214,000 Jobs Added in October, UE Rate Down To 5.8%

Yup. Does that number reflect all those who have just stopped trying to find a job?

The real UE figure is around 12% which isn't good in anybody's book.

You can play with number all the time. The Govt has a a college degree in the numbers game.

Doubt I'll believe anything coming out of DC on UE or jobs gained.
770,000 left the job market.

You are finally admitting that there are a lot of discouraged workers that are not looking for work. That is a start.

I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the idea that they are responsible for the drop in the jobless rate. And that there are more of them now. I will also dispute that they are "giving up" as a result of the overall economy being worse. It is better period.

Will you agree that they are not the reason for the reduced jobless rate and that the number of discouraged workers is going down? Are you capable of that much sheer honesty?

Let's see.

Of course I will agree that every since the possibility that Republicans would regain control of the Senate the numbers have dropped. The temporary hiring for the Christmas holidays has helped and will continue to help the drop. And I expect to see a big improvement next year when the Senate passes some new bills to encourage hiring and to help rather than hurt small businesses.
That's all fine and good but where were those jobs created? What type of jobs were they? Most of the big metropolitan cities have fared quite well were as the vast majority of smaller cities and towns are still reeling from the economic bust of 2008.

What Ringel is trying to say is that sure thats good but is it really?

Which is the typical republican response to good news under the Obama admin.

Gas is down...but is it really good tho? lol
I disagree. His questions are perfectly valid. Types of job, average real earnings, etc are important things to look at. Geography...well, it doesn't to someone in Yuma, AZ (unemployment rate of 25.9% in September) that the National UE rate is 5.8%.
Conversely, that the National rate is 5.8% doesn't mean much to someone in Bismark, ND with a UE rate of 2.1%.
Employment figures don't means shit.

Would a lib like to post wage/hour figures, or household income figures?

Because those are DOWN!

You are finally admitting that there are a lot of discouraged workers that are not looking for work. That is a start.

I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the idea that they are responsible for the drop in the jobless rate. And that there are more of them now. I will also dispute that they are "giving up" as a result of the overall economy being worse. It is better period.

Will you agree that they are not the reason for the reduced jobless rate and that the number of discouraged workers is going down? Are you capable of that much sheer honesty?

Let's see.

Of course I will agree that every since the possibility that Republicans would regain control of the Senate the numbers have dropped. The temporary hiring for the Christmas holidays has helped and will continue to help the drop. And I expect to see a big improvement next year when the Senate passes some new bills to encourage hiring and to help rather than hurt small businesses.

You just gave credit to the GOP?

I love you man. If I could, I'd give you a sweet kiss on your forehead. You are precious.
Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand As has been explained dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON. It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many jobs....it has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED
You left out the fact that many jobs were made part time, leaving many people with half the paid hours, and dependent on COBRA to tide the over to the next job with benefits, if they ever get another one.
the SLOWEST "recovery" in history- great job O!
Bush economic crash = great job W.
Obama economic recovery = bad job O.

lmao- the crash wasn't bush's fault you idiot. 9/11, fannie freddie, etc...
that's right, I keep forgetting Bush was never president and is therefore not responsible for anything that happened while he was president. :cuckoo:
No, it was the Democrat LBJ who was never President and didn't start a war based on a lie that costs us 65,000 American lives, and cost the Vietnamese two million lives.
That's all fine and good but where were those jobs created? What type of jobs were they? Most of the big metropolitan cities have fared quite well were as the vast majority of smaller cities and towns are still reeling from the economic bust of 2008.

What Ringel is trying to say is that sure thats good but is it really?

Which is the typical republican response to good news under the Obama admin.

Gas is down...but is it really good tho? lol
I disagree. His questions are perfectly valid. Types of job, average real earnings, etc are important things to look at. Geography...well, it doesn't to someone in Yuma, AZ (unemployment rate of 25.9% in September) that the National UE rate is 5.8%.
Conversely, that the National rate is 5.8% doesn't mean much to someone in Bismark, ND with a UE rate of 2.1%.
Employment figures don't means shit.

Would a lib like to post wage/hour figures, or household income figures?

Because those are DOWN!

Please post them. Start in 1980. Thanks.
That's all fine and good but where were those jobs created? What type of jobs were they? Most of the big metropolitan cities have fared quite well were as the vast majority of smaller cities and towns are still reeling from the economic bust of 2008.

What Ringel is trying to say is that sure thats good but is it really?

Which is the typical republican response to good news under the Obama admin.

Gas is down...but is it really good tho? lol
I disagree. His questions are perfectly valid. Types of job, average real earnings, etc are important things to look at. Geography...well, it doesn't to someone in Yuma, AZ (unemployment rate of 25.9% in September) that the National UE rate is 5.8%.
Conversely, that the National rate is 5.8% doesn't mean much to someone in Bismark, ND with a UE rate of 2.1%.
Employment figures don't means shit.

Would a lib like to post wage/hour figures, or household income figures?

Because those are DOWN!

Please post them. Start in 1980. Thanks.
Kiss my ass, find them yourself.
Oh cool! You keyed in on my personal anecdote. Way to go!

Is that number going up or down? The number that the BLS calls discouraged? Answer quick.

