2016 education rankings . Red states own the bottom .

California is much worse.

A proposition passed in California back 1978 which limited tax increases for schools in California. California schools have declined in quality because of a lack of funds for education because of Proposition 13. Proposition 98 was supposed to restore funding for schools, but created many more problems than it solved, leading to protracted budget negotiations, which consumed time, energy, and money.

Until California finds an efficient, cost-effective way to fund the State's schools, California education will not improve.
California fails because illegals and their dumbass American family members erase any semblance of intelligence in that state.

The same reason why Texas is being slowly dragged down.
The USA is the only First World country to spend less money on educating the children of the poor, than they do the rest of the nation's children. That's because school district budgets are tied to the property tax bases of the neighbourhoods where the schools are located. The rest of the First World spends equally on a per student basis across their geographical regions regardless of local tax rates.

This leaves poor American children doubly challenged. They need a good education to have a chance to improve their lives or their incomes. But unless they leave school with 21st century work skills, they have no hope. If their school doesn't teach computer skills, math and science, in order to compete with other countries' workers who are getting a thorough grounding in the skills they're going to need to compete.

Many poor school districts don't have computers. They don't have enough textbooks for each child to have one so they have to share. How can do homework or study without a textbook of your own?

Some rich neighbourhoods in poor Southern School Districts have incorporated themselves as separate municipalities in order to ensure that not a single one of their tax dollars goes to pay for a poor child's education.


What about Texas?
Click on the link.

Texas sucks.

Never heard of the Robin Hood law huh?
Not much of a shock . That's where trump gets his great uneducated voter block!

Quality Counts 2016: State Report Cards Map

year in a row, Massachusetts finished first. Long a fixture of the top five, the Bay State beat its own 2015 result, raising its grade from a B (86.2) to a B-plus (86.8). Although New Jersey (85.1), Vermont (83.8), and Maryland (82.7) all received grades of B, Massachusetts was the only state to score a B-plus.

Nevada ranked last in the 2016 report, with a grade of D and a score of 65.2. The two other states earning Ds were Mississippi (65.6), which ranked last in 2015, and New Mexico (65.8). The majority of states (33) earned midrange grades between C-minus and C-plus.

Between the 2015 and 2016 reports, the District of Columbia experienced the greatest change. The jurisdiction leapfrogged 10 spots, from 38th to 28th in the nation, as its grade increased from a C-minus (70.0) to a C (72.9).

Have to love when far left drones use non-fact sites and non stats from 2015

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