20th anniversary of the day the world changed.

When the internet first took off was around 2004. Up until that point the few people with computers still had dial-up and there were no smartphones yet.

The internet took off in the mid nineties you ignorant fool.
Mueller..... where have we heard that name before ? ( oh yeah I think there's a dildo called the big black Muler......soupy told me about it )

Having started as FBI director exactly a week before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Mueller found himself charged with reshaping the FBI from a domestic crime-fighting force into a counterintelligence service with a key role in combating terrorism.
So when asdked for evidence and after embaarrassing yourself with idiotic statements about the internet and chatroosm you post something about mueleer which is c0ompletely off topic.

You still need to post evidence you shithead.
So when asdked for evidence and after embaarrassing yourself with idiotic statements about the internet and chatroosm you post something about mueleer which is c0ompletely off topic.

You still need to post evidence you shithead.
Did you buy me a monkey ?
R (2).gif
What barrel? I'm just throwing out little tidbits every now and then for the kids.

I don't need any more proof of what happened. This is for the kids ......to remember the actual history instead of what is being spun out.
You have no proof or evidence for your claims to begin with.

You are scarping the bottom of the barrel for conspiracy theory fiction quoting Jarods garbage films.

The actual history is what you lie about and deny like a coward

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