2019 will be the most eventful year since 1776


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming
Last edited:
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 general who they suspected would not carry on the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

I did not realize you were a fiction writer, have you thought about getting your stuff published?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 general who they suspected would not carry on the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

I did not realize you were a fiction writer, have you thought about getting your stuff published?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let's talk in Spring, 2019. OK
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

One of your best OP's Frank. I'd push the timeline to include 2020 too!
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

Any day now.
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

Any day now.

Yeah, and you might not like the day either when it arrives
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

Any day now.

Yeah, and you might not like the day either when it arrives
We'll all probably be dead long before that day.
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 general who they suspected would not carry on the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

I did not realize you were a fiction writer, have you thought about getting your stuff published?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let's talk in Spring, 2019. OK

Spring, summer and fall. I have bookmarked this thread so I can bring it up and laugh in your face

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, at the end of this month, I get to see if Trump's tax cuts actually helped me out, or if it was just another bunch of b.s.

And, there is also that little tariff war with China which is going to shift into high gear in another month and a half.
Well, at the end of this month, I get to see if Trump's tax cuts actually helped me out, or if it was just another bunch of b.s.

And, there is also that little tariff war with China which is going to shift into high gear in another month and a half.
I have yet to get my terlit reading material from the IRS on the tax changes, states Moonglow..
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

Any day now.

Yeah, and you might not like the day either when it arrives
We'll all probably be dead long before that day.
But I just invested in more weed! And I haven't spent my tax refund...
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 general who they suspected would not carry on the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

I did not realize you were a fiction writer, have you thought about getting your stuff published?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let's talk in Spring, 2019. OK

Spring, summer and fall. I have bookmarked this thread so I can bring it up and laugh in your face

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Uh huh.
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 general who they suspected would not carry on the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

I did not realize you were a fiction writer, have you thought about getting your stuff published?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let's talk in Spring, 2019. OK

Spring, summer and fall. I have bookmarked this thread so I can bring it up and laugh in your face

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Uh huh.

Sort of like these prediction threads...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

I bring them up ever few months and laugh in the faces of the people who posted in them
I see two years of very few bills from the House getting through the Senate, many will never even come up for a vote.

I see a record number of judicial and executive nominations being confirmed - possibly another Associate Justice.

The House will conduct a record number of investigations, issuing subpoenas which will either be ignored, claimed invalid due to executive privilege, or shut down by judicial decrees.
Trump could have just built the wall, but he's got Chuckie and the Fucking Psychopath ON RECORD putting the human traffickers and illegals ahead of Americans.

The Fucking Psychopath also tweeted her condolences over the death of a border crossing child, but not a peep about the officer killed by an Illegal.

I stand by the OP
If you've paid attention to the preliminary maneuvers by Trump, it's clear he's set up 2019 to be an absolute gigantic, sea-form transformational year in American history.

He didn't run because he was looking to make a name for himself.

He's doesn't need to have Harper Collins give him life changing money for his memoirs at the end of his Presidency

He ran because he has a genuine love of this country and American Exceptionalism. He saw that we've been on the losing side of a 100 year Progressive Jihad. Our "republican" presidents like the Bushes have been part of the problem. He's come to roll back the tide of creeping globalism and Socialism that have been eating away at the country.

We were literally one election away from having SCOTUS "legally" sweep away all of the Bill of Rights. Hillary's 5th gungrabber would have ruled that the 2A applies only to the democrat Party Waffen SS: the weaponized FBI. The Southern Border would have been throw open, especially in Texas where illegals were meant to turn it Blue. Climate Change would be the new national religion and you speak against it at your peril.

But now, look at who's gone to start 2019:
  • Paul Ryan - the Speaker of the Fucking House! was pushed out by Trump!! He didn't leave because he wanted to follow the Grateful Dead on tour - he was shown the exit!
  • Trey Gowdy, the shuck and jived artist was going to bring democrat criminality to task, but ended up covering for HRC and the DNC like he was Jim Comey.
  • Flake and Corker. Unreliable Senators. Adios!
  • Progressives Favorite "republican" Senator and Soros's candidate in 2008, Juan McCain. Adios!
  • Sessions at Justice
  • Kelly and Mattis, the latter went out signaling to his Deep State friends embedded in the military to get ready
The Progressives amassed their troops on the border. They eliminated 200 generals they suspected would not carry out the domestic phase of the Progressive Jihad. They replaced leadership at DOJ, FBI and NSA with absolutely fucking criminal One World stooges: Mueller, Comey, Clapper and Brenner.

They attempted a coup d'etat on Trump - and failed. Did you notice any of the people listed above who were removed in 2018 saying it was wrong to stage a coup against an incoming Administration? Me neither. That's why they were pushed out.

The battle lines are drawn. Much like 1941 Germany and the USSR who were technically "at peace" but had amassed literally millions of men and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces pointed at each other, there will be battle. The Progressive coup fired the first shot.

But before we can answer the Coup, we have the Establishment in the form of Mitt Romney announcing they are opening a second Progressive Front within the republican Party. Trump will have to fight the Globalists to the front and their sock puppets to the rear.

It's coming

After this wall garbage is put to bed, Trump has nothing left. 2019 will be the year of subpoenas, testimony and indictments.
Maybe even a resignation by Halloween.

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