2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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And Here Comes FactCheck.org

Read and judge for yourself, remember this is a political site with a clear agenda.

Clinton exaggerated when she said the U.S. was now “energy independent.” The country imported 11 percent of total energy consumed in 2015.

Trump falsely said he never tweeted “check out a sex tape” in the wee hours of the morning a few days after the first presidential debate. He did.

Trump told Clinton “after getting the subpoena” to turn over documents related to the Benghazi investigation “you delete 33,000 emails.” A contractor managing Clinton’s server deleted the emails. There is no evidence Clinton knew when they were deleted.

Trump also said Clinton’s emails were “acid washed,” calling it a “very expensive process.” Neither statement is true. The emails were deleted using a free software program that does not involve the use of chemicals.

Clinton said there is “no evidence that anyone hacked the server I was using.” That is true, but the FBI said it was “possible” that her email system was hacked because she sent and received emails in “the territory of sophisticated adversaries.”

Clinton said intelligence officials said this week that Russians were behind political hacking attacks in the U.S. Trump said, “She doesn’t know if Russia is doing the hacking.” Clinton is closer to the truth.

Clinton claimed she was holding up Abraham Lincoln as an example of leadership when she defended “back room” deals. Turns out, she did.

Trump distorted the facts about a rape case that Clinton was involved in as a legal aid lawyer in 1975, wrongly accusing Clinton of “laughing at” the victim.

Both candidates distorted the other’s tax plan. Trump said Clinton was “raising everybody’s taxes massively,” when two analyses concluded almost all of the tax increases she proposes would fall on the top 10 percent. And Clinton claimed Trump’s plan “would end up raising taxes on middle class families.” Some families would see increased taxes, but on average middle-income taxpayers would get a tax cut.

Trump wrongly claimed that Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager said on TV that the campaign had started the false rumor that Obama was not born in the U.S.

Trump wrongly claimed that Clinton wanted to implement a government-run, “single-payer,” health care system, like Canada’s, and he cherry-picked high proposed premium increases in the Affordable Care Act exchanges.

Clinton went too far in saying an ACA provision to allow young adults to stay on their parents plans until age 26 was “something that didn’t happen before.” At least 31 states had similar provisions before the law was enacted.

Trump said that “Ambassador [Chris] Stevens sent 600 requests for help” before he was killed in an attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012. But not all 600 were requests for security upgrades, nor were they all from Stevens.

The candidates disagreed over Clinton’s role in a U.S. response to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons. Both had a point. Clinton was in office when President Obama said Assad’s use of chemical weapons would cross a “red line for us,” but she was gone when Obama failed to back up his threat.

Clinton claimed that since the Great Recession the gains have all gone to the top, but a 2016 economic report said that in 2014 and 2015 “the incomes of bottom 99% families have finally started recovering in earnest.”

Trump again claimed without evidence that “many people saw the bombs all over the apartment” of the San Bernardino shooters.

With lots more @ FactChecking the Second Presidential Debate
Where did I mention an 11 year old video?

Damn boy.....your stupid is amazing

The hate sites directing you didn't tell you it was 11 years ago? :eek:

That's okay, it was a long time ago when Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broadrick as well, and when Hillary covered it up and then stalked her to keep her from talking.

{"[Hillary] came directly to me as soon as she hit the door. I had been there only a few minutes, I only wanted to make an appearance and leave. She caught me and took my hand and said 'I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.' I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase -- looking less friendly and repeated her statement — 'Everything you do for Bill'. I said nothing. She wasn't letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering."}

Controversial Hillary Clinton speeches to Wall St leaked by Wikileaks
And here is the USA Today Fact Check on the Debate:

• Clinton exaggerated when she said the U.S. was now “energy independent.” The country imported 11% of total energy consumed in 2015.

• Trump falsely said he never tweeted “check out a sex tape” in the wee hours of the morning a few days after the first presidential debate. He did.

• Trump told Clinton “after getting the subpoena” to turn over documents related to the Benghazi investigation “you delete 33,000 emails.” A contractor managing Clinton’s server deleted the emails. There is no evidence Clinton knew when they were deleted.

• Trump also said Clinton’s emails were “acid washed,” calling it a “very expensive process.” Neither statement is true. The emails were deleted using a free software program that does not involve the use of chemicals.

• Clinton said there is “no evidence that anyone hacked the server I was using.” That is true, but the FBI said it was “possible” that her email system was hacked because she sent and received emails in “the territory of sophisticated adversaries.”

• Clinton said intelligence officials said this week that Russians were behind political hacking attacks in the U.S. Trump said, “She doesn’t know if Russia is doing the hacking.” Clinton is closer to the truth.

