$22.62 minimum wage!

What's wrong with the income at the bottom increases at the same rate as the income at the top?

Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

Inflation for dummies:

What used to cost $2 to produce - sells for $4 at retail

If it now costs $4 to produce - sells for $8 at retail

Glad I could help

another simplistic uneducated response. I'm assuming that neither of you operate your own business, or maybe you do, but flea market stands don't necessarily equate to billion dollar corporations.
What's wrong with the income at the bottom increases at the same rate as the income at the top?

Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

Inflation for dummies:

What used to cost $2 to produce - sells for $4 at retail

If it now costs $4 to produce - sells for $8 at retail

Glad I could help

OH my so inflation is your rebuttal?
Explain one thing who will play was the rise in employee hourly wage? Will the owner take it out of his pocket as a lose, or will he pass the rise in cost onto the customer?
Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

Inflation for dummies:

What used to cost $2 to produce - sells for $4 at retail

If it now costs $4 to produce - sells for $8 at retail

Glad I could help

another simplistic uneducated response. I'm assuming that neither of you operate your own business, or maybe you do, but flea market stands don't necessarily equate to billion dollar corporations.

I said it was for dummies, you are beyond help

When the cost of producing a product rises, the cost to buy said product also rises.

Sad, but true.
Inflation for dummies:

What used to cost $2 to produce - sells for $4 at retail

If it now costs $4 to produce - sells for $8 at retail

Glad I could help

another simplistic uneducated response. I'm assuming that neither of you operate your own business, or maybe you do, but flea market stands don't necessarily equate to billion dollar corporations.

I said it was for dummies, you are beyond help

When the cost of producing a product rises, the cost to buy said product also rises.

Sad, but true.

your flea market stand must be doing wonderful business. sad, but true.
another simplistic uneducated response. I'm assuming that neither of you operate your own business, or maybe you do, but flea market stands don't necessarily equate to billion dollar corporations.

I said it was for dummies, you are beyond help

When the cost of producing a product rises, the cost to buy said product also rises.

Sad, but true.

your flea market stand must be doing wonderful business. sad, but true.

So, please explain how the rise in the cost of a product does not raise the end price.

Why stop at 23.50 an hour? Why not go for 50.00 an hour? everybody works hard they should get 100.00 an hour? Right?

What's wrong with the income at the bottom increases at the same rate as the income at the top?

Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

No country can long survive when the majority of it's wealth lies in the hands of a few. Do you understand this? It's a vicious cycle.
I said it was for dummies, you are beyond help

When the cost of producing a product rises, the cost to buy said product also rises.

Sad, but true.

your flea market stand must be doing wonderful business. sad, but true.

So, please explain how the rise in the cost of a product does not raise the end price.


It's a far more complicated answer than your simple mind can comprehend. Go read a few economics, accounting and management books (the ones that are not mostly picture filled) and then figure it out for yourself. If you can.
your flea market stand must be doing wonderful business. sad, but true.

So, please explain how the rise in the cost of a product does not raise the end price.


It's a far more complicated answer than your simple mind can comprehend. Go read a few economics, accounting and management books (the ones that are not mostly picture filled) and then figure it out for yourself. If you can.

You never answered the question

Back to the "flea market" with you
What's wrong with the income at the bottom increases at the same rate as the income at the top?

Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

No country can long survive when the majority of it's wealth lies in the hands of a few. Do you understand this? It's a vicious cycle.

How old is America?
Liberals are destroying within 50 years what it took to create in 200 plus years.
When you raise the cost of a service beyond the value of that service, you end up with less service. But, what you do get requires a greater technological expertise.

A farmer might employ 50 fieldhands to harvest crops. They are low or non skilled and make very little money. The value of their labor is very little. Anyone can do it. The worker is fungible. He can be replaced by any other worker.

Raise the cost of that labor enough and the farmer could save money by investing in a mechanized harvester. Now he only needs ONE employee to replace the 50 he had but that one employee has to be skilled in operating the machine. The ONE employee might make $25.00 an hour because the value of his skill is worth it. And, there are 49 unemployed field hands.
Increase in minimum wage would also mean increase in cost for everything. Do you understand this? Then there will be another move to raise wages. It's a vicious cycle.

No country can long survive when the majority of it's wealth lies in the hands of a few. Do you understand this? It's a vicious cycle.

How old is America?
Liberals are destroying within 50 years what it took to create in 200 plus years.

