2023 State of the Union Address

Damn, I was really proud of President Biden!
You are easily impressed by what Biden SAYS, I see.

Well, I'm pretty neutral on all that; however, I can admire slyboots rope-a-dope footwork.

And Joe danced around the stiffs.
Joe B. got all the GOP'rs to stand up to clap for 'Seniors'...... and while standing he did the assumptive close and then said that should take reducing Medicare and Social Security off the table.

Snap goes the Conibear!

That's fun stuff. IMHO
"under the leadership of Speaker McCarthy"

He's right, and you are incapable of explaining the difference, or why he's "wrong". Dumbass.
He’s wrong; and I have frequently been asked to explain the important distinctions to morons like you. And I’ve repeatedly done so.

Tell ya what — you dimwit troll sack of shit. Go do a search. Get an adult to help you.

Then, gfy.

By the way, Brandon’s speech was a theatrical success as measured by liberal media blowhards. But it was in every significant respect, a complete clump of shit. What a failure.
You can tell by the no-content hissy-fits wingnuts are throwing in this thread that President Biden absolutely killed it tonight.
Again he has all but destroyed this country. You self hating morons get off on that? What good has he done for one American?

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