2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

30 years? When did she have that power 30 years ago? She didn't get into Senate until 15 years ago, and then only had one voice among 100.

Some don't understand government and our 3 branches. To include Trump.
Like you do.
When will you demonstrate such?
You haven't yet.

Soooo, in the context to what I was replying to. A single senator doesn't make laws. A first lady doesn;t make laws, a first lady of Arkansas doesn't make laws. It's kind of obvious.
Hillary was not renown for taking advantage of her Senior Co-Senator Chuck Schumer.
Plus she became worth almost 100 million by giving speeches to MNCs.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

30 years? When did she have that power 30 years ago? She didn't get into Senate until 15 years ago, and then only had one voice among 100.

Some don't understand government and our 3 branches. To include Trump.
Like you do.
When will you demonstrate such?
You haven't yet.

Soooo, in the context to what I was replying to. A single senator doesn't make laws. A first lady doesn;t make laws, a first lady of Arkansas doesn't make laws. It's kind of obvious.
Hillary was not renown for taking advantage of her Senior Co-Senator Chuck Schumer.
Plus she became worth almost 100 million by giving speeches to MNCs.

Rewrite your first sentence.

Since when did conservatives have a problem with he free market?
As a democrat, I can say with certainty that Hillary is the weakest candidate that we have nominated since George McGovern, but I am frankly stunned that the republicans nominated one of the few people in public life who doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating her.
No anti-Globalist has a chance of becoming President in your opinion.
But that's because that's how you make a living.

Independent, I will know when you start to grow up, when you stop making personal insults in response to other people's political statements. Not that I mind, myself, but it is very indicative, and hurts your credibility much more than the credibility of others.
Uh, no.
People tend to interpret facts in the manner which is most preferable to them personally.
I was not insulting you; I was referring to that fact that you profit from our current Economic Policy.

...and, yet, this thread isn't about me, is it?
Is it when you blurt out a post with no facts to back it up.

30 years? When did she have that power 30 years ago? She didn't get into Senate until 15 years ago, and then only had one voice among 100.

Some don't understand government and our 3 branches. To include Trump.
Like you do.
When will you demonstrate such?
You haven't yet.

Soooo, in the context to what I was replying to. A single senator doesn't make laws. A first lady doesn;t make laws, a first lady of Arkansas doesn't make laws. It's kind of obvious.
Hillary was not renown for taking advantage of her Senior Co-Senator Chuck Schumer.
Plus she became worth almost 100 million by giving speeches to MNCs.

Rewrite your first sentence.

Since when did conservatives have a problem with he free market?
I don't have to rephrase anything.
I would never vote for an Open Borders Conservative for President; nor an Open Borders Liberal.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
You go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better.
CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.

CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.

CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.


CNN? You're joking, right?
lets see what the returns say ...how that magic was worked ...Its quite a fantasy to think a tax hustler like Trump is going to change a system that totally profits him... I mean it borders on the pathetic to believe that Trump is going to change what he profits from ...grow the fuck up

Thats' crazy talk. Tax hustle? but you have not seen one form? IRS sees the forms.

ALL Taxpayers pay TAX one way or another. You know it and I know it. There is no way out. Your income must go somewhere "approved".

The point is ............ SHE maybe could have affected change? SHE never tried. SHE or groups of "she" D or R could have been on the tube....."this is what we need to do"

30, 20 years...........FED GOVT does nothing. Trump uses whatever rules "they" have.
CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.


They don't discuss their methodology. I suspect they called a bunch of Hillary staffers.
CNN is reporting Hillary Clinton won 57% by 27%.

For you moron Trumpsters. No 59 year old man does locker room talk. That's no man.

Next week, the Howard Stern interviews will be all over starting with this one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is done you can stick a fork in him. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump, if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt to search for one.


CNN? You're joking, right?

I guess you didn't know. FOX NEWS has been turned off, and CNN was turned on by millions of former FOX NEWS watchers.

"Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone."
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
You go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better.
You have to be a complete moron to think Trump has even a basic understanding of the complexity of the Middle East.
Trump did better, but, oh yeah, Hillary won. It wasn't a disaster for Trump, but he rambled like an idiot - specifically on foreign policy. He has no idea what he is getting into as president. Hillary was composed, informed, and nuanced as always.
You go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better.
You have to be a complete moron to think Trump has even a basic understanding of the complexity of the Middle East.
Shiites and Sunnis murdering each other...What's so complex?
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