$22.62 minimum wage!

Yes, far, far short of the "millions" the asshole stated. Correct....

I wasn't fucking agreeing with you shit for brains, it isn't the chump change you were making out to be.

Profitable businesses COST money dickhead. No business on this planet is free. In addition to whatever investment you make into it you also have the pleasure of spending 60 to 80 hours per week running to keep it profitable asswipe.

Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop whining like a little girl.

Thank you for agreeing with me that it costs a lot of money!! Never said is was free shit for brains. Really 60-80 hours a week, that's all?

I'm the one that pointed out the details, you seem to be the one spouting off uninformed shit, think you're the one with his head up his ass.
You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?

Absolutely correct. Held a few from time to time, never was the primary source of income, but when the family needed extra to meet the bills, it was take a supplemental second job or find a house needing paint or repair.

And it still paid more than it does today.

Why is it okay for the top 1% income to raise more than 200% but not okay for minimum wage to actually keep up with inflation????

It's not. But what you wish to do will not have the effect you wish it to. You don't address the income inequality by artificially raising the wages of the unskilled. You address it by reducing the power of multi-national corporations to dictate what go's on in our government.

Remember back in the old days when you would go downtown and you had a host of different family run businesses to choose from? Remember that? Now, no matter where you go, it is the same big box stores all paying minimum wage.

Those corporations buy their politicians of choice and get those politicians to pass laws that benefit them...all in the name of "regulation". Big corporations can afford to hire an individual to make sure they stay in compliance with the laws they had passed....the small companies can't so go out of business.

That is the underlying problem with this country and yes, it is going to end in revolution.
I wasn't fucking agreeing with you shit for brains, it isn't the chump change you were making out to be.

Profitable businesses COST money dickhead. No business on this planet is free. In addition to whatever investment you make into it you also have the pleasure of spending 60 to 80 hours per week running to keep it profitable asswipe.

Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop whining like a little girl.

Thank you for agreeing with me that it costs a lot of money!! Never said is was free shit for brains. Really 60-80 hours a week, that's all?

I'm the one that pointed out the details, you seem to be the one spouting off uninformed shit, think you're the one with his head up his ass.

There's a huge difference between a lot of money and the "millions" that the other asshat claimed. Got it? Good!
So, please explain how the rise in the cost of a product does not raise the end price.


It's a far more complicated answer than your simple mind can comprehend. Go read a few economics, accounting and management books (the ones that are not mostly picture filled) and then figure it out for yourself. If you can.

Your sanctimonious answers are cute but other than demonstrating why your career stalled at a Lt Col. they don't address the question. It's a simple one and yes, I have run my own business. And it was profitable for 30 years until I shut it down and retired.

Your flea market stall was profitable for 30 years?? That's amazing. Yes, I'm sure it was simple for you, paying only yourself is an easy equation when computing labor costs. Labor costs in billion dollar corporations are computed a little differently when accounting for all operating costs and overhead.

Of course, you've fully demonstrated your lack of ability to understand anything so complex with your comment about my career stalling. Ignorance is bliss for you I guess.
Profitable businesses COST money dickhead. No business on this planet is free. In addition to whatever investment you make into it you also have the pleasure of spending 60 to 80 hours per week running to keep it profitable asswipe.

Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop whining like a little girl.

Thank you for agreeing with me that it costs a lot of money!! Never said is was free shit for brains. Really 60-80 hours a week, that's all?

I'm the one that pointed out the details, you seem to be the one spouting off uninformed shit, think you're the one with his head up his ass.

There's a huge difference between a lot of money and the "millions" that the other asshat claimed. Got it? Good!

Oh, so your hung up on the word "millions", I'll concede that 1.8 million does not necessarily qualify for the plural use of the word, but it does come close.
It's a far more complicated answer than your simple mind can comprehend. Go read a few economics, accounting and management books (the ones that are not mostly picture filled) and then figure it out for yourself. If you can.

Your sanctimonious answers are cute but other than demonstrating why your career stalled at a Lt Col. they don't address the question. It's a simple one and yes, I have run my own business. And it was profitable for 30 years until I shut it down and retired.

Your flea market stall was profitable for 30 years?? That's amazing. Yes, I'm sure it was simple for you, paying only yourself is an easy equation when computing labor costs. Labor costs in billion dollar corporations are computed a little differently when accounting for all operating costs and overhead.

