2017 2.3% GDP Well Below The 3% Minimum Signals Growing Debt


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.
It's a little early to declare the gop tax cut a failure. I think it will be one, and unnecessarily so, because the benefits of a corp tax cut could have been achieved just by lowering the rate to even less than it is now by just offsetting the added lost revenue by cutting corporate giveaways like credits for plant expansion.

Putting a little more money in the middle class pockets probably helps a little. There's no debate that the EITC increased consumer demand too.
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.
It's a little early to declare the gop tax cut a failure. I think it will be one, and unnecessarily so, because the benefits of a corp tax cut could have been achieved just by lowering the rate to even less than it is now by just offsetting the added lost revenue by cutting corporate giveaways like credits for plant expansion.

Putting a little more money in the middle class pockets probably helps a little. There's no debate that the EITC increased consumer demand too.
Well, I didn't PRONOUNCE it a failure yet... I share your pessimism! But when will that "Voodoo Economics", as Bush 41 termed it, start to ever work in the real world?

I merely pointed to a fail point in the scheme that has already occurred with the 2017 2.3% GDP and pointed to two other demons looming on the horizon. When the Dow and the S&P take a dump in the middle of Wall Street, the prospects for 3-6% GDP growth reduce exponentially! Hence, the rising debt and some more of this tedious can kicking closer to the cliff's edge!
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.
It's a little early to declare the gop tax cut a failure. I think it will be one, and unnecessarily so, because the benefits of a corp tax cut could have been achieved just by lowering the rate to even less than it is now by just offsetting the added lost revenue by cutting corporate giveaways like credits for plant expansion.

Putting a little more money in the middle class pockets probably helps a little. There's no debate that the EITC increased consumer demand too.
Well, I didn't PRONOUNCE it a failure yet... I share your pessimism! But when will that "Voodoo Economics", as Bush 41 termed it, start to ever work in the real world?

I merely pointed to a fail point in the scheme that has already occurred with the 2017 2.3% GDP and pointed to two other demons looming on the horizon. When the Dow and the S&P take a dump in the middle of Wall Street, the prospects for 3-6% GDP growth reduce exponentially! Hence, the rising debt and some more of this tedious can kicking closer to the cliff's edge!
Unless you have a crystal ball, with all those Socialist Utopian Paradises over in Europe investing in the United States, doesn't seem like in the next couple of years, any crash coming, unless you libtards rise up and try to overthrow this government. Until then I will continue to spend good money that I am getting from the tax breaks back into the economy, thus making President Trump win, again, and again...
Initial Q4 GDP is 2.6%. That would not include any effects of the tax reform bill and is also likely to be revised up when economists get a better handle on the statistics. The four quarters of the Trump Presidency started a with Q1 a little over 1% which was the Obama hangover quarter, followed by three straight quarters averaging about 3%. So your problem is.....what?
Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers, that will likely be UP, on page A-20.

Just like they consistently did when the meat puppet faggot's numbers were consistently revised DOWN.

The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.
It's a little early to declare the gop tax cut a failure. I think it will be one, and unnecessarily so, because the benefits of a corp tax cut could have been achieved just by lowering the rate to even less than it is now by just offsetting the added lost revenue by cutting corporate giveaways like credits for plant expansion.

Putting a little more money in the middle class pockets probably helps a little. There's no debate that the EITC increased consumer demand too.
Well, I didn't PRONOUNCE it a failure yet... I share your pessimism! But when will that "Voodoo Economics", as Bush 41 termed it, start to ever work in the real world?

I merely pointed to a fail point in the scheme that has already occurred with the 2017 2.3% GDP and pointed to two other demons looming on the horizon. When the Dow and the S&P take a dump in the middle of Wall Street, the prospects for 3-6% GDP growth reduce exponentially! Hence, the rising debt and some more of this tedious can kicking closer to the cliff's edge!

We're in year 8 of expansion, and they don't last more than 10 years. But even if we've entered a new worldwide econ phase, the fed is raising rates overall, and we've had to raise the interest we pay on govt debt. And china's econ is wobbly.

Trump's betting on weak dollar, which seems odd since a weak dollar makes imports (WalMart) more expensive. But if WalMart shoppers have a little bit more to spend, maybe more shit will be built here.
Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers

Magical thinking 101

There was no significant revision for Q1, 2 or3, but your need for Q4 revision will sure be accommodated :rolleyes:

Dealing with reality is tough for rightwingers.
Initial Q4 GDP is 2.6%. That would not include any effects of the tax reform bill and is also likely to be revised up when economists get a better handle on the statistics. The four quarters of the Trump Presidency started a with Q1 a little over 1% which was the Obama hangover quarter, followed by three straight quarters averaging about 3%. So your problem is.....what?
I have no problem reading a WAPO article but obviously you may! I believe the article's author, the article cited in the OP, states the 2017 GDP was, indeed, 2.3% and your average of 3% is in gross error. To double check, I went to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, BEA and her is what they had to say;

"Annual GDP growth For the year 2017, real GDP increased 2.3 percent"
~ https://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/national/gdp/gdphighlights.pdf ~

I reckon you missed the target with your 3% contrivance of rearranging budgetary fiscal years to suit your meme!

