2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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It would be a mistake to think that Trump does not have a policy in mind for the Middle East. He is going to use nuclear weapons, and build a wall on the Atlantic coast and make the Syrians pay for it.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

30 years? When did she have that power 30 years ago? She didn't get into Senate until 15 years ago, and then only had one voice among 100.

Some don't understand government and our 3 branches. To include Trump.
Like you do.
When will you demonstrate such?
You haven't yet.

Soooo, in the context to what I was replying to. A single senator doesn't make laws. A first lady doesn;t make laws, a first lady of Arkansas doesn't make laws. It's kind of obvious.
Hillary was not renown for taking advantage of her Senior Co-Senator Chuck Schumer.
Plus she became worth almost 100 million by giving speeches to MNCs.
NO. She did make 100 million.

According to public records, Clinton gave 92 speeches between 2013 and 2015. Her standard fee is $225,000, and she collected $21.6 million dollars in just under two years. Clinton made 8 speeches to big banks, netting $1.8 million, according to a CNN analysis.
After Trump's stunt before the debate tonight - he has unleashed hell against him. Trump haters and Hillary supporters will be working overtime to dig up even more dirt on Trump between now and November 8. He has unleashed hell.
If this doesn't convince Trump supporters that this guy is bat shit crazy, nothing will. Trump's own people warned him about attacking Bill Clinton. This would be seen by women voters as an attempt to justify his lewd comments about women and his lack of sincerity in his apology. My biggest objection to Trump is not his misogynistic racist attitudes, nor his lack of any experience but his really poor judgement.
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CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.


They don't discuss their methodology. I suspect they called a bunch of Hillary staffers.

FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network. Giving an unprecedented 2 billion dollars in free media coverage to Donald Trump during the primaries. In fact so much that Donald Trump himself stated he didn't need to raise donations for T.V adds because he already gets enough free media attention from FOX NEWS. As you probably don't know either, 54% of the Republican party cast a vote for other candidates and it's this group that are NOT going to turn on FOX NEWS to watch constant news coverage of Donald Trump--the ass clown. So they switched to CNN months ago.
Donald Trump Has Received Nearly $2 Billion In Free Media Attention | Huffington Post

That's why CNN is now NUMBER ONE.


It will be interesting to see after this Tsunami hits the Republican party if FOX NEWS and all those right wing talk show hosts that have promoted this ass clown survives the wrath of the majority of Republicans in this country.

Here's one of your favorites and his comments after a man was able to sneak on his talk show and corner him.

All in the name of ratings and those obscene profit breaks.
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After Trump's stunt before the debate tonight - he has unleashed hell against him. Trump haters and Hillary supporters will be working overtime to dig up even more dirt on Trump between now and November 8. He has unleashed hell.
If this doesn't convince Trump supporters that this guy is bat shit crazy, nothing will. Trump's own people warned him about attacking Bill Clinton. This would be seen by women voters as an attempt to justify his lewd comments about women and his lack sincerity in his apology. My biggest objection to Trump is not his misogynistic racist attitudes, nor his lack of any experience but his really poor judgement.

Trump uses whatever rules "they" have.
you know once upon a time the legal code allowed Humans to own other Humans ...it was all quite legal .........Trump uses whatever rules they have in countries were they pay people a dollar a day

So tell us, douche bag, which laws shouldn't Trump obey?

Hillary supporters are too stupid to realize Hillary supports ISIS and countries that kill gays and Christians and support child rape and child marraige.
After Trump's stunt before the debate tonight - he has unleashed hell against him. Trump haters and Hillary supporters will be working overtime to dig up even more dirt on Trump between now and November 8. He has unleashed hell.
If this doesn't convince Trump supporters that this guy is bat shit crazy, nothing will. Trump's own people warned him about attacking Bill Clinton. This would be seen by women voters as an attempt to justify his lewd comments about women and his lack sincerity in his apology. My biggest objection to Trump is not his misogynistic racist attitudes, nor his lack of any experience but his really poor judgement.
Trump is the complete package of someone wholly unfit to be president – there’s something for everyone to hate.
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.
Look if Trump cannot keep his own Nasal passages clear what makes you all think he can manage the Government ...

First off he was merely breathing in thru his nose. Secondly, many many people have sinus issues. WTH does that have to do with the debate? I mean really.

He has sinus problems. Let's be real, that's not normal breathing.
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
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