As Trump is running about threatening violence to anyone who prosecutes him he is also claiming he won the popular vote = he lies.

This is a right wing opinion piece........ nothing more. All of the financial disasters happened under Reagan Supply Side Wreckanomics THEORY = reckless management and turning a blind eye to lack of enforcement of regulations to putting in place DEREGULATION ON STEROIDS.
The recession and subsequent "government rescue" was a joint operation of New World Order operatives working on both sides of the tracks....namely both RINO Bush's, and Dems Clinton & Obama. The right wing/left wing thing keeps people divided while these cronies pretending to be adversaries take turns setting us up and plunging the knife in our backs.
The recession and subsequent "government rescue" was a joint operation of New World Order operatives working on both sides of the tracks....namely both RINO Bush's, and Dems Clinton & Obama. The right wing/left wing thing keeps people divided while these cronies pretending to be adversaries take turns setting us up and plunging the knife in our backs.
See above...........You're a prime example.
Face it folks this is a bunch of elected politicians who may well be indicted pushing a cover up hopefully to get everything swept under the rug. No matter what if BS Bogus Republicans find their way back to the white house at the top of the agenda is granting pardons to all Jan6th criminals to keep them from ratting out Trump and the other elected officials ......which would put an end
to the fake republican party forever.
Face it folks this is a bunch of elected politicians who may well be indicted pushing a cover up hopefully to get everything swept under the rug. No matter what if BS Bogus Republicans find their way back to the white house at the top of the agenda is granting pardons to all Jan6th criminals to keep them from ratting out Trump and the other elected officials ......which would put an end
to the fake republican party forever.
wherre is Hunter, I need to buy some coke
Trump is nuts, like they are.
Repeating every conspiracy, embellishment or lie, that comes down the pike.
Branch Davidians and Tim McVeigh were like that too............Gullible.
we cant all be coke heads like Hunter biden and billy clinton
The Forward Party has no grab to it. Dollars and Sense Practical Democratic Thinkers = YES YES YES

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