2019 will be the year of the WOMAN!!

Let's not be too hasty here. Being the modern enlightened male that I am, I believe that women deserve a whole lot of credit. We live in a time where women can be truck drivers, scientists, or even engineers.

You're come a long way, baby!


Yeah cuz that worked so well...
Engineers of collapsed FIU pedestrian bridge failed to recognize danger: Report

All-Women Engineering Team Gets ‘Side-Eye’ for Collapsed Pedestrian Bridge Designed By Them
In 1819 we had our first financial crisis, we also invented improvements to the steam engine, but most important, Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest. 2019 will also become an historic event....the year women took down a pussy grabbing anti women tweeting bastard and sent his ass PACKING!!



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Oh please....*eyeroll*...

Tell me, what does this thread have to do with anything other than your wet dreams?

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Year of the woman! Its been the year of the woman for at least 50 years. That is why China will be all of our daddy soon enough.
Let's not be too hasty here. Being the modern enlightened male that I am, I believe that women deserve a whole lot of credit. We live in a time where women can be truck drivers, scientists, or even engineers.

You're come a long way, baby!


Those two in the left look a little chunky.
they need love too toro....go easy on em...
Let's not be too hasty here. Being the modern enlightened male that I am, I believe that women deserve a whole lot of credit. We live in a time where women can be truck drivers, scientists, or even engineers.

You're come a long way, baby!

So fitting to show white women in this....LOLOLO

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