2015 Is Warmest Year On Record, NOAA and NASA Say

Commence the pants shitting over 10 months out of 4,500,000,000 years.

Yep, I'm sensing a trend.

Whoa bro, 10 months out of 6,000 years. Don't be blinded by satanic science.

6,000 years? What on Earth are you talking about?
Your claim that earth is 4,500,000,000 years old is according to "science." Don't let yourself be seduced by "science."

I'm not sure what you are driving at.... but I'm just saying that a year out of 4.5 billion is hardly worth freaking out over.

Out of how many of those years were homo sapiens present? 200,000.

Out of how many of those years did human culture exist? 5,000

Out of how many of those years have humans been dumping gigatonnes of CO2 into the air? Less than 100?

How far back do we have instrumented records from which global temps can be calculated? 135.

When did the most recent significant acceleration of global warming begin? 1971.

So, if you were really drawing comfort from the total age of the Earth - don't.

If you knew it wasn't important but threw it out there because you thought the argument impressive - you're lying.

Yeah, so why is there still zero lab work showing how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise temperature?
The point at which a changing climate impacts our agriculture, and ability to feed over 7 billion people is a good place to start.


Yup. Any day now.
All right. By Executive Order, everyone must install light dimmers in their houses until this crisis is over.

They don't work on CFL's.


CFL is dead, thank god. (or Obama in your case.)

But there are now some dimmable LED bulbs as well, but they are still very expensive, since they actually use different LED's for different levels of inductance.

They'll come down though.

And when they fail they do not cause an EPA mercury hazard requiring a hazmat clean up.. I find it rather funny that left wit fools will bitch and scream about mercury from power plants but wont say a dam word about 100X what a power plant puts out in their homes affecting their children..
6,000 years? What on Earth are you talking about?
Your claim that earth is 4,500,000,000 years old is according to "science." Don't let yourself be seduced by "science."

I'm not sure what you are driving at.... but I'm just saying that a year out of 4.5 billion is hardly worth freaking out over.
I'm saying never trust science or scientists. Isn't that the point of the denier movement?

There is no "denier" movement except in the pointy little heads of some. When you base something on models that have admittedly been fudged, any normal person would say "hey, wait a minute".

It doesn't mean we want polluted air, water or any other such nonsense.
What's that? I can't hear you over GOP calls to abolish the EPA.
Commence the pants shitting over 10 months out of 4,500,000,000 years.

Yep, I'm sensing a trend.

Whoa bro, 10 months out of 6,000 years. Don't be blinded by satanic science.

We have temps accurate to a tenth of a degree from 6,000 years ago?

Are you sure?
Of course not. Science is all bogus.
So science has a time machine?

That's fucking kewl!
The bible has all the science we need.
well it did talk of floods and a dude named noah.
2015 is warmest year on record, NOAA and NASA say - CNN.com

Commence pissing contest!

"Those scientists don't know what they are talking about! I'm hip deep in snow over here!"

"I blame the Muslim in the White House."

"Those damned incandescent bulbs!"

Warmest year on record. So what?
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Uhm, I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.... of course there are greenhouse gases. Duh.
Those who deny climate change are irrelevant. The worlds nations aren't stupid.

Nope.. but the climate change nutters sure are dumber than a sack of broken doorknobs.
I wish they'd find someone that doesn't believe in climate change, so far no one has been identified. useless post.
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.
link for what?
Those who deny climate change are irrelevant. The worlds nations aren't stupid.

You are a ridiculous little troll.

Stick to playing Skyrim on your Xbox. Leave serious discussion to the grown ups.
Haven't played skyrim for some time now, and I don't have an XBOX. Please explain how I am a "troll." I imagine you'll call me a communist next.
perhaps you should look up the meaning on a message board and become educated. That is as important as climate changing.
According to the lab work, a 120PPM increase will raise temperature by how many degrees? Does a 60PPM increase cause have the temperature rise?




hey now, 1.6 F is as dangerous a temperature increase as this planet has ever had!! Don't you know this by now? Not sure how the ice melted around the world when the ice sheets all disappeared, but I know it didn't increase by 1.6 F, cause that didn't happen until 2015. Washington DC is expected to get two feet of snow as a result of that 1.6 F rise.
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Please tell us how they get temperature from. 1880 accurate to a tenth of a degree
I have answered. There's no normal temperature.. And I explained why that's not relevant.

Your turn now. Is it your contention that it would be okay if the oceans boiled because there's no normal temperature and the climate is always changing? Yes or no.

There's no normal temperature.. And I explained why that's not relevant.

If that's the case, why do you feel the current record temperature (for the last 150 years or so) is worth wasting...err...spending tens of trillions to reduce?

Is it your contention that it would be okay if the oceans boiled

No, boiling oceans would not be okay. Is all the hidden heat threatening to boil the oceans?
No, boiling oceans would not be okay.

I'd like for him/ her/ it to show how that would ever be possible. how the fk would thousand feet water ever get so hot it would boil. I'm sure water's boiled when molten lava hit it on shore, but in the middle of the Pacific, Atlantic or any other body of water? Now Freeze I think that has most likely happened, and within our lifetime. Look at the Great Lakes. But boil, if they did, none of us would be around.
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Its called computerized INFILLING.. And NOAA does it daily..
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Its called computerized INFILLING.. And NOAA does it daily..
infilling, the right to adjust temperature data, by NOAA and NASA.
any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Its called computerized INFILLING.. And NOAA does it daily..
infilling, the right to adjust temperature data, by NOAA and NASA.

As stations are removed from the data set the point is then generated by a computer program that takes near stations and generates an average of three or more other points. this causes spurious warming as it is the rural stations that are being removed and deleted. The city stations and their inflated temps are then used to generate the inflated data point temp. Just like the arctic that uses stations 1,500 miles apart (in cities) to generate the arctic temp plots. Spurious , inflated temperature readings which give a false rise when globally averaged.

The Historical Climate Network is so badly damaged now it is beyond repair.
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any year can be a warmest year on record, all one has to do is change the recorded historical temps and walla, there you go. They get in that way back machine and go back and change all the station temps that don't exist.
Link? Please provide evidence they do this that does not include the voices in your head.

Its called computerized INFILLING.. And NOAA does it daily..
infilling, the right to adjust temperature data, by NOAA and NASA.

As stations are removed from the data set the point is then generated by a computer program that takes near stations and generates an average of three or more other points. this causes spurious warming as it is the rural stations that are being removed and deleted. The city stations and their inflated temps are then used to generate the inflated data point temp. Just like the arctic that uses stations 1,500 miles apart (in cities) to generate the arctic temp plots. Spurious , inflated temperature readings which give a false rise when globally averaged.
Billy, yeah I knew what it was. I was merely pointing out that NOAA and NASA use it as their right to plot temperatures, even though the areas being infilled may well be ten degrees different and that is never taken into account. Like temperatures from Minnesota for instance would not be the same as Chicago in winter or summer, but some dumb ass would plot them the same. funny shit eh?

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