2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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This thread is provided as a sticky for running comments and discussion on the 2nd 2016 Presidential Debate. We will open this thread tomorrow afternoon for posts. While the debate is going on, please use only THIS thread.

Direct discussion of all events and issues pertaining to debate CONTENT and happenings belongs here. Even when the debate ends..

Once the Debate is over, please help us by making threads that are EXTREMELY specific and well fleshed out. I imagine there will topics concerning analysis, fact checking, and poll changes that deserve a separate thread. Choose WISELY, because we do not want existing threads with active discussions to be bumped off the 1st page by a flood of duplicate topics.


In addition -- Moderation will post a FLOATING thread in the Politics forum to remind people to use the sticky thread. You were all wonderful to help us out the last time by BUMPING that thread with questions or BENIGN nonsense that doesn't scare the kiddies. Just please don't abuse that thread.

Secondly, I noticed the 1st Debate thread is still active. To avoid confusion, we are gonna CLOSE that one when this one opens. So get in your goodbyes and last digs..

Very simple. Trump won,

nope. wrong again buckaroo.

you don't win a debate when you:
a) lie repeatedly about almost everything
b) pace the stage and try to physically intimidate your opponent
c) threaten to put a political adversary in jail (we don't live in bolivia, last i checked)
d) get your political advice from rudy (a verb a noun and 911) giuliani
e) and what the heck was his sniffing about? you going to say he had a bad mic again?

but i suppose in the land of breitbart, wackos could think he's not an embarrassment.

Clinton wins debate, but Trump exceeds expectations - CNNPolitics.com

and by exceeds expectations they mean he didn't drool on his shoes.

See the far left drones use a far left blog site to claim Hilary won..

CNN = Clinton News Network..

Another far left fail!
I wouldn't expect anything else from the left.

Trump CLEARLY won. He really needs to stop whining about how unfair the mods were though. Doesn't help, and we all saw it.
Calling her the Devil was a nice touch, but pointing out the hate in her heart left her speechless and reminded the audience she's as EVIL as it gets:

That's great for the people who already hate her, but what about normal people who haven't made up their minds yet?

Trump slung around a lot of Red State Red Meat, but he really didn't do much to convince the undecideds...
This thread is provided as a sticky for running comments and discussion on the 2nd 2016 Presidential Debate. We will open this thread tomorrow afternoon for posts. While the debate is going on, please use only THIS thread.

Direct discussion of all events and issues pertaining to debate CONTENT and happenings belongs here. Even when the debate ends..

Once the Debate is over, please help us by making threads that are EXTREMELY specific and well fleshed out. I imagine there will topics concerning analysis, fact checking, and poll changes that deserve a separate thread. Choose WISELY, because we do not want existing threads with active discussions to be bumped off the 1st page by a flood of duplicate topics.


In addition -- Moderation will post a FLOATING thread in the Politics forum to remind people to use the sticky thread. You were all wonderful to help us out the last time by BUMPING that thread with questions or BENIGN nonsense that doesn't scare the kiddies. Just please don't abuse that thread.

Secondly, I noticed the 1st Debate thread is still active. To avoid confusion, we are gonna CLOSE that one when this one opens. So get in your goodbyes and last digs..

Very simple. Trump won,

nope. wrong again buckaroo.

you don't win a debate when you:
a) lie repeatedly about almost everything
b) pace the stage and try to physically intimidate your opponent
c) threaten to put a political adversary in jail (we don't live in bolivia, last i checked)
d) get your political advice from rudy (a verb a noun and 911) giuliani
e) and what the heck was his sniffing about? you going to say he had a bad mic again?

but i suppose in the land of breitbart, wackos could think he's not an embarrassment.

Clinton wins debate, but Trump exceeds expectations - CNNPolitics.com

and by exceeds expectations they mean he didn't drool on his shoes.

See the far left drones use a far left blog site to claim Hilary won..

CNN = Clinton News Network..

Another far left fail!

I didn't get to see the debate but I saw some clips on the news. I didn't see enough to really comment one way or another on who won. Did they talk about POLICY at all, or was it the usual mudslinging with no substance?
Clinton should never have gone down the Russia as aggressor meme in Syria and alleging they are messing with the elections. She didn't lose that to Trump. I think when you get down to it, she just failed with the rest of the American people. That was the most asinine crap. She was done at that point. That's what pisses me off about these "debates". They are so based on whatever numskull crap that comes out of the media that you can't have intelligent discourse even if it is wrapped in a package.
Trump was a crybaby.

