2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Missa tinkin' maybe you missin' da point. Or, maybe jar jar is justa confuses. Isn't pointa legal system to be fair and just? Doin' her job as defender all Okey Dokey cause dat what defender spose to be doin. Missa tinkin that maybe she should be doin job but really really mad other guy notta doin hissa job and little girl suffer. Instead, Hillary a laughin causa "she win". Missa tinkin dat missa want someone who doin right ting because itsa their job, even if dey notta like it, instead offa carring more about if *dey* win. Missa also a tinkin' dat maybe wessa better havin' somebody who can win when dey opponent *notta* an incompetent idiot. Now, jar jar no linka de lawyer runnin' da country. But missa tinkin dat iffa we really gonna getta anuder lawyer missa *really* want one who not have to go to Arkansas and marry Bill Clinto causa she *epic* fail da bar exam.

Missa not a sayin Little Anny, I mean Trump, issa all presidential good. But Imma have to stand by what missa say in satire section. Missa rather have Little Anny and lotsa babysitters dan Senator Palpitine. Normally Jar Jar think bigga powerful person good as president. But missa tinkin *dis* time we want less bad person. Darth Hillary be plannin empire for longa time. Trump justa little guy with bigga eggo like little Anny. Himma not so big a threat cause himma not havin' da big planning.

Missa tinkin' debat notta bein who da good leader. Missa tinkin we should be tinkin who gonna do lessa *damage* in 4 years. Maybe Jar jar notta bigga smart like you and know who rape who. Maybe Jar Jar idiot. But justa missa brains worth.

Jar Jar

Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was

Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was

Thank you...that IS the best exchange. Dictators throw their political opponents in jail.
Missa tinkin' maybe you missin' da point. Or, maybe jar jar is justa confuses. Isn't pointa legal system to be fair and just? Doin' her job as defender all Okey Dokey cause dat what defender spose to be doin. Missa tinkin that maybe she should be doin job but really really mad other guy notta doin hissa job and little girl suffer. Instead, Hillary a laughin causa "she win". Missa tinkin dat missa want someone who doin right ting because itsa their job, even if dey notta like it, instead offa carring more about if *dey* win. Missa also a tinkin' dat maybe wessa better havin' somebody who can win when dey opponent *notta* an incompetent idiot. Now, jar jar no linka de lawyer runnin' da country. But missa tinkin dat iffa we really gonna getta anuder lawyer missa *really* want one who not have to go to Arkansas and marry Bill Clinto causa she *epic* fail da bar exam.

Missa not a sayin Little Anny, I mean Trump, issa all presidential good. But Imma have to stand by what missa say in satire section. Missa rather have Little Anny and lotsa babysitters dan Senator Palpitine. Normally Jar Jar think bigga powerful person good as president. But missa tinkin *dis* time we want less bad person. Darth Hillary be plannin empire for longa time. Trump justa little guy with bigga eggo like little Anny. Himma not so big a threat cause himma not havin' da big planning.

Missa tinkin' debat notta bein who da good leader. Missa tinkin we should be tinkin who gonna do lessa *damage* in 4 years. Maybe Jar jar notta bigga smart like you and know who rape who. Maybe Jar Jar idiot. But justa missa brains worth.

Jar Jar

Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was

Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was
Not going to reply to your silly banter
Trump was kinda grumpy, but he did a lot better at getting to the points he wanted to make, like the e-mails and the war in the M.E. They are such different personalities with such different styles it's hard to compare them, but I would say it was a tie last night. They both did well at projecting the image and getting across the messages they wanted to.
I didn't get to see the debate but I saw some clips on the news. I didn't see enough to really comment one way or another on who won. Did they talk about POLICY at all, or was it the usual mudslinging with no substance?
Yes, they did talk about policies and I personally believe that Trump took the lead on that. Honestly, I thought Trump lost the first debate soundly and was not looking forward to this one. I thought he would be a mess. I was surprised and I felt he eked out a win.
I really liked that they ended the debate with a compliment for the other. It helped with what was a very sour bitter tasting debate.
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
I think his goal was to keep the RNC from pulling funds and giving them to senate campaigns or worse yet, pulling him from the ticket. The fact that he didn't self-destruct and plugged a lot of republican key issues such as gun control, and made his supporters happy will keep the RNC off his back. So from Trump's standpoint he won the debate.

They can't pull him from the ticket. Voting has already started. Trump is locked in as the candidate. Any such motions now by the RNC would be strictly symbolic.....an attempt to distance themselves from Trump's inevitable failure.

Once the first vote was cast, there no legal way the ballots can be changed.
Yep. The GOP is screwed, and we have been warning them for over a year. Some will write in Pence, but there is already talk that he is pulling out. Either way, i suspect that there will be no money coming in to the Trump campaign headquarters after tomorrow.

It is kind of nice to know that one's candidate has won, a month before the election.

BTW You heard this here first. Monday morning, stocks are going UP, due to the Trump disaster, because the market fears that he is a loose cannon, and now he is toast. In fact, it is almost a sure bet that if you buy stocks tonight, on 10/9/16, even paying after market fees, you will have made money by tomorrow night.

...and, it is only 7;50 AM this Monday where I live, and the DOW is up 148 points......
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies

There wouldn't have been because a.) Because the government wouldn't have been handed over to savages, b.) there would have been such a force available, no group would have attract.

4 dead and all you can do is whine.
4? There were 60 killed while Bush was president. Where's your outrage over that?
when one can't defend his/ her candidate.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.
You don't think public defenders should do the job they are assigned to do?
they shouldn't laugh after they've won at a 12 year old victim. Learn what the issue was about at least. insensitive Hitlery. Not so insensitive. That's the fking point genius.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
so an 11 year old video about a private citizens conversation isn't bringing up the past? Dude your stupid is amazing.
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