2017-2018 45 million flu illnesses, 21 million flu-associated medical visits, 810,000 flu-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 flu-associated deaths

It took pneumonia & flu a year to kill as many as covid did in it's first month. Covid is also permanently damaging internal organs of 14% of infected.
The damage is occurring to people who already have damage.
A friend of mine with MS just died yesterday from C19 complications.
It took pneumonia & flu a year to kill as many as covid did in it's first month. Covid is also permanently damaging internal organs of 14% of infected.
The damage is occurring to people who already have damage.
A friend of mine with MS just died yesterday from C19 complications.

Will they officially count the death as being from MS, or Covid ?
And we've shut the entire country down, and so far were only at 34K deaths.

Someone's got some 'splainin' to do Lucy !

Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2017–2018 influenza season

Note: The preliminary burden estimates on this page have been updated from those first reported in December 2018 based on additional data available from FluSurv-NET. Estimates for the 2017-2018 season are still preliminary and may change again once data on testing practices and deaths from the 2017-2018 season become available.
* All estimates from the 2017-2018 influenza season are preliminary and may change as data from the season are cleaned and finalized.

The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths (Table: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 through 2017-18 Influenza Seasons).

A full report of the 2017-2018 season burden and influenza illness and burden of influenza illness prevented by vaccination in the United States is available online.

It's valid to compare... But it's informative how LITTLE CDC knows about the actual numbers.. You put the WORST CASE numbers in the title thread, but at the CDC site they are given as ranges... And MOST of the estimates range over a factor of TWO !!! So if they can't get closer on numbers for a NORMAL flu season -- how good you think the numbers actually are for COVID?????

Makes one wonder why you don't hold the blob responsible for the inaccurate numbers the CDC is posting. The CDC is part of the Executive Branch, no?

That's what you don't understand.. Some of the SCIENCE -- IS "educated guesses".. THe whole "MODELING" thing that set off the panics was "educated guessing". Because that's what models are.. And early on -- with the best INTENTIONS -- they were very wrong..

You want to leap to blaming Trump -- but it would be more productive if you understood more about the reliability of statistics, and modeling.. And realized that A LOT OF SCIENCE is actually educated guessing...
It too the pneumonia & flu a year to kill as many as covid did in it's first month. Covid is also permanently damaging internal organs of 14% of infected.

Graph is a death RATE genius... NOT a death comparison... For COVID, NOBODY knows the actual death rate... CDC is "guessing" at #infected because there haven't been Antibody studies yet... Right now the Covid death RATE IS almost 10 times that of other flus.. That's using a GUESS that #infected is just TWICE #reported.. But others say its more like a factor 8 to 20..

AND - the #reported CVid cases HAS NOT EVEN BROKEN 1MILLION yet... Compare that to a normal flu season with and ESTIMATED 45 MILLION reported...
Yup. That's why I only pay attention to the number of reported cases and the number of deaths. We know those numbers. Not the rest. It's projections and for sure no one should be flinging around percentages based on them.

But the OP is trying to minimize the seriousness of Covid, which is not to anyone's benefit.
And we've shut the entire country down, and so far were only at 34K deaths.

Someone's got some 'splainin' to do Lucy !

Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2017–2018 influenza season

Note: The preliminary burden estimates on this page have been updated from those first reported in December 2018 based on additional data available from FluSurv-NET. Estimates for the 2017-2018 season are still preliminary and may change again once data on testing practices and deaths from the 2017-2018 season become available.
* All estimates from the 2017-2018 influenza season are preliminary and may change as data from the season are cleaned and finalized.

The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths (Table: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 through 2017-18 Influenza Seasons).

A full report of the 2017-2018 season burden and influenza illness and burden of influenza illness prevented by vaccination in the United States is available online.

It's valid to compare... But it's informative how LITTLE CDC knows about the actual numbers.. You put the WORST CASE numbers in the title thread, but at the CDC site they are given as ranges... And MOST of the estimates range over a factor of TWO !!! So if they can't get closer on numbers for a NORMAL flu season -- how good you think the numbers actually are for COVID?????

Makes one wonder why you don't hold the blob responsible for the inaccurate numbers the CDC is posting. The CDC is part of the Executive Branch, no?

That's what you don't understand.. Some of the SCIENCE -- IS "educated guesses".. THe whole "MODELING" thing that set off the panics was "educated guessing". Because that's what models are.. And early on -- with the best INTENTIONS -- they were very wrong..

You want to leap to blaming Trump -- but it would be more productive if you understood more about the reliability of statistics, and modeling.. And realized that A LOT OF SCIENCE is actually educated guessing...

Yes the earlier models were off. The blob was Not doing much in the way of the response so the models were based on The Blob doing very little.

Amazingly the predictions of a miracle didn’t have an effect on the scientific community; only dumbasses like yourself.
But the OP is trying to minimize the seriousness of Covid, which is not to anyone's benefit.

