2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

DigitalDrifter, post: 16173961
We knew what we'd get with Hillary, so choosing Trump was rather easy at the end.

You'd get a backbone putting US interests in front of Putin's interests. So all this talk the past six years that Putin had his way with Obama was what? Too weak against Putin you all bitched Obama was.

Along comes Trump, not just weak, he kisses Putin's ass publically and is proud of it. And now Putin is a great guy, means us and Europe and NATO no harm. Obama was that mean one. Never gave little Vladdy a chance.
16173726, member: 36327
Well, if he's not conservative, then you have nothing to bitch about.

Trumps has no ideology but Trumpism. That's the danger. And conservatives gave up most of their principles to vote for him. He promised you rwnjs a judge and a wall. He won't build the wall but he can't wiggle out of the judge.

So showing no spine against Putin is what you have traded your souls for. Putin is worth $85 billion as the richest man in the world. Trump admires him greatly. Putin got there by (elective office) Could it be the goal of Trumpism. Trump family power drives a need to be the richest family in the world. Kissing a foreign leader like Putin's ass is unbecoming from a businessman. Kissing a kleptocrat like Putin's ass as the sitting US Republican President is something to marvel at coming from the aggressive genuinely moderate middle.

You have lost your spines for a judge and an imaginary wall.

Not to mention Trump's insult to all our POWs and his admitted sexual assaults against women.

We knew what we'd get with Hillary, so choosing Trump was rather easy at the end.

Indeed. We know that Hillary is utterly corrupt; and frankly, she exposed the Democrats for being completely corrupted as well. We should almost thank her.
The funniest part of this thread is the OP's premise that every person who voted for Gary Johnson is a conservative.

Nothing funny about that at all. I've been amused by the fake polls that have came forth that Libertarians would have actually supported Hillary. That's just a complete load of shit. You won't find one libertarian on this board who would've supported Hillary.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16174006
Let me guess, you're a milennial who being still wet behind the ears, was shocked to discover that a presidential candidate can lose even after getting the most votes?

No guess. You are not intelligent. I saw W win while losing the popular vote. I have voted for the better man in the past that did not win. Great American WWII VETERAN George McGovern was. America made huge mistakes that did not go well with Nixon and Bush43. Even Trump tells you what a fuckup W was.

I've made the point that Clinton won more votes than any other candidate in 2016. If you can't say that is false, skip the 'wet behind the ears' crap.
The funniest part of this thread is the OP's premise that every person who voted for Gary Johnson is a conservative.

Nothing funny about that at all. I've been amused by the fake polls that have came forth that Libertarians would have actually supported Hillary. That's just a complete load of shit. You won't find one libertarian on this board who would've supported Hillary.

Libertarian VP Candidate: Whatever You Do, Don't Vote For Trump
Nothing funny about that at all. I've been amused by the fake polls that have came forth that Libertarians would have actually supported Hillary. That's just a complete load of shit. You won't find one libertarian on this board who would've supported Hillary.

They did not support Trump either. Why are their votes being added to Trump? That is not how elections work.

The candidate in every other election in this country that gets the most votes wins. That's what the popular vote represents. The electoral college unfortunately overrides the popular vote.

In any case getting the most votes wins. There is no way you add up 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th and they all win. Losers don't normally win. If the OP were true on a popular vote basis We would have four Presidents Serving on a rotation basis or at the same time. While the winner stays home. Or do we have five Presidents because no one should ever lose and everybody wins.

What a stupid OP. My god Rwingnuts have lost all sense of direction and reason.

But they are gonna get their judge.
She's behind when you count ALL OF the popular vote. Including the 6 million that voted for other candidates. I know you annointed leftists like to disenfranchise voters, but you're not in charge of the math. Those 6 million OTHER pop votes count against her..

She is behind what share of the electorate? Did Trump come in second or didn't he?

The electoral college system disenfranchises voters.

No one disenfranchised any voter. Those that voted other than Clinton and Trump voted their choice. Clinton got more votes than any of them. Are you in denial of that.

The top percentage is the top percentage. Only a moron would argue that you add the pure losers in the race to the second place finisher. They did not vote for Trump. They don't get counted with him.

You are rendering their protest vote by adding them to Trump.

You're ignoring 6 Million popular votes. That is disenfranchising those voters.You are saying that those votes AGAINST Clinton don't count. Which is expected, because the DNC LOVE disenfranching voters. Ask Bernie. He won the popular vote in NH 60 to 40% and came away with the SAME NUMBER of delegates as Clinton. Because the DNC and those superdelegates disenfranchised the voters.

THAT quirk of popular representation is FAR more egregious than what the E-College ever did. You should fix your OWN party's undemocratic rules before you go fucking around with the Constitution. OR -- just look like whiny baby hypocrites. :eusa_dance:
The funniest part of this thread is the OP's premise that every person who voted for Gary Johnson is a conservative.

Nothing funny about that at all. I've been amused by the fake polls that have came forth that Libertarians would have actually supported Hillary. That's just a complete load of shit. You won't find one libertarian on this board who would've supported Hillary.

