2019 Chicago and Baltimore combined: 525 homicides. Front page news all day every day....right?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 286
Shot & Wounded: 1430
Total Shot: 1716
Total Homicides: 313

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Year to date:
212 homicides

Baltimore City Homicides

Democrat policies in Democrat run municipalities have led to this. Media will ignore because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

Why do Lefties ignore these minorities?

They passed all the gun control laws they wanted. THEY ARE NOT WORKING.

Why do Lefties ignore these minorities?

They passed all the gun control laws they wanted. THEY ARE NOT WORKING.


Black Lives REALLY DON'T Matter!

As I have mentioned before, ALL the Gun Control laws we have - or will have - will NEVER work.

The Democrats are fine with Inner City deaths as long as the "rate" is consistent. As long as it is a nice steady one murder per day, that is acceptable to them. It is not acceptable to Donald Trump which is why he has signed the First Step law and is setting up opportunity zones in the inner cities to actually DO something about the problems. Up until now all we've had is speeches by Obama, Sharpton, and the rest of the useless Black leadership of the Democratic Party.
Wow, when you look at those two cities, they’re like more than double the number of people that live in the entire state of West Virginia. And West Virginia is nearly 94% white. And yet all those gun deaths in those big cities and there is like double the deaths from opioids in West Virginia.

I guess if I lived in West Virginia I’d kill myself too.

West Virginia Opioid Summary

All I can say is I’m glad I live in Chicago instead of a sh!t hole like West Virginia.

Makes you wonder if the rest of Appalachia is just as depressing and nasty.
Most of the shooters are the wrong flavor. Doesn't fit the narrative

So why don't republicans vote for blacks??
Probably for the same reason they don’t want African-Americans in the Republican Party
Soon as they get rid of this last one, Tim Scott, there won’t be any blacks at all in the house or the senate representing Republicans.
Most of the shooters are the wrong flavor. Doesn't fit the narrative

So why don't republicans vote for blacks??
Probably for the same reason they don’t want African-Americans in the Republican Party
Soon as they get rid of this last one, Tim Scott, there won’t be any blacks at all in the house or the senate representing Republicans.

Why doesn’t the corporate media use their influence to help to the violence in these cities?
Lefties, why doesn’t the gun violence in the inner cities bother you?

Why do you only care about a very narrow scope of gun violence?

Just appalling.

Good God. Lefties can’t even FAKE that they aren’t racist.

They really don’t give a shit.

Most of the shooters are the wrong flavor. Doesn't fit the narrative

So why don't republicans vote for blacks??
Probably for the same reason they don’t want African-Americans in the Republican Party
Soon as they get rid of this last one, Tim Scott, there won’t be any blacks at all in the house or the senate representing Republicans.

Why doesn’t the corporate media use their influence to help to the violence in these cities?
For the same reason they don't put Whole Food stores in the inner cities.
No profits.
Why isn’t the Corporate media reporting on this and why isn’t it talked about at every Democratic debate?
Lefties, what is your solution to this problem?

Do you guys look at it as a problem at all?
The Democrats are fine with Inner City deaths as long as the "rate" is consistent. As long as it is a nice steady one murder per day, that is acceptable to them. It is not acceptable to Donald Trump which is why he has signed the First Step law and is setting up opportunity zones in the inner cities to actually DO something about the problems. Up until now all we've had is speeches by Obama, Sharpton, and the rest of the useless Black leadership of the Democratic Party.
Shame on you! That’s no way to talk about the dims’ black race pimps at all!!!
See how Lefties don’t care about minorities unless they can score political points with their fake concern and fake cries that the entire nation is RACIST!!

They could NOT care any less that so many brown and black people are being murdered in municipalities that have been run by Dimms for 6 decades.
No ideas to stop all these murders, or is it there is no interest in stopping these murders because liberals are inherently racist?
Lefties, why doesn’t the gun violence in the inner cities bother you?

Why do you only care about a very narrow scope of gun violence?

Ghetto shoot-ups don`t get the attention that our mass murders do and you`re to stupid to understand why? Those stories don`t get the ratings that a terrorist act in Walmart, a school, synagogue, church, movie theater, etc. does because the ghetto shootings aren`t a threat to 99% of us but a heavily armed lunatic can gun down dozens anywhere he or she wants to. Network news isn`t going to carry stories that make people reach for the remote. It`s a business and you`re really dumb if this needs to be explained to you as if you were a 12 year old.

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