• Clinton claimed she was holding up Abraham Lincoln as an example of leadership when she defended “back room” deals. Turns out, she did.

• Trump distorted the facts about a rape case that Clinton was involved in as a legal aid lawyer in 1975, wrongly accusing Clinton of “laughing at” the victim.

• Both candidates distorted the other’s tax plan. Trump said Clinton was “raising everybody’s taxes massively,” when two analyses concluded almost all of the tax increases she proposes would fall on the top 10%. And Clinton claimed Trump’s plan “would end up raising taxes on middle class families.” Some families would see increased taxes, but on average middle-income taxpayers would get a tax cut.

• Trump wrongly claimed that Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager said on TV that the campaign had started the false rumor that Obama was not born in the U.S.

• Trump wrongly claimed that Clinton wanted to implement a government-run, “single-payer,” health care system, like Canada’s, and he cherry-picked high proposed premium increases in the Affordable Care Act exchanges.

• Clinton went too far in saying an ACA provision to allow young adults to stay on their parents plans until age 26 was “something that didn’t happen before.” At least 31 states had similar provisions before the law was enacted.

• Trump said that “Ambassador [Chris] Stevens sent 600 requests for help” before he was killed in an attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012. But not all 600 were requests for security upgrades, nor were they all from Stevens.

• The candidates disagreed over Clinton’s role in a U.S. response to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons. Both had a point. Clinton was in office when President Obama said Assad’s use of chemical weapons would cross a “red line for us,” but she was gone when Obama failed to back up his threat.

• Clinton claimed that since the Great Recession the gains have all gone to the top, but a 2016 economic report said that in 2014 and 2015 “the incomes of bottom 99% families have finally started recovering in earnest.”

• Trump again claimed without evidence that “many people saw the bombs all over the apartment” of the San Bernardino shooters.

Full article @ Fact check: Trump's and Clinton's false and misleading claims in second debate
Gingrich: GOP bedwetters have 'egg on their face' after debate

In spite of their claims of “representing the people” it's clear that a whole lot of pols are totally disassociated from “real” Americans.

When asked by Fox News's Sean Hannity what his reaction was to the more than two-dozen Republicans calling on Trump to leave the ticket, Gingrich, a member of Trump's inner circle, took a victory lap.

"Tonight, they have a lot of egg on their face because the guy who showed up tonight is the Republican nominee, he clearly has earned the right to be the Republican nominee," Gingrich said early Monday morning on Fox News shortly after the second presidential debate in St. Louis ended.

More @ Gingrich: GOP bedwetters have 'egg on their face' after debate
Summarizing The Second Presidential Debate, For Dummies

After all the above serious stuff, you've got to check out this piece on the debate. I'd post the whole thing but don't want to get chewed out (or warned) by a moderator.

Martha Raddatz: Hi I’m Martha.

Anderson Cooper: And I’m Anderson. And we’ll be your moderators tonight.

Martha: We’d like to remind all audience members that they’re props more than anything and should stay silent through the debate. The format of the debate will be a series of questions from members of the audience. We’ll start with a woman named Patrice Brock.

Audience Question: Thank you and good evening. The last presidential debate could have been rated as MA—mature audiences—per TV parental guidelines. Knowing that educators assign viewing the presidential debates as students’ homework, do you feel that you are modeling appropriate and positive behavior for today’s youth?

Clinton: I want to do all kinds of things. I want to do good things. There’s nothing we can’t do together, you and me Patrice. I want to work with people of all ethnicities. I want to heal the country. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race. And our children. And grandchildren.

Trump: This country’s going to shit. Healthcare costs are going up. We made Iran great again. We get killed on trade—an $800 billion deficit last year. We’re gonna make great trade deals. We’re gonna bring back law and order. Did you hear about those policemen that were shot today? We need justice. I want to fix the blacks in the cities. I want to fix the Latinos, Hispanics, etc. I want to make them great again. Make America great again.

Anderson Cooper: Neither of you remotely answered the question, whatsoever. You literally both ignored Patrice. Anyway, I also don’t care about Patrice. Let’s talk about the tapes. Donald, you talked about kissing women without consent. Grabbing them by the pussy. That’s really very much definitely sexual assault. You bragged about sexually assaulting women. This is a real thing that happened. It is a thing that’s real.

With much, much more @ Summarizing The Second Presidential Debate, For Dummies | Zero Hedge
He was just bullying her. Being aggressive. He wouldn't dream of doing any such thing, no more than he will sue the NYTimes for not liking him.