Libertarian VP Candidate: Whatever You Do, Don't Vote For Trump

Big deal. He was paid to talk sh** for the Dems. Libertarians still carry absolutely no torch for Hillary.
The funniest part of this thread is the OP's premise that every person who voted for Gary Johnson is a conservative.

Nothing funny about that at all. I've been amused by the fake polls that have came forth that Libertarians would have actually supported Hillary. That's just a complete load of shit. You won't find one libertarian on this board who would've supported Hillary.

Libertarian VP Candidate: Whatever You Do, Don't Vote For Trump

Big deal. He was paid to talk sh** for the Dems. Libertarians still carry absolutely no torch for Hillary.

LOL, the Libertarian VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE says do NOT vote for Trump and you have to throw him under the bus.

You're a fucking imbecile. Always have been. Always will be.
flacaltenn, post: 16174551
You're ignoring 6 Million popular votes.

Not at all. Those voters picked losers with no chance of winning. They don't get counted with any other candidate's total - they stand alone with their losers. No one prevented them from picking Trump or Clinton at the polling booth.

Look up disenfranchising. Apparently you don't know what it means.

Hillary won more votes than any other candidate in the race. Are you disputing that? Did she or didn't she?

People with functional minds understand this very easily. It takes barely any effort.
flacaltenn, post: 16174551
You are saying that those votes AGAINST Clinton don't count.

You have no way of knowing those votes were against Clinton. Presenting that as fact is trafficking in fake news.

Show me one true vote counting popular election with three or more candidates where the most vote winner loses and second through fifth are declared the winner.
I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

The country wisely chose Trump over Hillary. And they did it by such a margin that all the DNC cheating in their urban bases couldn't overcome him. The numbers in the end are phony. Hillary won no popular vote.

Another RWNJ refusing to accept reality. No surprise there.

Dude, you spend all day on here doing nothing but posting propaganda. Hope you're getting paid for this, so to speak. Point is you shouldn't be calling anyone a political nut job.

Can't produce facts to back up your claims, so you call me names. Typical
There is a very specific point in discussing the popular vote. The country wanted Hillary as president, but Trump won instead because of an odd result from the electoral college. Three Million more votes for Hillary proves that. Yes, he will be president. No, it wasn't because of the will of the people. You can brag about him winning all you want, but you will never be able to truthfully say it was the will of the voters.

You're leaving out the 6MILLION votes that went AGAINST Hillary for Stein, Johnson and others. There was no popular vote evidence that the "country wanted Hillary".. When making comments on the math, you have to be precise. So MAYBE you can claim that "more people in the country preferred Hilliary to Trump". But that fails because we'll never know what the Pop vote outcome for a 2 way race was.

America as a whole REJECTED Hillary by about a 4.5Mill vote margin.. That's a fact.

When you have multi-way races that get increasingly competitive, it becomes laughable at some point to declare that "America WANTED Moron B" When Moron B gets only 44 or 39% of the pop vote. Doesn't it??

Don't disenfranchise the 6Mill votes for other choices. You'll piss off the LARGEST political group in America.

I'm not leaving out anybody. Bottom line. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Hillary got more votes than Stein. Hillary got more votes than Johnson. Hillary got more votes than any of the others. You can play what if all you want, but you can never honestly say rump was the choice of the people. He might have been elected due to a very irregular result of the electoral college, but he wasn't elected by the will of the people. Hillary had the honor of the most votes. Playing what if, and silly number games will never change that.

So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

... more than any other SINGLE candidate. However, her pop vote margin over Trump was about 1/3 of the 3rd party/independent vote that voted AGAINST her. This election was determined, not quite by conservatives as it says in the OP, but by the rapidly growing independent/3rd party sector of the electorate. In fact, probably THIS YEAR, the number of voters declaring independence from 2 tribal brand name parties will reach a landmark of being BIGGER than both the Dem and Rep faithful put together.

Don't discount that percentage of votes that went for NEITHER candidate. It's the future of American politics.

Okay, but say it had came down to a runoff between two candidates; the data shows that it wouldn't have been in the bag for Hillary. My overarching point is that the Hillary winning the popular vote by 2.5 percent is superficial if not just outright phony.

3 million more votes is not superficial, and not phony. The country didn't want Trump as president

Orange clown won 50% more states than bulldyke.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

... more than any other SINGLE candidate. However, her pop vote margin over Trump was about 1/3 of the 3rd party/independent vote that voted AGAINST her. This election was determined, not quite by conservatives as it says in the OP, but by the rapidly growing independent/3rd party sector of the electorate. In fact, probably THIS YEAR, the number of voters declaring independence from 2 tribal brand name parties will reach a landmark of being BIGGER than both the Dem and Rep faithful put together.

Don't discount that percentage of votes that went for NEITHER candidate. It's the future of American politics.

Okay, but say it had came down to a runoff between two candidates; the data shows that it wouldn't have been in the bag for Hillary. My overarching point is that the Hillary winning the popular vote by 2.5 percent is superficial if not just outright phony.

3 million more votes is not superficial, and not phony. The country didn't want Trump as president

Orange clown won 50% more states than bulldyke.
yeah,but if you discount the dakotas,idaho, montana,wyoming,mississipi, alabama, oklahoma,nebraska and kansas, then they both won 20. so there.

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