21 per cent of Muslim Australians think terrorists have legitimate grievances


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
"One way to look at it is they agree with the narrative that is being propagated by terrorist groups particularly around the victimisation and persecution of Muslims," he said.

"There is a really strong narrative that groups like [Islamic State] and Al-Qaeda use to recruit young Muslims: that you are a victimised minority. Then they weave that with arguments around religion and Islam and it gains traction. For young men in particular that then makes them very susceptible [to] radicalisation. The challenge is trying to produce a counter-narrative."

Terrorists have valid grievances say some Muslims
I am not surprised. Well, a little. I thought that number would be higher than 21%. You should see what those numbers have looked like the ME over the years.

I am not surprised. Well, a little. I thought that number would be higher than 21%. You should see what those numbers have looked like the ME over the years.


It is higher----much higher---even on anonymous questionnaires, people tend to respond with the
socially acceptable answer. Asking a muslim living
in Australia "is it ok for muslims to bomb kuffar buildings"
is generally not going to get a positive answer. Try asking
"is it ok for muslims to bomb Israeli shops" in some remote
village in pakistan-----lots more positive answers. Probably approaching 100%.
21% of Australia's Muslims should be deported immediately.

Those who came to Australia in order to become Australians should be allowed to stay.
21% of Australia's Muslims should be deported immediately.

Those who came to Australia in order to become Australians should be allowed to stay.

how about this >>>> the really civilian attack was on the little kosher grocery. The world is one big happy human endeavor------we need not restrict ourselves to borders.
How about a shoot up of an HALAL shop in a major city----
on thursday (when muslim women prepare for the jumah
thing) ??? The cartoon artists were elderly gentlemen---I am not sure it will be easy to locate a similar muzzie
operation ------so it may be better to simply go to any
mosque in which the usual hate rants come off on
Friday and shoot that up. Response to insult should be
directed against the insulter in like manner
Historically, it was not unusual for unruly subjects in the colonial era to provoke their colonial overloads into an all-out war through a series of terrorist acts and al-Qaeda can be considered as a resistance movement against the West's perceived neocolonialism in the Arab world. Prior to the First World War, Serbian nationalists, who felt oppressed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, formed the Black Hand aimed at breaking off Austria-Hungary's south-Slav provinces so that they could be combined into a Yugoslavia. Imperial Japan was dragged into the Second Sino-Japanese War by the minor border skirmishes at the bridge, known as the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. The Konoe government opened negotiations with Chiang Kai-Shek but a Japanese naval officer was shot in Shanghai in the midst of peace negotiations, leading directly to a full-scale war between Japan and China, and the very presence of Japanese troops on Chinese soil gave rise to the resistance movement similar to the Black Hand in Serbia. The war on terrorism will not be over until a complete withdrawal of US troops from Arab countries and bombing al-Qaeda targets in Muslim countries will provoke further acts of terrorism in the West in the near future.
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Historically, it was not unusual for unruly subjects in the colonial era to provoke their colonial overloads into an all-out war through a series of terrorist acts and al-Qaeda can be considered as a resistance movement against the West's perceived neocolonialism in the Arab world. Prior to the First World War, Serbian nationalists, who felt oppressed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, formed the Black Hand aimed at breaking off Austria-Hungary's south-Slav provinces so that they could be combined into a Yugoslavia. Imperial Japan was dragged into the Second Sino-Japanese War by the minor border skirmishes at the bridge, known as the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. The Konoe government opened negotiations with Chiang Kai-Shek but a Japanese naval officer was shot in Shanghai in the midst of peace negotiations, leading directly to a full-scale war between Japan and China, and the very presence of Japanese troops on Chinese soil gave rise to the resistance movement similar to the Black Hand in Serbia. The war on terrorism will not be over until a complete withdrawal of US troops from Arab countries and bombing al-Qaeda targets in Muslim countries will provoke further acts of terrorism in the West in the near future.

your historical review while interesting does not actually apply----that construction of Yugoslavia thing is almost funny---yeah as big a success as is the current CALIPHATE

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