Trying to make a job that should be someone's second job, or one that should simply be a families supplemental income, and make it sound as though it is a career path for most will illicit emotional reactions
When you raise the cost of a service beyond the value of that service, you end up with less service. But, what you do get requires a greater technological expertise.

A farmer might employ 50 fieldhands to harvest crops. They are low or non skilled and make very little money. The value of their labor is very little. Anyone can do it. The worker is fungible. He can be replaced by any other worker.

Raise the cost of that labor enough and the farmer could save money by investing in a mechanized harvester. Now he only needs ONE employee to replace the 50 he had but that one employee has to be skilled in operating the machine. The ONE employee might make $25.00 an hour because the value of his skill is worth it. And, there are 49 unemployed field hands.

But that's just common sense, why bring it up?

No country can long survive when the majority of it's wealth lies in the hands of a few. Do you understand this? It's a vicious cycle.

How old is America?
Liberals are destroying within 50 years what it took to create in 200 plus years.

Trying to make a job that should be someone's second job, or one that should simply be a families supplemental income, and make it sound as though it is a career path for most will illicit emotional reactions

You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?
How old is America?
Liberals are destroying within 50 years what it took to create in 200 plus years.

Trying to make a job that should be someone's second job, or one that should simply be a families supplemental income, and make it sound as though it is a career path for most will illicit emotional reactions

You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?

Absolutely correct. Held a few from time to time, never was the primary source of income, but when the family needed extra to meet the bills, it was take a supplemental second job or find a house needing paint or repair.
Trying to make a job that should be someone's second job, or one that should simply be a families supplemental income, and make it sound as though it is a career path for most will illicit emotional reactions

You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?

Absolutely correct. Held a few from time to time, never was the primary source of income, but when the family needed extra to meet the bills, it was take a supplemental second job or find a house needing paint or repair.

And it still paid more than it does today.

Why is it okay for the top 1% income to raise more than 200% but not okay for minimum wage to actually keep up with inflation????
You do realize minimum wages was not created to sustain and adult with a family of four or more as the main income of the house hold?

Absolutely correct. Held a few from time to time, never was the primary source of income, but when the family needed extra to meet the bills, it was take a supplemental second job or find a house needing paint or repair.

And it still paid more than it does today.

Why is it okay for the top 1% income to raise more than 200% but not okay for minimum wage to actually keep up with inflation????

One does not equate with the other
Absolutely correct. Held a few from time to time, never was the primary source of income, but when the family needed extra to meet the bills, it was take a supplemental second job or find a house needing paint or repair.

And it still paid more than it does today.

Why is it okay for the top 1% income to raise more than 200% but not okay for minimum wage to actually keep up with inflation????

One does not equate with the other

Of course it does. A widening income gap leads to instability.
For a satellite of McDonald’s, the range is from $118.375 to $928.400, for a McDonald’s located in a gas station or convenience store, the range is from $ 680.750 to 1.2 million dollars. The standard, the new McDonald’s restaurant watches with a range of $ 1 million to 1.8 million.

So basically a new McDonald’s franchise is $118, 375 to 1.8 million dollars of investments for the selected model. Plus they are looking for assets of $500,000 as well.

Yes, far, far short of the "millions" the asshole stated. Correct....

I wasn't fucking agreeing with you shit for brains, it isn't the chump change you were making out to be.

Profitable businesses COST money dickhead. No business on this planet is free. In addition to whatever investment you make into it you also have the pleasure of spending 60 to 80 hours per week running to keep it profitable asswipe.

Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop whining like a little girl.
And it still paid more than it does today.

Why is it okay for the top 1% income to raise more than 200% but not okay for minimum wage to actually keep up with inflation????

One does not equate with the other

Of course it does. A widening income gap leads to instability.


If you increase the cost of goods, along with the income you come up with a net gain of zero.

The theory is laudable, but short of price control, you gain nothing

That's been tried and didn't work so well
your flea market stand must be doing wonderful business. sad, but true.

So, please explain how the rise in the cost of a product does not raise the end price.


It's a far more complicated answer than your simple mind can comprehend. Go read a few economics, accounting and management books (the ones that are not mostly picture filled) and then figure it out for yourself. If you can.

Your sanctimonious answers are cute but other than demonstrating why your career stalled at a Lt Col. they don't address the question. It's a simple one and yes, I have run my own business. And it was profitable for 30 years until I shut it down and retired.

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