2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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newsflash! he held the mic up too close....twice as close as hillary- look for yourself- 2. hillary supporters talking about anything health related against Trump lmfao.

a seasoned entertainer held the mic too close ... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

he was breathing in after he spoke .. sucking air, not blowing into the mic.

in, out, mic, no mic, whatever ..

Trump is fucked.

have a nice night.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
I didn't see as many traps set by Clinton in this debate. Could it be that her goal is to keep Trump in the race. He's a liability to the ticket now and as long as the RNC keeps him there, republicans are in real danger of losing the senate.
You're right and I think part of that is because it is a town hall scenario. She wanted to express the attitude that she cared more about the individual questions being asked than to spend time attacking Trump. She wanted to focus on her policy agenda. She answered all of those questions directly which of course was the right move.
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
I think his goal was to keep the RNC from pulling funds and giving them to senate campaigns or worse yet, pulling him from the ticket. The fact that he didn't self-destruct and plugged a lot of republican key issues such as gun control, and made his supporters happy will keep the RNC off his back. So from Trump's standpoint he won the debate.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
I didn't see as many traps set by Clinton in this debate. Could it be that her goal is to keep Trump in the race. He's a liability to the ticket now and as long as the RNC keeps him there, republicans are in real danger of losing the senate.
I agree. Just like in WW2, there was talk by the allies of assassinating Hitler, but it was rejected because his blunders as Commander in Chief of German military forces made him invaluable to the allies' war effort.
Wow, relistening to Donald's answer on whether he ever forced a kiss or groped a woman as he discussed on the tape and Trump's answer was just loony tune, and he danced and danced and then barely said, no, then went on rambling....

He did not do himself a favor on that one...and in no way cleared up what he said he did on the tape, sexually harass women.
Yeah, in his first question he was asked if he considered himself a model for youth. He diverted to a half dozen topics then the moderate pressed for an answer mentioning the tape. He sort of apologized but then he tried to play it down by saying it's just locker room talk but then he jumped into a tirade about ISIS and horrors in Syria and how he would fight them. He seemed to be trying to use ISIS as some sort of justification for the tape. It made no sense but I guess that's Trump.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
I didn't see as many traps set by Clinton in this debate. Could it be that her goal is to keep Trump in the race. He's a liability to the ticket now and as long as the RNC keeps him there, republicans are in real danger of losing the senate.
I agree. Just like in WW2, there was talk by the allies of assassinating Hitler, but it was rejected because his blunders as Commander in Chief of German military forces made him invaluable to the allies' war effort.
It's really a strange race, Democrats want the opponent to stay in the race and the RNC wants him out.
It's really a strange race, Democrats want the opponent to stay in the race and the RNC wants him out.

Not strange at all.

1. Conservatives have been calling out RINOs for years now.
2. Democrats have no moral fiber; hence why you have a felon who rigged the race as your nominee while you blindly follow like sheep.

Hillary is wondering how she can bribe that special prosecutor.
Special prosecutors are used to investigate government employees which Hillary Clinton is not and the Attorney General not the president hires the special prosecutor if he deems it proper. But how would Trump know any of this since he knows nothing about the government that he would be responsible for managing.
Hillary is wondering how she can bribe that special prosecutor.
Special prosecutors are used to investigate government employees which Hillary Clinton is not and the Attorney General not the president hires the special prosecutor if he deems it proper. But how would Trump know any of this since he knows nothing about the government that he would be responsible for managing.

I just read about this and you are kind of wrong. The AG is the one that would appoint the special prosecutor, and they wouldn't HAVE to do it, but since Trump could replace them at anytime without reason, they would pretty much be handicapped. They could appoint a special prosecutor on Clinton because hers are federal crimes, regardless of her no longer being a government employee.
Hillary is wondering how she can bribe that special prosecutor.
Special prosecutors are used to investigate government employees which Hillary Clinton is not and the Attorney General not the president hires the special prosecutor if he deems it proper. But how would Trump know any of this since he knows nothing about the government that he would be responsible for managing.

Oh, I didn't know former govt. employees were exempt. Show me that law, jack ass.
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