Did I mention Obama in the OP or are you meandering off-topic to derail this thread? You're not a troll are you Mikey?
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.


Fourth quarter growth of 2.6 is still double the growth of 2017 1st quarter - a lackluster holdover from the previous administration. An annualized growth of 2.3 is well above 2016's dismal showing of 1.6. This is by no means bad news.

2017 growth was held back by a particularly slow first quarter, when the economy grew at an annualized rate of only 1.2 percent.
U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.


Fourth quarter growth of 2.6 is still double the growth of 2017 1st quarter - a lackluster holdover from the previous administration. An annualized growth of 2.3 is well above 2016's dismal showing of 1.6. This is by no means bad news.

2017 growth was held back by a particularly slow first quarter, when the economy grew at an annualized rate of only 1.2 percent.
U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets
You just reminded me of what the liberals were saying everytime Obama's 4th quarter showed up.

Cloudy economy rains on Obama's parade
Cloudy economy rains on Obama's parade

As the president touts improvement, jobs growth suddenly turns sluggish.


04/03/2015 08:54 AM EDT

Updated 04/04/2015 08:54 AM EDT
But it is Bush's fault... The cretin never did take responsibility for his epic failures.
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~

Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers

Magical thinking 101

There was no significant revision for Q1, 2 or3, but your need for Q4 revision will sure be accommodated :rolleyes:

Dealing with reality is tough for rightwingers.

The 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget...not Trumps
“Remember people...the 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget....He asked to spend more than $4 trillion. So it is his policies which caused the 6th largest budget deficit in history. It should also be noted that without spending cuts put in place after Trump took office the deficit would have been much deeper.
Also note, nearly one quarter of the $666 billion went to fund your beloved illegal Mexicans.
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress

Further, Hussein was the first President to ever spend more on welfare than defense.
Weird huh...imagine that...a Black President would spend more on his homies than he would on the safety of the good, hard working, positive contributors in this nation.....hahaha...who would have thought?
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
We're in year 8 of expansion, and they don't last more than 10 years. But even if we've entered a new worldwide econ phase, the fed is raising rates overall, and we've had to raise the interest we pay on govt debt. And china's econ is wobbly.

Trump's betting on weak dollar, which seems odd since a weak dollar makes imports (WalMart) more expensive. But if WalMart shoppers have a little bit more to spend, maybe more shit will be built here.

Eight years of expanded delusions maybe.

We've had an utterly stagnant economy for nearly a decade, and it began with the democrooks taking the legislative branch in 2006. The meat puppet faggot deliberately caused the stagnation. The day he was declared president elect, the markets took another down turn. Whatever prosperity anyone experienced was due to crony capitalism and was limited to Democrook money launderers or happened in spite of democrook efforts to undermine prosperity. The day Trump was elected the market went up and hasn't stopped.
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~

Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers

Magical thinking 101

There was no significant revision for Q1, 2 or3, but your need for Q4 revision will sure be accommodated :rolleyes:

Dealing with reality is tough for rightwingers.

The 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget...not Trumps
“Remember people...the 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget....He asked to spend more than $4 trillion. So it is his policies which caused the 6th largest budget deficit in history. It should also be noted that without spending cuts put in place after Trump took office the deficit would have been much deeper.
Also note, nearly one quarter of the $666 billion went to fund your beloved illegal Mexicans.
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress

Further, Hussein was the first President to ever spend more on welfare than defense.
Weird huh...imagine that...a Black President would spend more on his homies than he would on the safety of the good, hard working, positive contributors in this nation.....hahaha...who would have thought?
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense

Retard, we aren’t even talking about federal budget.
This is like the liberals saying that Obama didn't add 10 trillion dollars to the debt, when actually he raised the debt by 9.5 trillion. Liberals love to use facts when it goes their way, but when REAL facts are presented they run off like spoiled 3rd graders who have peed in their pants. Obama told US that it never again see a GDP over 3%. We still have 7 more years of President Trumps tax breaks, that you liberal will either spend and help the economy and pay down the debt, or return, thus not helping the economy thus paying down the debt both helping President Trump...Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it is nice to see victims of liberalism in such a tizzy.


Fourth quarter growth of 2.6 is still double the growth of 2017 1st quarter - a lackluster holdover from the previous administration. An annualized growth of 2.3 is well above 2016's dismal showing of 1.6. This is by no means bad news.

