2020 Dems silent on data showing voters oppose their abortion stance


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Democratic Party's leading presidential contenders are silent on data showing an overwhelming majority of voters oppose their stance on abortion.
2020 Dems Silent on Data Showing Voters Oppose Their Abortion Stance

Yeah you are to ffkn stupid iff you think these lying scum do not keep information from you why in the hell do you think they shut inofwars down . THE DO NOT WANT YOU HAVING OTHER OPINIONS THAT JUST MIGHT BE THE FFK TRUE IMAGINE THAT!!

Democratic party lmao are silent on data oh you are kidding they would never hide information, lie, nor steal why Demotwats are the most sacred off Gods they can do no wrong, they love everyone even in their twisted hypocritical ways. Why their method of love is " KILL IT" .

The hammer is coming down you on mentally deranged nuts cases and it can't come slamming down fast enough nor hard enough.

#inffowars thank you for providing this information for the intelligent to see, read, hear there's a war on for your mind and sheep are the targets to indoctrinate.
In the final presidential debates Trump just needs to call whoever out on their stance on infanticide. Also after the wall is built and crime is down. Trump just needs to remind everyone that you wouldn't be safer if the democrat was in charge.
In the final presidential debates Trump just needs to call whoever out on their stance on infanticide. Also after the wall is built and crime is down. Trump just needs to remind everyone that you wouldn't be safer if the democrat was in charge.
2020 is ours to lose. Unfortunately, the Republicans usually do. They just don't know how to win and they refuse to let Trump show them the way.
There goes your Latino vote, Dems.
They TARGET blacks and Hispanics for abortion.

No, they are targeting whites for abortion. They could care less how many Latino and black babies get in the way.

They indoctrinate whites with lies about overpopulation and cost of living being too much to raise children in. Then when there aren’t enough young people to fill jobs, they say we need to import third world trash to fill jobs. This is about the eradication of whites, that’s why it’s so sacred to them.
The more Trump threatens their hold on power and massive con game the harder they will attack him and more desperate they will become. He is on the right track and the left's stance on infanticide is just one sign they are making themselves more and more irrelevant.

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