2023 State of the Union Address

Lawrence O'Donnell is making a great point about how Margie Three Toes just fucked up McCarthy's entire leverage on the debt ceiling by yelling "LIAR", like the trailer trash she is, and President Biden using the moment to get all Republicans to take SS/Medicare off the table.

Qevin will be making Margie sleep on the couch tonight! He won't be sucking any of those 3 toes tonight!
Holy crap, you are watching MSNBC? No wonder you are so deranged.
McCarthy remained seated, not being able to stand for democracy because it would piss off too many of his causcus, who want a dictator - but only if it's their dictator.

Or, unlike you, he recognizes that we are not now and never were a “democracy” but also that we were very bound and determined to make sure that we aren’t.
McCarthy remained seated, not being able to stand for democracy because it would piss off too many of his causcus, who want a dictator - but only if it's their dictator.

WOW, the partisan bullshit is being spread thick tonight...

Lawrence O'Donnell is making a great point about how Margie Three Toes just fucked up McCarthy's entire leverage on the debt ceiling by yelling "LIAR", like the trailer trash she is, and President Biden using the moment to get all Republicans to take SS/Medicare off the table.

Qevin will be making Margie sleep on the couch tonight! He won't be sucking any of those 3 toes tonight!
You’re a retard.

Social Security and Medicare have never been on any table.

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