2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.

He has sinus problems. Let's be real, that's not normal breathing.

I have heard people breath worse than that......they has extreme sinus issues. No biggie.

Please, if Clinton sounded like that you'd be convinced she was dying of a brain tumor.

You have no clue what I'd be thinking. Hint: I don't think about her one way or another for that to cross m mind.

Great. We done then?
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.

first debate it was a bad mic ..

now its sinus...

I say a bad mic is following him around.

Republicans really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if they had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.

They have nominated a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS foul mouthed, vile, emotionally unstable, MALE drama queen in this nation's history--Donald Trump.

NO 59 YEAR OLD MAN DOES LOCKER ROOM TALK. That's no man. My husband would never tolerate another man that talked about women that way.

Donald Trump is UNFIT to be POTUS--much less Commander & Chief of this country.

Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and for the first time ever he has come out from behind the curtain to say something about Clinton & Trump. It would be very well advised for you to listen to every word this man has to say.

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Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Third, CNN fixed the setting on his mic so his sniffs would be just as loud as his voice.


Yes it does. It's called "compression." Look it up.
First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.

He has sinus problems. Let's be real, that's not normal breathing.

I have heard people breath worse than that......they has extreme sinus issues. No biggie.

Please, if Clinton sounded like that you'd be convinced she was dying of a brain tumor.

You have no clue what I'd be thinking. Hint: I don't think about her one way or another for that to cross m mind.

Great. We done then?

No clue. But, I'd say so since I have yet to see you post one decent thing. All mean rhetoric. It's okay. I barely read them anyhow.:itsok:
I'm not that into you, go dry hump your laptop on someone else.

Only fucking faggot could think I wasn't talking about a gif.

At what point do you guys just get tired of hating everything?

Talking to yourself again?

Really, Biff?

That's how you call it now?
Please, if Clinton sounded like that you'd be convinced she was dying of a brain tumor.

They were saying she had Parkinson and pneumonia

Yes, the media sure was!

Of course they were, all of them to the right of Roy Cohn.
Wow, relistening to Donald's answer on whether he ever forced a kiss or groped a woman as he discussed on the tape and Trump's answer was just loony tune, and he danced and danced and then barely said, no, then went on rambling....

He did not do himself a favor on that one...and in no way cleared up what he said he did on the tape, sexually harass women.
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Third, CNN fixed the setting on his mic so his sniffs would be just as loud as his voice.


Yes it does. It's called "compression." Look it up.

I'd love to hear you explain it to us.
Wow, relistening to Donald's answer on whether he ever forced a kiss or groped a woman as he discussed on the tape and Trump's answer was just loony tune, and he danced and danced and then barely said, no, then went on rambling....

He did not do himself a favor on that one...and in no way cleared up what he said he did on the tape, sexually harass women.

After the debate this is still very much an open issue, totally agree.
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Third, CNN fixed the setting on his mic so his sniffs would be just as loud as his voice.



We can hear. No need to scream. I noticed the breathing right away. Big freaking deal. I have heard worse. Some said he was holding microphone too close. Frankly I do not care.

turn your hearing aid down
Move over, Jerry Springer...


DEBATE DRAMA: Trump Hosts Women Who Accused Bill Clinton Of Misconduct
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Third, CNN fixed the setting on his mic so his sniffs would be just as loud as his voice.



We can hear. No need to scream. I noticed the breathing right away. Big freaking deal. I have heard worse. Some said he was holding microphone too close. Frankly I do not care.

turn your hearing aid down

That was stupid. You're the screamer.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
I didn't see as many traps set by Clinton in this debate. Could it be that her goal is to keep Trump in the race. He's a liability to the ticket now and as long as the RNC keeps him there, republicans are in real danger of losing the senate.
First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Third, CNN fixed the setting on his mic so his sniffs would be just as loud as his voice.



We can hear. No need to scream. I noticed the breathing right away. Big freaking deal. I have heard worse. Some said he was holding microphone too close. Frankly I do not care.

turn your hearing aid down

That was stupid. You're the screamer.

theres a volume switch on your keyboard ...
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