2016 Arctic sea ice thread

Your side has a monopoly on FUDGING data. We have a monopoly on TRUTH.

If there was a real sea level rise, the FRAUDULENT FEARMONGERING FUDGEBAKERS would not be lying about the Marshall Islands.
LaDexter, YOU are the one who's been lying about the Marshall Islands.

And the Marshall Islands and sea level rise have nothing to do with Arctic sea ice. Let's try to stay on topic folks. LaDexter can try to stay off the internet as his mother told him.

The latest. We appear to be about a pixel above the record low. That must mean that global warming has never happened and the Arctic is as big as its ever been and is, in fact growing at a record pace....


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Explain why I'm "lying" about the Marshall Islands...

(This should be hilarious)

Thou shall not notice islands on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, or be declared mentally ill you will...
An interesting article at NSIDC regarding Greenland glaciers

A submarine retreat | Earthdata

A new mass-conservation method of processing ice-penetrating radar data from NOAA's Operation Ice Bridge show that glacial valleys, once thought to have bottoms below sea level for approximately 10 kilometers inland, are now found to have below-sea-level bottoms for over a hundred kilometers. It's believed that the process of accelerating recession would come to a halt when the calving front finally arrived at the point the trough bottom regained an elevation above sea level. Scientists still hold that to be true, but that point is now ten times as far inland as once believed. The ice mass Greenland is expected to release to the world's oceans has increased dramatically by this discovery.
LOL Crick!!!

Yes, an ice age digs digs digs and leaves behind just rocky terrain. Look at the top of Northern Canada, the bottom of South America - all just rocks - that's what ice ages leave behind. Your side had claimed Greenland's ice wasn't "rising." In fact, it is growing both up and down as it digs out the soft terrain below. Let's have a look at what is left now.

In the end, all the "green" on that map will be gone, scooped up and dumped into the ocean. If you could put a sub with a camera and bright lights under the ice bergs, you'd find their bottoms are dirty dirty dirty, until they clear everything out, as Antarctica's ice age did long ago...

I'll be Jones-in

Service Interruption Notice

On Monday, 11 July from 3:00 p.m. through Wednesday, 13 July until 5:00 p.m. (USA Mountain Time), NSIDC data distribution, services, and Web site will be unavailable to accommodate a major upgrade to our data center. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

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Of course, we all know that the real purpose of this shutdown is so they can attend the secret Climate Scientist's Ball where the powers that be give everyone their marching orders and they all break into meetings to get their stories straight and to assassinate anyone that looks to be showing the slightest signs of giving up the secret. When the assassinations are complete, they all attend a big barbecue to eat the victims and get rid of the embarrassing evidence...
meanwhile, despite the cherry picking, Antarctic Sea Ice has set FIVE all time record highs since Obama took office...
meanwhile, despite the cherry picking, Antarctic Sea Ice has set FIVE all time record highs since Obama took office...

As Dr. Manabe's model predicted in 1991. If your point was how good mainstream climate science has been, you just proved it.

Also, ice and snow aren't temperature, shit-for-brains. Such basic science completely eludes you. In addition to being an open fraud, you're hilariously incompetent.

GLOBAL WARMING IS MELTING ARCTIC SEA ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW - what's up with Antarctic Sea Ice?

A: its been growing steadily...

Why isn't "global warming" melting Antarctic Sea Ice?

A: a study a study, a taxpayer funded FUDGE study, says Global Warming will increase Antarctic Sea Ice as it melts Arctic Sea Ice...

and THAT is THE IDIOCY of THE FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain why I'm "lying" about the Marshall Islands...

They're not on the ring of fire. They're a thousand miles away from the plate boundary. They're not sinking. Those facts are indisputable. You're lying your ass off.

Someone who isn't pathologically dishonest would note the lack of volcanoes or earthquakes in the Marshall Islands. How does your "They're on the ring of fire!" theory explain that?

They are coral atolls. 74-100 million years ago, there were volcanoes there, as the hotspot tracked through the area. It's gone now. No more volcanoes.

"They're (The Marshall Islands) not on the ring of fire. They're a thousand miles away"


Let's check the MAPS vs. Mamoooo's mouth...

Can you explain to everyone how the Zionists factor in?

Zionists won't allow certain questions or facts to reported as "news." Show me one "US News Media" outlet that has asked the question

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other???

Not even Fox News will ask that one.... because Murdoch's rabbi doesn't like that question.
"They're (The Marshall Islands) not on the ring of fire. They're a thousand miles away"


Let's check the MAPS vs. Mamoooo's mouth...


Your maps confirm that those islands ARE NOT on the Ring of Fire, you pathetic retard.
It is truly amazing to observe these warmers. They'll sit there and scream and lie and freak out at someone just for posting truth. The Marshall Islands are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire as the above maps show. That truth is just too much for our resident left wing parrot to handle mentally.

ALL of the "warmers" "sinking islands" are on the lip of the PROF
It is truly amazing to observe these warmers. They'll sit there and scream and lie and freak out at someone just for posting truth. The Marshall Islands are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire as the above maps show. That truth is just too much for our resident left wing parrot to handle mentally.

ALL of the "warmers" "sinking islands" are on the lip of the PROF
More retarded insanity from the demented troll LaDumbshit!

As the previous posts on this thread clearly demonstrate. As the maps the twit posted clearly show. As geology clearly demonstrates. As Mamooth's post #651 clearly laid out in plain English.
Then let everyone look at the maps and decide for themselves, is it or is it not right on the lip of the PROF?

It's a thousand miles away, shit-for-brains.

Here's a challenge. Find a single source anywhere that backs up your insane claims.

And explain to us why there's no volcanic or significant tectonic activity at all in the Marshall Islands. Given that volcanoes and earthquakes are the hallmarks of the Ring of Fire, shouldn't there be volcanoes and earthquakes?

Maybe the Zionists somehow effected it. I'm sure you've worked that into your theory already, so tell us all about it.
For anyone following LaDumkopfs stupidity, simply go to Google Earth, and look at the Marshal Islands. The nearest subduction zone is many hundreds of miles away. In fact, the nearest major tectonic feature is the Victoria Fracture Zone. People making such idiotic assertations that are so easy to check, should realize that they are soon labeled as idiots by all.

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