The seriousness of Covid will boil down to lack of immunity in the aftermath.. Certainly "mitigation" has helped a lot. But "seriousness" is also lacking the ACTUAL #infected right now and CAN NOT be compared to "a normal" flu with NO pre-existing immunity.. Estimates for #infected from various sources right now range from a factor of 2 to about 20 or even 30 -- as a multiplier on #reported...

You're right about what numbers have the LOWEST uncertainty to them..
Yes the earlier models were off. The blob was Not doing much in the way of the response so the models were based on The Blob doing very little.

You go right ahead and choose the "low effort" explanation.. That's the basis of what every good "conspiracy theory", tin foil hat wearing person does.. DA JOOOS is so much easier than UNDERSTANDING the problems attached -- for instance..

The models FAILED because there's no BEEN NO experiment on shutting down an economy this size and the MED experts driving the models had NO IDEA of the "mitigation effects".. Also had no idea how many CITIES were gonna "bubble up" like NYC... It was a guess at the time..

Your TDS has so fully consumed your faculties that you cant practice defensive self analysis of any situation or problem...
But the OP is trying to minimize the seriousness of Covid, which is not to anyone's benefit.

The seriousness of Covid will boil down to lack of immunity in the aftermath.. Certainly "mitigation" has helped a lot. But "seriousness" is also lacking the ACTUAL #infected right now and CAN NOT be compared to "a normal" flu with NO pre-existing immunity.. Estimates for #infected from various sources right now range from a factor of 2 to about 20 or even 30 -- as a multiplier on #reported...

You're right about what numbers have the LOWEST uncertainty to them..

Also -- I pointed out several times on USMB what people fluent in statistics and modeling look for.. And that is the UNCERTAINTY estimate that's part of every modeling run.. I saw that those "flatten the curve" models had a midrange estimate that VARIED by over 3 to 1... THat's the key to how much "guessing" is occurring.. And the media and politicians of course ONLY RAN with the "worst case" numbers because they are ignorant of how to present UNCERTAINTY or variance or probability to the public...

SO -- "the blame" from me is not on the modelers, but on the MEDIA that misrepresented those models to the public and political leaders.. NEVER saw a single "expert" on modeling or statistics get called up to explain the numbers and results...
It took pneumonia & flu a year to kill as many as covid did in it's first month. Covid is also permanently damaging internal organs of 14% of infected.
Pneumonia is a complication resulting from flu and Wuhan. The Wuhan numbers are for a period of over two months and they are among the most intense months for flu, also. The death number from Wuhan is still just over half of 2018 flu — so far.
The greater point still stands; the risk doesn’t seem to justify the reaction.
Pneumonia is caused by a bacterial infection which can be caused by flu but also caused by many other things, including a bad cold. So, you really don't know what you are talking about.
No, you just reiterated my point.
OK, guess I misunderstood, sorry.
No biggie.
Just curious, you ever had pneumonia?

What I don't understand is -- those Pneumovax shots are supposed to be given to EVERY elderly and medically compromised person... Is it that they are NOT EFFECTIVE? Or is it that we're not pushing innoculations on this hard enough??
Hot from the presses...
A friend of the family living in the upper East Side of NYC...
95 year old Holocaust survivor got a fever two week ago.
No breathing problems.
No life threatening health conditions
Tested Positive for C19.
Was given hydroxychloroquine for these past two week and the fever broke last night.
The sad part is he is suffering from Dementia.
And we've shut the entire country down, and so far were only at 34K deaths.

Someone's got some 'splainin' to do Lucy !

Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2017–2018 influenza season

Note: The preliminary burden estimates on this page have been updated from those first reported in December 2018 based on additional data available from FluSurv-NET. Estimates for the 2017-2018 season are still preliminary and may change again once data on testing practices and deaths from the 2017-2018 season become available.
* All estimates from the 2017-2018 influenza season are preliminary and may change as data from the season are cleaned and finalized.

The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths (Table: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 through 2017-18 Influenza Seasons).

A full report of the 2017-2018 season burden and influenza illness and burden of influenza illness prevented by vaccination in the United States is available online.

Maybe you should consider how many months the 2017-2018 flu season included. As far as I know, a normal flu season stretches from September or October until April or May, 9 months. How long have we had COVID-19 infecting folks? Those numbers for the flu you are using mean less than nothing as a comparison. We need a comparison six months from now when time frames will be comparable. Otherwise, your comparison is a practice in extreme stupidity.

Those "bend the curves graphs" are not shaped like "normal flu" .. So you're absolutely right.. The CDC has the "normal 2019-2020" flu season timelines and they look like "gaussian" symmetrical beginnings and ends. The Covid graphs have "long tails" in future times. And the cases and deaths will SUSTAIN even WITH mitigation for many more months than the normal flu..

Because -- they are modeled on the fact that there IS not sufficient "herd immunity" being established. Fun fact -- the number of INFECTED in USA right now is less than 2% of the population.. Even if you estimate that LARGER than the CDC.. So -- in terms of what the thread OP sees -- this LOOKS like a 2% problem where we're making 90% of population suffer a lot of personal harm from mitigation measures...

People are figuring that out on their own..

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