He attacked the moderators.

Trump stood on a stage and told the world what every far and alt righter HRC hater wanted to say for the last twenty five years.


It did not help him win one voter.
I didn't get to see the debate but I saw some clips on the news. I didn't see enough to really comment one way or another on who won. Did they talk about POLICY at all, or was it the usual mudslinging with no substance?

98% personal attack and 1% low functioning attempts at policy.........followed by personal attacks.
Trump claims Hillary has "tremendous hate in her heart" and claims he will lock her up if elected

Low point in presidential debate history
Punishing crime with prison time is a low point? Do you hear the people chanting "Lock her up!" What presidential nominee in our history had the people yelling anything similar? A special prosecutor is called for and the people demand it. Our eyes have been wide open for the last horrible years.
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Hillary missed an opportunity when Comrade Trump kept saying "locker room talk. She should have responded, "You were describing an act that is a "Felony" in your locker room talk, Mister Trump. Have you committed these acts?"
Calling her the Devil was a nice touch, but pointing out the hate in her heart left her speechless and reminded the audience she's as EVIL as it gets:

Hillary says I'm deplorable and irredeemable and she wants to represent me as my president. I find that insulting. Conservatives want what is best for our country. Democrats want whatever gives them more power and authority over people. It comes from their past of being the party of slavery and segregation. Think not? Why doesn't Hillary denounce those BLM thugs for wanting to segregate from whites? They're doing what she and the democrats want.
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
I think his goal was to keep the RNC from pulling funds and giving them to senate campaigns or worse yet, pulling him from the ticket. The fact that he didn't self-destruct and plugged a lot of republican key issues such as gun control, and made his supporters happy will keep the RNC off his back. So from Trump's standpoint he won the debate.

They can't pull him from the ticket. Voting has already started. Trump is locked in as the candidate. Any such motions now by the RNC would be strictly symbolic.....an attempt to distance themselves from Trump's inevitable failure.

Once the first vote was cast, there no legal way the ballots can be changed.
Yep. The GOP is screwed, and we have been warning them for over a year. Some will write in Pence, but there is already talk that he is pulling out. Either way, i suspect that there will be no money coming in to the Trump campaign headquarters after tomorrow.

It is kind of nice to know that one's candidate has won, a month before the election.

BTW You heard this here first. Monday morning, stocks are going UP, due to the Trump disaster, because the market fears that he is a loose cannon, and now he is toast. In fact, it is almost a sure bet that if you buy stocks tonight, on 10/9/16, even paying after market fees, you will have made money by tomorrow night.
Hey, we really want to thank you guys for warning us. What would we ever do without left wingers telling us who to vote for?

Probably have nominated a more competent, electable candidate. Hillary Clinton is probably the weakest candidate that the Dems have run in at least a generation. And yet with just a little goading you poor, silly souls nominated a fool so inept, bumbling and utterly unsuited to be president that you've virtually guaranteed Hillary the presidency.

You can't fix stupid. But you can goad it to nominate Donald Trump.
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

No, he didn't. He preached to his choir, running talking points that sound like they came right off the most hysteric op-eds of the Breibart website. Alt Right conservatives were whipped into a frothing, almost orgasmic lather.

And the rest of us watched in disgusted fascination as he melted down.

Trump doesn't need to preach to the Alt-Right. He needed to convince the moderates, undecided and independents that he'd changed, that he had the right temperament for office. Instead, he utterly ignored them and doubled down on the farthest fringes of the right wing. And pissed away the last chance he had to turn his campaign around.

Say it with me; "Madam President".
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

No, he didn't. He preached to his choir, running talking points that sound like they came right off the most hysteric op-eds of the Breibart website. Alt Right conservatives were whipped into a frothing, almost orgasmic lather.

And the rest of us watched in disgusted fascination as he melted down.

Trump doesn't need to preach to the Alt-Right. He needed to convince the moderates, undecided and independents that he'd changed, that he had the right temperament for office. Instead, he utterly ignored them and doubled down on the farthest fringes of the right wing. And pissed away the last chance he had to turn his campaign around.

Say it with me; "Madam President".

First off, stop with this "Alt-Right" right wet dream you like tards are infatuated with. It's nothing g more then a fake boogeyman invented by the racist left to scare black people to the polls. As for pis sing away his last chance to swing voters, when he adressed Hillerys scandals her and the mods got movies fast. I mean hell, Hiller didn't even move that fast when the terrorist were killing our guys in Benghazi. Trump got her and he managed to say loud and clear that the race is not over.
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