Like HIllary bullied all those sex victims? Are you able to sleep at night comfortable in the knowledge that Hillary isn't in prison?
She doesn't belong in prison.
I never said Hillary didn't bully those women. But I was talking about Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right.
She doesn't belong in prison.

Because she is a party boss, and the law does not apply to bosses?

I never said Hillary didn't bully those women. But I was talking about Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump talking like a man is minor compared to Hillary covering for rape. You just place party above all else.
She doesn't belong in prison.

Because she is a party boss, and the law does not apply to bosses?

I never said Hillary didn't bully those women. But I was talking about Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump talking like a man is minor compared to Hillary covering for rape. You just place party above all else.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book. He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.
She doesn't belong in prison.

Because she is a party boss, and the law does not apply to bosses?

I never said Hillary didn't bully those women. But I was talking about Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump talking like a man is minor compared to Hillary covering for rape. You just place party above all else.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book. He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.

The women who were fucking her husband? Are you serious?

Left wingers are terminally stupid.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book.

Utter stupidity. You are being a hack, not reasonable.

Trump engaged in lewd talk, part of the talk was that he had been shut down in trying to get into one of the girls pants.
{Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.}

He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.

Again, Trump engaged in lewd talk, Bill Clinton raped women and Hillary covered it up, then harassed the women to silence them.

Trump says that stars can get away with bad behavior, we know this.

{Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.}

Unlike Bill Clinton, Trump said "And when you’re a star, they let you do it."

The Victims of Clinton didn't "let him"

{Broaddrick’s allegation against Bill is very specific, and has been verified by multiple friends of her who were present at the time. She was a volunteer for Clinton's gubernatorial campaign in 1978, and claims that after meeting him at a campaign office in her hometown of Van Buren, he invited her to visit him in Little Rock. Once she was at a hotel, he asked her to meet at the hotel coffee shop and not his campaign headquarters, as they had planned. When he arrived, she claims he called her room and suggested they get coffee in her room instead. Then, she alleges, he began kissing her, and when she resisted his advances, raped her. She claimed he grabbed onto her lip with his mouth, leaving it bruised and swollen.}

Juanita Broaddrick's case against Hillary Clinton, explained

Look, you're a hack, you don't care about facts or about women, you want your party to win and will say ANYTHING to make that happen, I understand. But there is NO comparison between a blowhard bragging to the boys and an elected official using his office to rape women. Hillary covered for him, stalked and attacked his victims. She is NOT FIT to hold office.
She doesn't belong in prison.

Because she is a party boss, and the law does not apply to bosses?

I never said Hillary didn't bully those women. But I was talking about Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump talking like a man is minor compared to Hillary covering for rape. You just place party above all else.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book. He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.
Damn...WTF is wrong with you?

Oh I forgot you are partisan D, which prevents you from thinking logically.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book.

Utter stupidity. You are being a hack, not reasonable.

Trump engaged in lewd talk, part of the talk was that he had been shut down in trying to get into one of the girls pants.
{Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.}

He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.

Again, Trump engaged in lewd talk, Bill Clinton raped women and Hillary covered it up, then harassed the women to silence them.

Trump says that stars can get away with bad behavior, we know this.

{Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.}

Unlike Bill Clinton, Trump said "And when you’re a star, they let you do it."

The Victims of Clinton didn't "let him"

{Broaddrick’s allegation against Bill is very specific, and has been verified by multiple friends of her who were present at the time. She was a volunteer for Clinton's gubernatorial campaign in 1978, and claims that after meeting him at a campaign office in her hometown of Van Buren, he invited her to visit him in Little Rock. Once she was at a hotel, he asked her to meet at the hotel coffee shop and not his campaign headquarters, as they had planned. When he arrived, she claims he called her room and suggested they get coffee in her room instead. Then, she alleges, he began kissing her, and when she resisted his advances, raped her. She claimed he grabbed onto her lip with his mouth, leaving it bruised and swollen.}

Juanita Broaddrick's case against Hillary Clinton, explained

Look, you're a hack, you don't care about facts or about women, you want your party to win and will say ANYTHING to make that happen, I understand. But there is NO comparison between a blowhard bragging to the boys and an elected official using his office to rape women. Hillary covered for him, stalked and attacked his victims. She is NOT FIT to hold office.
What is claimed against Hillary...

"[Hillary] came directly to me as soon as she hit the door. I had been there only a few minutes, I only wanted to make an appearance and leave. She caught me and took my hand and said 'I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.' I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase -- looking less friendly and repeated her statement — 'Everything you do for Bill'. I said nothing. She wasn't letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering."

How dare Hillary say such a thing!
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