21 Day Challenge: post without name calling.

First of all, you would have to claim omnipotence to know whether a person is "willfully stupid" or not. It's an opinion, isn't it?

I think the word you were looking for was omniscient.
It's a piece of cake to insult the hell out of someone and never call them a name. I prefer being direct, though. It's more honest.

Honesty? That's the reason huh? Excuse me for a minute....
Honestly, I wouldn't have started this thread if I wasn't really into challenging myself. That doesn't mean I would want to place myself in harm's way to prove anything either.
I can refrain from negative speech, in this thread. Most of you follow me around the board, so this should be interesting. :ahole-1:
Splitting hairs I know, but if a person is being willfully stupid which by definition is being ignorant and you say, your are an ignoramus, is that name calling or proper identification?
First of all, you would have to claim omnipotence to know whether a person is "willfully stupid" or not. It's an opinion, isn't it?

If you make a statement, provide a link to the pertinent facts and the person refuses to read it or acknowledge it, then it is willful ignorance. The word exists because it is possible to distinguish. Now you point out it may not be kind, but it could also be helpful/kind to enlighten the person to their error and correct it for their benefit. That is kindness.
Constructively criticise then?
I think if someone places you in that relationship it's one thing. Otherwise, we end up scolding people left and right.
Splitting hairs I know, but if a person is being willfully stupid which by definition is being ignorant and you say, your are an ignoramus, is that name calling or proper identification?
First of all, you would have to claim omnipotence to know whether a person is "willfully stupid" or not. It's an opinion, isn't it?

If you make a statement, provide a link to the pertinent facts and the person refuses to read it or acknowledge it, then it is willful ignorance. The word exists because it is possible to distinguish. Now you point out it may not be kind, but it could also be helpful/kind to enlighten the person to their error and correct it for their benefit. That is kindness.
I may be wrong, but I haven't witnessed much in the way of people becoming enlightened or 'corrected' here. People seem pretty entrenched and impervious.
Constructively criticise then?


Take Lucy the other day. I was using her style to enflame her. She was exposed to what others feel when attacked for their nationality or ethnic group. An object lesson, much as this thread is seeking to do. I even summarized that in four points within the thread later. I am about smiles and fun normally.
When people criticize, it can have a fruitful, enriching and constructive effect on the recipient, because new ideas and viewpoints may be generated in trying to solve a problem. People can also be hurt by criticisms, when they experience the criticism as a personal attack.

How can you keep from personally attacking someone through criticism?
I may be wrong, but I haven't witnessed much in the way of people becoming enlightened or 'corrected' here. People seem pretty entrenched and impervious.

:( Usually true

... but I optimistically throw light or some such stuff into the abyss...

Even lightening hits people now and again.
I may be wrong, but I haven't witnessed much in the way of people becoming enlightened or 'corrected' here. People seem pretty entrenched and impervious.

:( Usually true

... but I optimistically throw light or some such stuff into the abyss...

Even lightening hits people now and again.
But who made it your job to "hit people with lightning?"
I can refrain from negative speech, in this thread. Most of you follow me around the board, so this should be interesting. :ahole-1:
Splitting hairs I know, but if a person is being willfully stupid which by definition is being ignorant and you say, your are an ignoramus, is that name calling or proper identification?
First of all, you would have to claim omnipotence to know whether a person is "willfully stupid" or not. It's an opinion, isn't it?

If you make a statement, provide a link to the pertinent facts and the person refuses to read it or acknowledge it, then it is willful ignorance. The word exists because it is possible to distinguish. Now you point out it may not be kind, but it could also be helpful/kind to enlighten the person to their error and correct it for their benefit. That is kindness.
Constructively criticise then?

Hey I have a green smiley fail here. A thousand apologies. I clicked on the first one and well shame on me.
I'm curious. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, saveliberty.
When people criticize, it can have a fruitful, enriching and constructive effect on the recipient, because new ideas and viewpoints may be generated in trying to solve a problem. People can also be hurt by criticisms, when they experience the criticism as a personal attack.

How can you keep from personally attacking someone through criticism?

Good question. Hopefully the majority of my comments to the person have been fun and honest exchanges where the person was not attacked. That in turn might help the person understand my criticism is meant for good and not simply an attack. Does that make any sense?
When people criticize, it can have a fruitful, enriching and constructive effect on the recipient, because new ideas and viewpoints may be generated in trying to solve a problem. People can also be hurt by criticisms, when they experience the criticism as a personal attack.

How can you keep from personally attacking someone through criticism?

Good question. Hopefully the majority of my comments to the person have been fun and honest exchanges where the person was not attacked. That in turn might help the person understand my criticism is meant for good and not simply an attack. Does that make any sense?
Yes, it makes sense. I wish more people would be motivated by fun, and kindness when they talk to each other.

I'm working on it myself and I don't always succeed.
When people criticize, it can have a fruitful, enriching and constructive effect on the recipient, because new ideas and viewpoints may be generated in trying to solve a problem. People can also be hurt by criticisms, when they experience the criticism as a personal attack.

How can you keep from personally attacking someone through criticism?
Criticizing someone IS personal. Whether it's an attack or something else is determined by the perception of the recipient. I don't know many who ENJOY criticism, but it's their choice whether it's an attack or not.
Ground rules.............

Is the 21 days on a 24 hour time schedule?
Or can I call it a day at Midnight tonight?
I'm on Central Time Zone?

Criticizing someone IS personal. Whether it's an attack or something else is determined by the perception of the recipient. I don't know many who ENJOY criticism, but it's their choice whether it's an attack or not.

I am usually my own worst critic. Should have covered that in the litterbox better. Furballs in the waste basket, not behind the couc... Be right back.

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