2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

No, he didn't. He preached to his choir, running talking points that sound like they came right off the most hysteric op-eds of the Breibart website. Alt Right conservatives were whipped into a frothing, almost orgasmic lather.

And the rest of us watched in disgusted fascination as he melted down.

Trump doesn't need to preach to the Alt-Right. He needed to convince the moderates, undecided and independents that he'd changed, that he had the right temperament for office. Instead, he utterly ignored them and doubled down on the farthest fringes of the right wing. And pissed away the last chance he had to turn his campaign around.

Say it with me; "Madam President".

First off, stop with this "Alt-Right" right wet dream you like tards are infatuated with.

Laughing....make me. Whether or not you like the appelation, its yours now. Just like the GOP is now the birther party.

This is what you get when your candidate is so fucking stupid that the makes the editor of Breitbart his campaign chair. You get a candidate so poorly informed, so badly prepared that preaches to a demo that he already has. While turning off the demos he desperately needed.

Trump just pissed away his last, fleeting chance to pull his campaign out of the shitter. Instead reaching up and flushing his turd of a candidacy down the drain himself.
Trump claims Hillary has "tremendous hate in her heart" and claims he will lock her up if elected

Low point in presidential debate history
Punishing crime with prison time is a low point? Do you hear the people chanting "Lock her up!" What presidential nominee in our history had the people yelling anything similar? A special prosecutor is called for and the people demand it. Our eyes have been wide open for the last horrible years.
There was no crime...hasn't been a Hillary crime in 30 years of GOP investigation

Trump, once again embarrassed the country
Calling her the Devil was a nice touch, but pointing out the hate in her heart left her speechless and reminded the audience she's as EVIL as it gets:

Hillary says I'm deplorable and irredeemable and she wants to represent me as my president. I find that insulting. Conservatives want what is best for our country. Democrats want whatever gives them more power and authority over people. It comes from their past of being the party of slavery and segregation. Think not? Why doesn't Hillary denounce those BLM thugs for wanting to segregate from whites? They're doing what she and the democrats want.
She must have read your posts
Trump claims Hillary has "tremendous hate in her heart" and claims he will lock her up if elected

Low point in presidential debate history
Punishing crime with prison time is a low point? Do you hear the people chanting "Lock her up!" What presidential nominee in our history had the people yelling anything similar? A special prosecutor is called for and the people demand it. Our eyes have been wide open for the last horrible years.
There was no crime...hasn't been a Hillary crime in 30 years of GOP investigation

Trump, once again embarrassed the country

Laughing......the poor Alt-Right folks actually think that pledging to imprison your political opponents if victorious was the way to convince independents, moderates, and undecided voters.
Notice how when Trump went into the gutter, Hillary refused to bring up Trumps marriages and cheating history
Trump was a crybaby.

He attacked the moderators.

Trump stood on a stage and told the world what every far and alt righter HRC hater wanted to say for the last twenty five years.


It did not help him win one voter.

Threatening to jail your opponent is what dictators do.
Ut Oh! Hillary is calling Trump's buddy Putin!

good. someone needs to.
This debate won't distract from trump and this debate didn't do anything.

the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
good. someone needs to.
This debate won't distract from trump and this debate didn't do anything.

the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies
This debate won't distract from trump and this debate didn't do anything.

the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies[/QUO

Show me where I said that?
the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies[/QUO

Show me where I said that?
You live in a world of what ifs?
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies[/QUO

Show me where I said that?
You live in a world of what ifs?
You live in denial. No matter what bullshittery Hillary does youse deny it!
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies[/QUO

Show me where I said that?
You live in a world of what ifs?
You live in denial. No matter what bullshittery Hillary does youse deny it!
Ewe are crazy
This debate won't distract from trump and this debate didn't do anything.

the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies

There wouldn't have been because a.) Because the government wouldn't have been handed over to savages, b.) there would have been such a force available, no group would have attract.

4 dead and all you can do is whine.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.
the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies

There wouldn't have been because a.) Because the government wouldn't have been handed over to savages, b.) there would have been such a force available, no group would have attract.

4 dead and all you can do is whine.

Terrorists attacked tough guy Reagan and killed two hundred Marines in Beirut
Terrorists attacked tough talking Bush on 9-11 killing 3000 Americans
You think tough talk from Trump will deter terrorism?
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was
Over that dirt bag Clinton? You bet your sweet kiester I will. We can not go through another Benghazi.
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies

There wouldn't have been because a.) Because the government wouldn't have been handed over to savages, b.) there would have been such a force available, no group would have attract.

4 dead and all you can do is whine.

Terrorists attacked tough guy Reagan and killed two hundred Marines in Beirut
Terrorists attacked tough talking Bush on 9-11 killing 3000 Americans
You think tough talk from Trump will deter terrorism?

Is deflection all you got left?

Of course it is.
Trump went into the gutter with 30 year old accusations against someone who is not running

Hillary passed on the chance to bring up the past of serial philanderer Trump

Should Hillary-have brought in the woman who claims Trump raped her when she was 13?

She can do what ever she wants. Hillary defends at laughs at 12 year rape victims. She's a loser and losing.

She laughed at how inept the prosecutor was

And setting a rapist free
I can just imagine the first Benghazi that happened on Donald Trump's watch we would ask you and you would be his total Defender explaining why it's not his fault you would see it's so completely different because you're a political hack
Horseshit! There was no other Benghazi attack but Hillary's. You live in the world of what if's to avoid facing what your candidate did because you are a kool aid drinker and have no brains.
You honestly believe if Trump was president, there would be no attacks on embassies

There wouldn't have been because a.) Because the government wouldn't have been handed over to savages, b.) there would have been such a force available, no group would have attract.

4 dead and all you can do is whine.

Terrorists attacked tough guy Reagan and killed two hundred Marines in Beirut
Terrorists attacked tough talking Bush on 9-11 killing 3000 Americans
You think tough talk from Trump will deter terrorism?

Is deflection all you got left?

Of course it is.

Republican obsession with an attack that killed four Americans while they gloss over their own role in 9-11 that led to ten thousand American deaths is laughable
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