2017 growth was held back by a particularly slow first quarter, when the economy grew at an annualized rate of only 1.2 percent.
U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets

Lol cherry picking galore.

2017 posted good ol’ Obama growth at 2.5%.

Yep same growth right wingers called “disaster! Stagnation! Not a single year over 3% growth!!”
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~

Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers

Magical thinking 101

There was no significant revision for Q1, 2 or3, but your need for Q4 revision will sure be accommodated :rolleyes:

Dealing with reality is tough for rightwingers.

The 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget...not Trumps
“Remember people...the 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget....He asked to spend more than $4 trillion. So it is his policies which caused the 6th largest budget deficit in history. It should also be noted that without spending cuts put in place after Trump took office the deficit would have been much deeper.
Also note, nearly one quarter of the $666 billion went to fund your beloved illegal Mexicans.
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress

Further, Hussein was the first President to ever spend more on welfare than defense.
Weird huh...imagine that...a Black President would spend more on his homies than he would on the safety of the good, hard working, positive contributors in this nation.....hahaha...who would have thought?
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense

Retard, we aren’t even talking about federal budget.

Haha...exactly, you aren’t....it works against that false narrative you’re trying to sell. You do know that .GOV spending connects directly to GDP...right?
The broadcast claim of the current administration guiding the Ship of State stated that the GDP growth rate was going to be routinely over 3% and perhaps as high as 6%, as a major justification for the sweeping 2017 tax overhaul. The hype employed as "proof" the new tax plan centered about the two FY 2017 quarters of GDP growth just over 3%. Can we say, "Flash in the pan?"

The forecast of the new tax plan was 3% MINIMUM GDP to keep the debt about where it is today to pay for the loss of tax revenue. Then the tax reduction and the trickle down effect of the generous largess of the moguls of industry would increase the spending of the proletariat as their income rose thereby increasing Treasury revenue via the lessened tax.

What could go wrong? How about GDP growth at only 2.3% instead of 3%+ as it turned out for the Orange Clown's first year! Or how about a "market adjustment" with the bull going bearish and the Dow losing 25 to 30% and our next recession hitting its scheduled and routine 10-11 year mark in just a few months in the second or third quarter of FY 2018? What's the Thrump economic forecast today from his tribal sycophants?

"U.S. Economic Growth Slowed in 2017’s Fourth Quarter, Missing Trump’s Targets!

The U.S. gross domestic product, a broad measure of the economy, increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, federal economists reported Friday.

GDP growth slowed in the year’s fourth quarter to an annualized rate of 2.6 percent, breaking a two-quarter streak of growth of more than 3 percent.

The economy grew far faster in 2017 than during the year before, but the slowed fourth quarter growth underscores the challenge President Trump’s administration will have in delivering the growth rates he has promised. Officials had focused on 3 percent GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target."

More: ~~ U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets ~~

Next week The Washington Compost will put the revised numbers

Magical thinking 101

There was no significant revision for Q1, 2 or3, but your need for Q4 revision will sure be accommodated :rolleyes:

Dealing with reality is tough for rightwingers.

The 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget...not Trumps
“Remember people...the 2017 fiscal year budget was Hussein’s final budget....He asked to spend more than $4 trillion. So it is his policies which caused the 6th largest budget deficit in history. It should also be noted that without spending cuts put in place after Trump took office the deficit would have been much deeper.
Also note, nearly one quarter of the $666 billion went to fund your beloved illegal Mexicans.
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress
Obama’s Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress

Further, Hussein was the first President to ever spend more on welfare than defense.
Weird huh...imagine that...a Black President would spend more on his homies than he would on the safety of the good, hard working, positive contributors in this nation.....hahaha...who would have thought?
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense

Retard, we aren’t even talking about federal budget.

Haha...exactly, you aren’t....it works against that false narrative you’re trying to sell. You do know that .GOV spending connects directly to GDP...right?

...There were no spending cuts in 2017 please STFU you are absolutely clueless about economy, government budgets and relationship between the two.
Haha...exactly, you aren’t....it works against that false narrative you’re trying to sell. You do know that .GOV spending connects directly to GDP...right?

That bed wetter doesn't "know" anything.

It's nice of you to waste time trying to educate that imbecile, but they're deliberately ignorant. They're dedicated to staying ignorant and seek to spread that ignorance to others.

The fact is, every time in the last 8 years that I've listened to or read economic news, when the numbers first came out during the meat puppet faggot's regime they were ALWAYS revised down weeks later and very quietly.

So far I've heard news from just one quarter and it was revised up.

Bed wetters want to live in their delusional little world though, and I don't have time to do much more than ridicule these parasites.

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