2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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I really liked that they ended the debate with a compliment for the other. It helped with what was a very sour bitter tasting debate.

The compliments? Fake.
Trump was complimenting himself, and Hillary was saying there is NOTHING she likes about Trump, but they weren't exactly FAKE. You know what I found interesting? How fast they came up with an answer. I think that question was "leaked" to the candidates in advance. I know I couldn't have come up with a response that fast, especially after all the hard hits they'd just taken for an hour and a half.
There is no way to view the debate last night as anything but a win for Trump.

The DNC and their captive press have spent days pimping the Trump video, this was stock demagoguery released to obscure the revelations by WikiLeaks that Hillary said she would put Goldman Sachs insiders in charge of regulating Wall Street. In other words in exchange for the bribes she takes, let them rape the nation the way Bill raped Juanity Broadrick.

In an excerpt flagged as “Clinton suggests Wall Street insiders are what is needed to fix Wall Street”, Ms Clinton hints at working with executives to shape government regulation during a speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013.

“How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works?” the transcript reads. “And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.”

In the same speech, she allegedly suggested a policy regulating the financial sector for political reasons. }

Controversial Hillary Clinton speeches to Wall St leaked by Wikileaks

But Trump quickly defused Hillary Goebbels-Clinton by reminder her that she defended her rapist husband and harassed his victims for years. As Trump stated, bad words by him pale in comparison of the bad acts by Hillary and Bill.

Trump also dropped the nice act, Hillary is a Mafia Don, politeness to her is stupid and cost Trump the first debate. Trump did what he needed to do, he pounded home the fact that Hillary is a career criminal who is on the take, selling government favors to the highest bidder, including hostile foreign governments.

No doubt MSDNC and the rest of the party press has fabricated polls showing a win by Clinton. but such nonsense is utterly absurd. Trump came out way on top with this debate.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
so an 11 year old video about a private citizens conversation isn't bringing up the past? Dude your stupid is amazing.
Where did I mention an 11 year old video?

Damn boy.....your stupid is amazing
It looks like most Americans think Hillary won.

NBC/WSJ poll
Clinton Trump (4-way) 46%-35%
Clinton Trump (2-way) 52%-38%

BTW, your signature, way to continually make fun of the disabled on every post. We understand ethics is a new thing in libturd valley.

Are you saying Forrest Trump is "disabled"...?
Are you aware that Forest Gump was a movie character?
And it's 'past tense' squaw!
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
so an 11 year old video about a private citizens conversation isn't bringing up the past? Dude your stupid is amazing.
Where did I mention an 11 year old video?

Damn boy.....your stupid is amazing
funny, exactly my point. you didn't. it is historical, and hence made you look the f00l
Libtards always have their hands on their crotches!
Anyone approaching Trump needs to grab their crotch...He is like Crocidole Dundee at a party
I'd be more concerned hitlery would fall on me during one of her fainting spells and brake one of my limbs.
Two debates and she hasn't faultered yet

Noticed Donny still has a case of the sniffles. Those usually go away in a day or two ....but two weeks?
Not unless you are snorting something up there
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
so an 11 year old video about a private citizens conversation isn't bringing up the past? Dude your stupid is amazing.
Where did I mention an 11 year old video?

Damn boy.....your stupid is amazing
funny, exactly my point. you didn't. it is historical, and hence made you look the f00l

Trump brought up supposed philandering of the other candidates spouse

Notice how Hillary took the high road and didn't retaliate with Trumps long list of philandering?
Trump mentioned the slaughter of the two California police officers, Hildebeast did not. Neither of them mentioned the 21 dead people and the devastation left in the wake of Matthew!
Libtards always have their hands on their crotches!
Anyone approaching Trump needs to grab their crotch...He is like Crocidole Dundee at a party
I'd be more concerned hitlery would fall on me during one of her fainting spells and brake one of my limbs.
Two debates and she hasn't faultered yet

Noticed Donny still has a case of the sniffles. Those usually go away in a day or two ....but two weeks?
Not unless you are snorting something up there

She's an expert liar and panderer to all the stupid people who eat up her load of BS.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
so an 11 year old video about a private citizens conversation isn't bringing up the past? Dude your stupid is amazing.
Where did I mention an 11 year old video?

Damn boy.....your stupid is amazing
funny, exactly my point. you didn't. it is historical, and hence made you look the f00l

Trump brought up supposed philandering of the other candidates spouse

Notice how Hillary took the high road and didn't retaliate with Trumps long list of philandering?
again, stupid fk, she got out the 11 year old video on trump cause she was losing. so she didn't take the high road, she's been floundering in mud for so long there isn't enough water to rinse her off.
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