Of course, you've fully demonstrated your lack of ability to understand anything so complex with your comment about my career stalling. Ignorance is bliss for you I guess.

Does everyone that disagrees with you own a flea market booth?

And, why are you down on flea markets?

I've known a few people who've done quite well with them

But that takes hard work

Your sanctimonious answers are cute but other than demonstrating why your career stalled at a Lt Col. they don't address the question. It's a simple one and yes, I have run my own business. And it was profitable for 30 years until I shut it down and retired.

Your flea market stall was profitable for 30 years?? That's amazing. Yes, I'm sure it was simple for you, paying only yourself is an easy equation when computing labor costs. Labor costs in billion dollar corporations are computed a little differently when accounting for all operating costs and overhead.

Of course, you've fully demonstrated your lack of ability to understand anything so complex with your comment about my career stalling. Ignorance is bliss for you I guess.

Does everyone that disagrees with you own a flea market booth?

And, why are you down on flea markets?

I've known a few people who've done quite well with them

But that takes hard work


Never said I was down on flea markets.
I've known people that have done well with them.
It does take hard work.
Big difference in operating one of them than operating a franchise fast food place or than running a corporation.
I know about running a fast food franchise. Managed my first one at the age of 24, several more later and then moved on.

It's hard work. Show up at 5am and lucky to leave by 7 or 8pm, six days a week.

Started as a fry cook and was motivated enough to let them teach me business basics while being paid to learn. It is possible, but sadly most are there to work a shift and leave. Hard to even get them motivated enough to look appropriate.
For a satellite of McDonald’s, the range is from $118.375 to $928.400, for a McDonald’s located in a gas station or convenience store, the range is from $ 680.750 to 1.2 million dollars. The standard, the new McDonald’s restaurant watches with a range of $ 1 million to 1.8 million.

So basically a new McDonald’s franchise is $118, 375 to 1.8 million dollars of investments for the selected model. Plus they are looking for assets of $500,000 as well.

It's shocking how much they have gone up.

In 1988, my (now ex) wife and I put up $25,000 as a down payment and assumed $125,000 in debt. The store was in a decent location, by a freeway offramp.
Yes, far, far short of the "millions" the asshole stated. Correct....

Can't you read?

So basically a new McDonald’s franchise is $118, 375 to 1.8 million dollars of investments for the selected model. Plus they are looking for assets of $500,000 as well.

That doesn't include the building.

Yes, I can. Clearly you can't. Yes a McDonalds in a prime location is going to cost mega bucks. But you can also get into one for under 500,000 INCLUDING THE BUILDING.

Further, the suppliers are multi-nationals in their own right. They do NOT BELONG TO MCONALDS. They supply McDonalds as well as a whole bunch of other restaurant chains around the world.

So, you're wrong (how unsurprising) on two fronts.

Now go away punk, you waste our time with your stupid blather.

Yeah, sure. Why don't you post the link for your 500k McDonalds.

McDonalds suppliers are contracted by McDonalds which would make it the company store. Franchisee's are supplied by whom McDonalds contracts with, but pays McDonalds who pays the suppliers so McDonalds gets a handling fee.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind
Why stop at 23.50 an hour? Why not go for 50.00 an hour? everybody works hard they should get 100.00 an hour? Right?

Because $23.50/hr is where minimum wage should be today if wages would increased with costs.
Why stop at 23.50 an hour? Why not go for 50.00 an hour? everybody works hard they should get 100.00 an hour? Right?

What's wrong with the income at the bottom increases at the same rate as the income at the top?

Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

As was proved in another post, Australian minimum wage is 120% higher than ours, but costs are 35% higher.
How old is America?
Liberals are destroying within 50 years what it took to create in 200 plus years.

Trying to make a job that should be someone's second job, or one that should simply be a families supplemental income, and make it sound as though it is a career path for most will illicit emotional reactions

You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?

It did just fine until the 70's.
What is living wage?

Needing a roof over your head, needing clothes and needing food, those are the essentials. So what is living wage? Has the far left ever answered that question?

Being able to pay the rent, buy groceries, buy your medicine, pay for your insurance (stupid Yanks just need to go UHC) etc.

At least $500 a week.

You are an idiot. Why don't you and your "stupid yank" comments go walk out into the surf and never bother anyone again?

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