Joe Biden will run again in 2024
Republicans can’t beat him

He cannot physically get there, sorry.
You said that before

Biden is in better shape mentally and physically than Trump

Again, I feel sorry for you, he isn't but your abject partisanship will betray you. I have no malice for joe but he is indeed slipping into darkness. Sorry but it's true.
No question Biden beats Trump intellectually. Trump can barely read and is unwilling to actually grasp complex subject matter.

Physically, Biden engages in running, biking, swimming and weight lifting while Fat Donnie waddles in and out of his golf cart

Joe doesn't do any of that stuff, good lord. Let me help you, I am not a rump guy.
Afraid he does
Media has recorded it

Show me any evidence of Fat Donnie exerting himself

Queue the video of the former guy huffing and puffing after lumbering up the White House steps returning from the hospital.

Like this, Herr Müll-Atem?

She is not the sitting president.

She will be soon.
I figure the odds are greatest, Joe Biden will serve the entire 4 years. Not sure whether he will want another 4 years or feel up to it by that time. He could probably win another term. If he is not in the race, I have serious doubts that Kamala Harris would be the nominee, though have no idea where that party would turn to keep a trumper out. If facing a trumper, the democrat party would have a natural advantage, as Americans are not willing to give up elected representative government and the minority (GOP) have few other options, than to do away with government of the people, by the people and for the people.

At least Biden doesn't lumber. Everyone falls and trips on occasion...unless you rely on the military or the UK PM to guide you down or your only mode of self transport is a golf cart then you aren't risking anything and your weird fanbase of misfits and morons can go on living even as his body continues to fall apart under that weight.

I personally don't care how fat/skinny or out of shape the president is, but when that very same guy lives in a glass house throwing stones at others then his own health shortcomings should be (and have been) brought front and center.

Keep defending Putin's Bitch. 2022 and 2024 are coming fast...

Let me guess, you voted for the guy who saw Putin's soul and also the most recent former guy who didn't even bother asking Putin about the bounty on American soldiers.

You guys should wear dog collars with "Vlad's pooch patrol" around your necks.

1. There was no bounty on US soldiers, that was all a DNC lie and "MSM fake news". Try to keep up.
2. Putin's Bitch stopped the KeystoneXL pipeline that benefited the US and Canada, and allowed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that Trump had stopped to proceed and give Putin cash to modernize his military. There is no disputing that Trump opposed Putin with severe sanctions, and Putin's Bitch sucks Putin's pipeline,

Not fake news. Even if the intelligence is moderate

At least Biden doesn't lumber. Everyone falls and trips on occasion...unless you rely on the military or the UK PM to guide you down or your only mode of self transport is a golf cart then you aren't risking anything and your weird fanbase of misfits and morons can go on living even as his body continues to fall apart under that weight.

I personally don't care how fat/skinny or out of shape the president is, but when that very same guy lives in a glass house throwing stones at others then his own health shortcomings should be (and have been) brought front and center.

Keep defending Putin's Bitch. 2022 and 2024 are coming fast...

Let me guess, you voted for the guy who saw Putin's soul and also the most recent former guy who didn't even bother asking Putin about the bounty on American soldiers.

You guys should wear dog collars with "Vlad's pooch patrol" around your necks.

1. There was no bounty on US soldiers, that was all a DNC lie and "MSM fake news". Try to keep up.
2. Putin's Bitch stopped the KeystoneXL pipeline that benefited the US and Canada, and allowed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that Trump had stopped to proceed and give Putin cash to modernize his military. There is no disputing that Trump opposed Putin with severe sanctions, and Putin's Bitch sucks Putin's pipeline,

The intelligence is inconclusive, you still bring it up to Putin, especially since the story is out there so as to not look weak.

I put up an MSM link that says that there was no Russian bounty. You don't put up any credible link. I win.
Just to be sure here area a few more credible links proving that it is conclusive that there were no bounties:

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