "Curator of Kew Gardens" or one of your other cult authority figures, and ask them how to respond.

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