2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

30 of 50 states disagree with you.

At a minimum. Info Wars contests that Hillary stole five states, though I've never heard which ones they believe this is true of.

Nevada, Virginia, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine would be the prime targets.

Not Colorado, the front rang where all the colleges and the large population centers are is solidly liberal. Sprinkle in the ski/tourist areas are Colorao has turned blue.

BTW, we have a Democrat governor and Democrat controlled state houses.

Maybe, you're right. Though I found it suspicious how fast Colorado went from red to blue in the last decade. And I know that the politicians in Colorado are as corrupt there as anywhere. I suspect mass cheating in that state in the last three presidential elections.

You're a RWNJ. Trump and right wing radio told you to be suspicious. You did exactly as the crazies intended.

Label, label, label.

If anybody earned labeling, it is you.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
Populism won, unless you.'re gullible enough to believe Trump is a rock ribbed ideologue.
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

No, California wanted Hillary. Take California out of the equation, and Trump wins by 1.7 million votes.

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Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
Populism won, unless you.'re gullible enough to believe Trump is a rock ribbed ideologue.

Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
At a minimum. Info Wars contests that Hillary stole five states, though I've never heard which ones they believe this is true of.

Nevada, Virginia, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine would be the prime targets.

Not Colorado, the front rang where all the colleges and the large population centers are is solidly liberal. Sprinkle in the ski/tourist areas are Colorao has turned blue.

BTW, we have a Democrat governor and Democrat controlled state houses.

Maybe, you're right. Though I found it suspicious how fast Colorado went from red to blue in the last decade. And I know that the politicians in Colorado are as corrupt there as anywhere. I suspect mass cheating in that state in the last three presidential elections.

You're a RWNJ. Trump and right wing radio told you to be suspicious. You did exactly as the crazies intended.

Label, label, label.

If anybody earned labeling, it is you.

Oh, tell me how I deserve it; how bad I've been!
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
Populism won, unless you.'re gullible enough to believe Trump is a rock ribbed ideologue.

Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

... more than any other SINGLE candidate. However, her pop vote margin over Trump was about 1/3 of the 3rd party/independent vote that voted AGAINST her. This election was determined, not quite by conservatives as it says in the OP, but by the rapidly growing independent/3rd party sector of the electorate. In fact, probably THIS YEAR, the number of voters declaring independence from 2 tribal brand name parties will reach a landmark of being BIGGER than both the Dem and Rep faithful put together.

Don't discount that percentage of votes that went for NEITHER candidate. It's the future of American politics.

You mean like Perot in 1992?
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.

Polls show Gary Johnson taking more support from Clinton, not Trump - Hot Air
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??


Then we should have a run off, which Clinton would have won easily.
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??


Then we should have a run off, which Clinton would have won easily.

Might have happened. We don't know. There is a proposal called Instant Run-Off Voting (IRV) that let's that happen WITHOUT a second vote.
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
Populism won, unless you.'re gullible enough to believe Trump is a rock ribbed ideologue.

Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.

For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
This whole discussion really doesn't mean anything because popular never has, nor will it ever, decide who President will be. The popular per state is to decide who the state EC Electors will vote for. It is the tally of those votes elects the President.

You know this, so getting into a heated discussion of who wins/won the popular vote is pointless. You know states decide, therefore Trump won that popular vote 60% to 40% with a 77 vote difference.

There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

The country wisely chose Trump over Hillary. And they did it by such a margin that all the DNC cheating in their urban bases couldn't overcome him. The numbers in the end are phony. Hillary won no popular vote.
There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

The country wisely chose Trump over Hillary. And they did it by such a margin that all the DNC cheating in their urban bases couldn't overcome him. The numbers in the end are phony. Hillary won no popular vote.

Another RWNJ refusing to accept reality. No surprise there.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
WTF is conservative about Trump, besides forced birthing .... assuming that's conservatism, which Goldwater would argue is not?

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