21 Day Challenge: post without name calling.


A LITTLE boy one day ran indoors from school and called out eagerly: "Oh, mother, what do you think of Tom Jones? I have just heard that ——"

"Wait a minute, my boy. Have you put what you have heard through the three sieves before you tell it to me?"

"Sieves, mother! What do you mean?"

"Well, the first sieve is called Truth. Is it true?"

"Well, I don't really know, but Bob Brown said that Charlie told him that Tom ——"

"That's very roundabout. What about the second sieve — Kindness. Is it kind?"

"Kind! No, I can't say it is kind."

"Now the third sieve — Necessity. Will it go through that? Must you tell this tale?"

"No, mother, I need not repeat it."

"Well, then, my boy, if it is not necessary, not kind, and perhaps not true, let the story die."

Quaker tale.

Aw hell, there would be no movies at the Cineplex if Hollywood used this as it's standard to screen scripts.

None the less, that's an awesome tale.

Really dig it. I nominate you for cultural czar.
Criticizing someone IS personal. Whether it's an attack or something else is determined by the perception of the recipient. I don't know many who ENJOY criticism, but it's their choice whether it's an attack or not.

I am usually my own worst critic. Should have covered that in the litterbox better. Furballs in the waste basket, not behind the couc... Be right back.
Most of us are our own worst critic - in some areas we are are more harsh with ourselves than we really should be. It's personal baggage.

As a person communicating with another, I have no idea what your (general your) personal baggage might be. As I can't figure that out, I don't tiptoe around one and be direct with another. I just go direct.

Life isn't fair - don't know how it can be - but, here, I can strive towards consistency to others. And, direct, honest, and easy (on me) is the path I choose.
Most of us are our own worst critic - in some areas we are are more harsh with ourselves than we really should be. It's personal baggage.

As a person communicating with another, I have no idea what your (general your) personal baggage might be. As I can't figure that out, I don't tiptoe around one and be direct with another. I just go direct.

Life isn't fair - don't know how it can be - but, here, I can strive towards consistency to others. And, direct, honest, and easy (on me) is the path I choose.

Direct may equate to a clearer message less prone to misunderstanding. Direct can also be more harsh, though not necessarily. Your point was also consistency which is important to helping us understand your style of communication.
Most of us are our own worst critic - in some areas we are are more harsh with ourselves than we really should be. It's personal baggage.

As a person communicating with another, I have no idea what your (general your) personal baggage might be. As I can't figure that out, I don't tiptoe around one and be direct with another. I just go direct.

Life isn't fair - don't know how it can be - but, here, I can strive towards consistency to others. And, direct, honest, and easy (on me) is the path I choose.

Direct may equate to a clearer message less prone to misunderstanding. Direct can also be more harsh, though not necessarily. Your point was also consistency which is important to helping us understand your style of communication.
Not to say I haven't egged on another with slimy implications from time to time, though.

But, in general - I try to be consistent.

As posting is a handicapped form of communication (blind to visual or auditory cues, for exampe), I gave up trying not to ruffle feathers; it's an effort in futility in the posting world.
I think if the goal of an exchange really is to enlighten someone, the chances of this being successful diminish greatly if we swear, insult and name call. People just close themselves off and won't entertain the idea of 'seeing the light' when the person holding the lamp appears to be abusive. They are more than likely to just become abusive in return. Pride comes into it to, I guess.
I think if the goal of an exchange really is to enlighten someone, the chances of this being successful diminish greatly if we swear, insult and name call. People just close themselves off and won't entertain the idea of 'seeing the light' when the person holding the lamp appears to be abusive. They are more than likely to just become abusive in return. Pride comes into it to, I guess.
I appreciate profanity, especially when it's creative.
Constructively criticise then?


Take Lucy the other day. I was using her style to enflame her. She was exposed to what others feel when attacked for their nationality or ethnic group. An object lesson, much as this thread is seeking to do. I even summarized that in four points within the thread later. I am about smiles and fun normally.
Hmmm. Kind of like exposure therapy. I guess that approach is the most appropriate and successful with some people. Do you think it 'worked' though?
My goal is to connect with others in conversation, not to "enlighten" them. There are times when someone provides new information that I wouldn't have known otherwise and it's useful.

Some people aren't here to get along with others. There's room for all kinds of folks here.
And for some, I give them as much room as they need, LOL. I just don't talk to them.
LOL. My favorite song. This isn't for everyone. It's completely voluntary.

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