"Do you personally know a single person under retirement age who lost a job during the recession who became discouraged to the point that they gave up?"

The number of discouraged workers went from zero that you know to 700,000 that the BLS knows.
Obama did one great thing, got my GF fired over cost of insurance, now she works from home, and is going to Grad School next year!!

You are finally admitting that there are a lot of discouraged workers that are not looking for work. That is a start.

I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the idea that they are responsible for the drop in the jobless rate. And that there are more of them now. I will also dispute that they are "giving up" as a result of the overall economy being worse. It is better period.

Will you agree that they are not the reason for the reduced jobless rate and that the number of discouraged workers is going down? Are you capable of that much sheer honesty?

Let's see.

Of course I will agree that every since the possibility that Republicans would regain control of the Senate the numbers have dropped. The temporary hiring for the Christmas holidays has helped and will continue to help the drop. And I expect to see a big improvement next year when the Senate passes some new bills to encourage hiring and to help rather than hurt small businesses.

You just gave credit to the GOP?

I love you man. If I could, I'd give you a sweet kiss on your forehead. You are precious.

You would kiss my forehead one time. Think about it!
That's all fine and good but where were those jobs created? What type of jobs were they? Most of the big metropolitan cities have fared quite well were as the vast majority of smaller cities and towns are still reeling from the economic bust of 2008.

What Ringel is trying to say is that sure thats good but is it really?

Which is the typical republican response to good news under the Obama admin.

Gas is down...but is it really good tho? lol
I disagree. His questions are perfectly valid. Types of job, average real earnings, etc are important things to look at. Geography...well, it doesn't to someone in Yuma, AZ (unemployment rate of 25.9% in September) that the National UE rate is 5.8%.
Conversely, that the National rate is 5.8% doesn't mean much to someone in Bismark, ND with a UE rate of 2.1%.
Employment figures don't means shit.

Would a lib like to post wage/hour figures, or household income figures?

Because those are DOWN!
That's all fine and good but where were those jobs created? What type of jobs were they? Most of the big metropolitan cities have fared quite well were as the vast majority of smaller cities and towns are still reeling from the economic bust of 2008.

What Ringel is trying to say is that sure thats good but is it really?

Which is the typical republican response to good news under the Obama admin.

Gas is down...but is it really good tho? lol
I disagree. His questions are perfectly valid. Types of job, average real earnings, etc are important things to look at. Geography...well, it doesn't to someone in Yuma, AZ (unemployment rate of 25.9% in September) that the National UE rate is 5.8%.
Conversely, that the National rate is 5.8% doesn't mean much to someone in Bismark, ND with a UE rate of 2.1%.
Employment figures don't means shit.

Would a lib like to post wage/hour figures, or household income figures?

Because those are DOWN!
Not a lib, but hourly and weekly wages are going up.
Adjusted for inflation, median hourly earnings dropped a little in September, but are still up over the year:Table A-1. Current and real constant 1982-1984 dollars earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls seasonally adjusted

As for household income, latest data is for 2013. It went up slightly in 2013, but was not statistically significant. Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S. 2013
Last edited:
9 million still out of work

And part time jobs are gay
Who killed the jobs idiot?

Over 10 million jobs have been created or restored under the Obama administration. Bush destroyed 18 million jobs.
The Pelosi-Reid Congress destroyed those jobs and the economy.

With one year left, the unemployment rate under Bush was 4.5%.

Bush started from Clinton's 3.8% & the best he could accomplish was 4.5% with subprime loans & massive government hiring?:lol:

Obama has taken 10% down to 5.5% in less time while reducing government employees..

Obama will beat 4.5% with a year to spare.

You are finally admitting that there are a lot of discouraged workers that are not looking for work. That is a start.

I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the idea that they are responsible for the drop in the jobless rate. And that there are more of them now. I will also dispute that they are "giving up" as a result of the overall economy being worse. It is better period.

Will you agree that they are not the reason for the reduced jobless rate and that the number of discouraged workers is going down? Are you capable of that much sheer honesty?

Let's see.

Of course I will agree that every since the possibility that Republicans would regain control of the Senate the numbers have dropped. The temporary hiring for the Christmas holidays has helped and will continue to help the drop. And I expect to see a big improvement next year when the Senate passes some new bills to encourage hiring and to help rather than hurt small businesses.

You just gave credit to the GOP?

I love you man. If I could, I'd give you a sweet kiss on your forehead. You are precious.

You would kiss my forehead one time. Think about it!

Oh No!! An internet threat! Eeeeek!
Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand As has been explained dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON. It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many jobs....it has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED
You left out the fact that many jobs were made part time, leaving many people with half the paid hours, and dependent on COBRA to tide the over to the next job with benefits, if they ever get another one.
Except the number of people working part time who want to and can work full time has been going down Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
When the bastions of liberalism like Huffpo and Politifact say that in 2013 over 75% of new jobs created were part time, low paying, no benefit type jobs, you know it MUST be true.

Only liberals would see it as a positive when one full time worker loses his job and 2 part timers are hired to replace him.

Republicans would say whoa, one job lost.
Democrats: Two new jobs created!!

Therein lies the difference.

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