2016 Prescription: New Diversity President! (Obama 5 Times More Jobs Created Than Bush, Already!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Republican House Majority Leader McCarthy is actually from a Blue State. The usual Republicans, represented by the Louisiana variety, tend to come from the impoverished Red States. One of the Louisiana variety is the House Majority Whip. The Louisiana Governor was last seen, at least from the West Coast, carrying large rocks to the coast(?). National Educational standards were rejected. In Kansas, their Governor, Brownbeck, won--over even their civilized objections.

Ron Brownstein, down towards the bottom of the link, notes that Obama has already created five times more jobs than did the Bush White House. There could be 16 million enrolled in ACA in 2016. The various midterm losses are not without historical comparison. Much of what has happened is unprecedented in US history.

Running Into the Wind - NationalJournal.com

It is probably noted that Obama tends to represent Diversity Inclusion(?), even looking backward(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father In Washington. . . .Maybe still not great Mutha. . .even in Washington(?)!)
You keep on trying you might convince a couple people of that one

IF that was the case the people wouldn't of taken the House first and then the SENATE away from him in just SIX YEARS of his wonderful Ruling over us... and he'd have 110% approval rating. or with this lamestream media it would be 150%...lol
Well the first two posts are off the mark, so this thread shall be fun

Obama has low approval rating because he never delivered any kind of meaningful change people wanted. Sure people like him, but even the democrats have given up on coddling him. I am not sure that forcing people to join the PPACA under penalty of fine really is a great benchmark, though even at 16M that would still leave in the neighborhood of about 32M still uninsured.
Then Stephanie poster validates what Democratic Leaders, going more along with the Bill Clinton legacy, have been noting day after day. There was no branding of the election in anything that happened as a consequence of Democrats being in office.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now maybe seen how the mighty are Crestfallen(?), if unbowed(?)!)

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