2016 Video Emerges Of Hillary Admitting Foreign Leaders Contacting Her Campaign To Help Stop Trump


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And guess what? The video is from March 2016! This is certified inculpatory evidence of certified collusion. I have a feeling the Trumpenfuhrer will be tweeting this video out to Mueller shortly.

From the video and horses mouth: “I am already receiving messages from leaders. I’m having foreign leaders ask if they can endorse me to stop Donald Trump.” – Hillary Clinton, March, 2016

WOW! VIDEO EMERGES Of Hillary Clinton Admitting Foreign Leaders Contacted Her During Campaign, Discussed How They Could "Stop Donald Trump" * 100percentfedUp.com
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And of course it will be ENTIRELY IGNORED by the democrat propaganda wing.

(My dem impression --------- ^^^)
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Well the Uks were the bigies Most donated to the Clintons were the Uks.
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Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?

Take enough to get Manafort to resign over lies by the Ukrainian government.Campaign manager. Three months out of an election.
Anyone who does not see what the global objective is to undermine America, destroy individual freedom, expression of religion and overstepping of government powers on a global scale which are meant to impact in particular America, than, you are willfully blind.

She was nothing but a bought and paid for patsy willing to sell America up the river for her globalist friends to prosper on the backs of the American worker and struggling citizens.

Not only should there be an investigation and the Democrats forced to publicly denounce her candidacy, the government should apply economic sanctions to those nations who had leaders trying to publicly and privately undermine America. Even so-called "allies".

You want to send a message that there will be no fooking around in American elections? You had better back it up with punishment that lowly, self serving politicians understand, a hit to their pocketbooks and thus their political futures.
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Watch the video here.

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbus Ohio (March 13, 2016)

She did say no, according to her. Of course, she could have been lying. Maybe she did work with Europeans to sabotage Trump. Who knows?

Even so, despite being pretty questionable behavior, it's still not the same as conspiring with the Russian government. We don't know that there was definitively collusion, but some of the evidence is certainly damning to Jr.
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Watch the video here.

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbus Ohio (March 13, 2016)

She did say no, according to her. Of course, she could have been lying. Maybe she did work with Europeans to sabotage Trump. Who knows?

Even so, despite being pretty questionable behavior, it's still not the same as conspiring with the Russian government. We don't know that there was definitively collusion, but some of the evidence is certainly damning to Jr.

Like hell she said no. Actions speak louder than words, tell me how the Australian and Norwegian government found it in their hearts to give hundreds of millions to her International Foundation and promptly and swiftly withdraw any funding after she lost the election? The type of influence wielded at the International level isn't done by rookie meetings with reps as Trump Jr, engaged in to get dirt on their opponent. That's childs play. It's done with big bucks and influence, usually under the bs guise of some "foundation" or the like.

That is just the list of two of the SOB nations who don't want America to become the America of old, where innovation, individual ambitions and pursuits result in invention and creativity. These lazy nations just want crony capitalism and nepotism to win as they line their own incompetent pockets.

God Bless America! Thank God Clinton didn't win.
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Watch the video here.

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbus Ohio (March 13, 2016)

She did say no, according to her. Of course, she could have been lying. Maybe she did work with Europeans to sabotage Trump. Who knows?

Even so, despite being pretty questionable behavior, it's still not the same as conspiring with the Russian government. We don't know that there was definitively collusion, but some of the evidence is certainly damning to Jr.

Like hell she said no. Actions speak louder than words, tell me how the Australian and Norwegian government found it in their hearts to give hundreds of millions to her International Foundation and promptly and swiftly withdraw any funding after she lost the election? The type of influence wielded at the International level isn't done by rookie meetings with reps as Trump Jr, engaged in to get dirt on their opponent. That's childs play. It's done with big bucks and influence, usually under the bs guise of some "foundation" or the like.

That is just the list of two of the SOB nations who don't want America to become the America of old, where innovation, individual ambitions and pursuits result in invention and creativity. These lazy nations just want crony capitalism and nepotism to win as they line their own incompetent pockets.

God Bless America! Thank God Clinton didn't win.

So which of those countries hacked the RNC and Reince Priebus, and released the information to discredit Trump, and which of those countries was Chelsea negotiating to build buildings in?
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Watch the video here.

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbus Ohio (March 13, 2016)

She did say no, according to her. Of course, she could have been lying. Maybe she did work with Europeans to sabotage Trump. Who knows?

Even so, despite being pretty questionable behavior, it's still not the same as conspiring with the Russian government. We don't know that there was definitively collusion, but some of the evidence is certainly damning to Jr.
No, listen again. The moderator asked her would she reveal who the leaders she spoke with privately.......She said 'No'.
Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
Watch the video here.

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbus Ohio (March 13, 2016)

She did say no, according to her. Of course, she could have been lying. Maybe she did work with Europeans to sabotage Trump. Who knows?

Even so, despite being pretty questionable behavior, it's still not the same as conspiring with the Russian government. We don't know that there was definitively collusion, but some of the evidence is certainly damning to Jr.

Like hell she said no. Actions speak louder than words, tell me how the Australian and Norwegian government found it in their hearts to give hundreds of millions to her International Foundation and promptly and swiftly withdraw any funding after she lost the election? The type of influence wielded at the International level isn't done by rookie meetings with reps as Trump Jr, engaged in to get dirt on their opponent. That's childs play. It's done with big bucks and influence, usually under the bs guise of some "foundation" or the like.

That is just the list of two of the SOB nations who don't want America to become the America of old, where innovation, individual ambitions and pursuits result in invention and creativity. These lazy nations just want crony capitalism and nepotism to win as they line their own incompetent pockets.

God Bless America! Thank God Clinton didn't win.

So which of those countries hacked the RNC and Reince Priebus, and released the information to discredit Trump, and which of those countries was Chelsea negotiating to build buildings in?

They do far worse, the provide funds, apply International pressure and propaganda, often through their state run media like CBC, BBC. The hacking meant little, it was reported by U.S media and citizen read it or didn't. Did Russia send hundreds of millions to the campaign in an effort to get him elected? Which, by the way, Obama did to Israel's left wing party in a failed effort to have them usurp the ruling party there.

America had better open it's eyes, especially the left. The abuses and objectives of globalists are far more nefarious and institutionalised than Trumps "Make America Great Again" objectives.
Why letting Hillary go scott free opened up a can of worms setting precedence for others similarly charged.
Marine’s defense for disseminating classified information will cite Hillary Clinton’s case

Clinton's crimes; 110 of her emails Comey could scrounge up were classified info.
Obstruction, Destroying knowingly and willingly the evidence requested by law to turn over, and contents which proved illegal receiving of funds for favors, also exposed were other crimes like charity and other fraud.
And guess what? The video is from March 2016! This is certified inculpatory evidence of certified collusion. I have a feeling the Trumpenfuhrer will be tweeting this video out to Mueller shortly.

From the video and horses mouth: “I am already receiving messages from leaders. I’m having foreign leaders ask if they can endorse me to stop Donald Trump.” – Hillary Clinton, March, 2016

WOW! VIDEO EMERGES Of Hillary Clinton Admitting Foreign Leaders Contacted Her During Campaign, Discussed How They Could "Stop Donald Trump" * 100percentfedUp.com

Steve, you sure do provide some interesting links.

Keep us informed

Okay. I'm not clicking on that link. My question is, did she arrange meetings with said leaders, then lie constantly about them?
In that video she didn't even agree to accept their endorsements. More bullshit propaganda flung by the slurpers.

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