Covid Vaccine Deaths Over 1000 Times Higher Than Flu Vaccine Deaths

You forgot the disclaimer, highlighted in dark ink in the middle of the article reads; " Reports of adverse events to VARES following vaccination including death do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the health problem. " You didn't read it carefully enough. End of misinformation.
It is the duty of the CDC to explain to us why these people died. Thousands have died months ago and yet the CDC won't tell us what they really died from. Why not? They have had plenty of time to investigate and yet they don't, all they do is add the numbers up and tell us the people could have died from anything. What is the sense of a reporting system that reports over 8000 deaths if you aren't going to investigate why the people died? The CDC knows why they died but they are purposely squashing the information because they don't want it to hurt their vaccination drive. Just let the people continue dying and claiming they don't know why the people died for suffered severe adverse medical events. If I'm wrong then the CDC should prove me wrong but they won't because they know the truth.
It is the duty of the CDC to explain to us why these people died. Thousands have died months ago and yet the CDC won't tell us what they really died from. Why not? They have had plenty of time to investigate and yet they don't, all they do is add the numbers up and tell us the people could have died from anything. What is the sense of a reporting system that reports over 8000 deaths if you aren't going to investigate why the people died? The CDC knows why they died but they are purposely squashing the information because they don't want it to hurt their vaccination drive. Just let the people continue dying and claiming they don't know why the people died for suffered severe adverse medical events. If I'm wrong then the CDC should prove me wrong but they won't because they know the truth.
I work in a nursing home, during the time of early pandemic Covid we lost five residents in our nursing home, only two of those deaths were directly linked to Covid. Science is quite accurate, but like all things in this world, it is not perfect. During the 2 month period we were giving out Covid vaccinations in our nursing home we lost 8 more residents. None of them had Covid. Now maybe you're beginning to understand.
You're saying it's the CDCs duty to explain why every old person died of being old?

You're raving.
He doesn't seem to understand, most of those who have died from Covid were close to dying from something else. That's the way virus is work; when they attack the most vulnerable suffer first.
It is the duty of the CDC to explain to us why these people died. Thousands have died months ago and yet the CDC won't tell us what they really died from. Why not? They have had plenty of time to investigate and yet they don't, all they do is add the numbers up and tell us the people could have died from anything. What is the sense of a reporting system that reports over 8000 deaths if you aren't going to investigate why the people died? The CDC knows why they died but they are purposely squashing the information because they don't want it to hurt their vaccination drive. Just let the people continue dying and claiming they don't know why the people died for suffered severe adverse medical events. If I'm wrong then the CDC should prove me wrong but they won't because they know the truth.
Nobody wants this. Fortunately some people are dealing with it as best they can. You sound like independent bulshit rather than independent thinker. These doctors are gods, they're just human beings. The only one who thinks is God you're idiotic leader Trump.
In the " second world " standard procedure for IM
Dumb fucking beaners
I work in a nursing home, during the time of early pandemic Covid we lost five residents in our nursing home, only two of those deaths were directly linked to Covid. Science is quite accurate, but like all things in this world, it is not perfect. During the 2 month period we were giving out Covid vaccinations in our nursing home we lost 8 more residents. None of them had Covid. Now maybe you're beginning to understand.
I am also in the health care field. What I understand is that according to the CDC 8164 people have died shortly after being vaccinated and apparently no one anywhere is even bothering to investigate what these people died from. They seem to be totally content with just letting the numbers add up and not even bother to ask why. What is the point of having a reporting system if the only thing you do with it is to just add up numbers? Why bother at all?
Nobody wants this. Fortunately some people are dealing with it as best they can. You sound like independent bulshit rather than independent thinker. These doctors are gods, they're just human beings. The only one who thinks is God you're idiotic leader Trump.
Can you translate that into English? All I'm saying is that the left are purposely spreading misinformation in many things to cajole people into being vaccinated. And, the left want to force people to get vaccines which kill people and give many very serious adverse reactions and yet the left sweep those facts under the rug and hide them from Americans because those facts get in the way of the vaccination drive. And I say this as a vaccinated person who would encourage people to get vaccinated but I won't lie to them or force them.
I am also in the health care field. What I understand is that according to the CDC 8164 people have died shortly after being vaccinated and apparently no one anywhere is even bothering to investigate what these people died from. They seem to be totally content with just letting the numbers add up and not even bother to ask why. What is the point of having a reporting system if the only thing you do with it is to just add up numbers? Why bother at all?
The article used cited said that represented .0018 percent of the population. So I would probably make real number of people affected by covid vaccines miniscule. dark scenes are perfect life isn't perfect get over it.
Can you translate that into English? All I'm saying is that the left are purposely spreading misinformation in many things to cajole people into being vaccinated. And, the left want to force people to get vaccines which kill people and give many very serious adverse reactions and yet the left sweep those facts under the rug and hide them from Americans because those facts get in the way of the vaccination drive.
I'm not here to continuously argue with idiots goodbye.
While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness.
Yet there is no problem saying covid contributes to death regardless of pre-existing conditions. The hypocrisy is astounding.
The article used cited said that represented .0018 percent of the population. So I would probably make real number of people affected by covid vaccines miniscule. dark scenes are perfect life isn't perfect get over it.
LOL. That is EXACTLY my point - the total misrepresentation of the facts by the left. There have been over 8000 who have died from the vaccines and tens of thousands who have had very severe adverse reactions to the vaccines, and those figures are only from the US alone. Why don't the left use those numbers and report that only .2% of Americans have actually died from the virus? Isn't .2% a very small number?
Yet there is no problem saying covid contributes to death regardless of pre-existing conditions. The hypocrisy is astounding.

There is no hypocrisy, only your ignorance. If COVID exacerbates a pre-existing condition and the person dies, then yes COVID contributed to their death. I have COPD that is under control, if I got COVID it could well cause my COPD to kill me, when it would not have if not for the COVID.

The exact same way we do flu deaths, almost nobody dies of the flu alone

The same way we code every death.
There is no hypocrisy, only your ignorance. If COVID exacerbates a pre-existing condition and the person dies, then yes COVID contributed to their death. I have COPD that is under control, if I got COVID it could well cause my COPD to kill me, when it would not have if not for the COVID.

The exact same way we do flu deaths, almost nobody dies of the flu alone

The same way we code every death.
Yet they don't use the same standard for the vaccine. You really don't see a problem? Wow.

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