$22.62 minimum wage!

If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

What a bunch of nonsense.
What you lefties refuse to acknowledge is the fact that labor is a commodity.
The market rate for low skill entry level jobs is at the appropriate level proportionate to the available labor pool eligible to perform those jobs.
Just because thinkprogress offers an opinion does not make it fact.
Because he's worth it.

Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

Impossible without being inflationary.
Most small businesses with small profit margins would find it difficult if not impossible to hire low skill or part time help.
Small business( less than 50 total employees) make up the bulk of US Employment.
IN detail, please explain in what way this real world issue would be reconciled.
That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder

And you simply are a simpleton. No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices. What I'm saying is that the minimum wage should be set to at least a level that is above the poverty level.

$10 per hour is at poverty level.

Actually ,you are incorrect..
US Census table..
Related children under 18 years

Size of family unit Weighted Eight
average None One Two Three Four Five Six Seven or more

One person (unrelated individual)....... 11,720
Under 65 years.............................. 11,945 11,945
65 years and over........................... 11,011 11,011

Two people...................................... 14,937
Householder under 65 years........... 15,450 15,374 15,825
Householder 65 years and over........ 13,892 13,878 15,765

Three people.................................... 18,284 17,959 18,480 18,498
Four people..................................... 23,492 23,681 24,069 23,283 23,364
Five people...................................... 27,827 28,558 28,974 28,087 27,400 26,981
Six people........................................ 31,471 32,847 32,978 32,298 31,647 30,678 30,104
Seven people................................... 35,743 37,795 38,031 37,217 36,651 35,594 34,362 33,009
Eight people.................................... 39,688 42,271 42,644 41,876 41,204 40,249 39,038 37,777 37,457
Nine people or more.......................... 47,297 50,849 51,095 50,416 49,845 48,908 47,620 46,454 46,165 44,387
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
As you can see the federal poverty level is $14k per year for a two person household....That's right at the current min wage...
Most importantly, entry level low skill jobs are NOT designed to support a family. These jobs are stepping stones toward higher skilled work.
Or they are jobs taken by dependent children or retirees for 'walking around money'..
Final point. Most hourly wages, especially those mandated by labor union contracts as well as state and federal pay scales are indexed to the minimum wage. If the min wage is increased, these other pay scales are adjusted accordingly.
This is where a dramatic increase of the min wage which is an arbitrary and manipulative treatment of the labor market, can cause inflation.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

What a bunch of nonsense.
What you lefties refuse to acknowledge is the fact that labor is a commodity.
The market rate for low skill entry level jobs is at the appropriate level proportionate to the available labor pool eligible to perform those jobs.
Just because thinkprogress offers an opinion does not make it fact.

And when our birth rate declined, our government increased immigration and turned a blind eye to illegal immigration to make sure those low wage jobs didn't increase is wages and spending power.

Just more proof we don't have capitalism, what we have is fascism.
Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

Impossible without being inflationary.
Most small businesses with small profit margins would find it difficult if not impossible to hire low skill or part time help.
Small business( less than 50 total employees) make up the bulk of US Employment.
IN detail, please explain in what way this real world issue would be reconciled.

If minimum wage and the middle class wages had increased at the same rate as the top 1%, we'd have a healthy economy now.
And you simply are a simpleton. No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices. What I'm saying is that the minimum wage should be set to at least a level that is above the poverty level.

$10 per hour is at poverty level.

Simpleton? A simpleton believes that increasing the cost of production does not impact the cost of said product, that is unless you, at the same time increase productivity. Do you propose a law demanding higher productivity?

I thought not

Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.
Yer kidding right?...You're forgetting the 6.2% for Social Security, 1.45% for medicare, plus the cost of workers comp insurance.
For a person making $20k per year in a job that is on the light side of hazardous, costs about $2k to $3k per year.
You are obviously not in the business world as an employer. Please stop.
Simpleton? A simpleton believes that increasing the cost of production does not impact the cost of said product, that is unless you, at the same time increase productivity. Do you propose a law demanding higher productivity?

I thought not

Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.
Yer kidding right?...You're forgetting the 6.2% for Social Security, 1.45% for medicare, plus the cost of workers comp insurance.
For a person making $20k per year in a job that is on the light side of hazardous, costs about $2k to $3k per year.
You are obviously not in the business world as an employer. Please stop.

If someone starts a business knowing what they are getting into, which is really the ONLY type of person that SHOULD start a business, and that business fails, WHO'S to blame?
Or perhaps the CEO of an MNC can receive a 2 million dollar bonus rather than a six million dollar bonus?
The problem is that the ever shrinking professional middle class is taxed to subsidize the products and services received by the blue collar workforce.
Welfare, food stamps, ReaganCare, to name just a few.

That's ridiculous.
As a result of your pay edict, what makes you believe any transfer of wealth would take place?
Why would anyone pay that amount for laborers with no skill and who are available by the tens of thousands?

You should move to Venezuela.

Are you really asking that question? Isn't it obvious?

Here's the answer...because tens of millions of Americans with no discretionary income drag the economy down.

Ok...Then from where does the money come?
You people are pretty good at waving magic wands, but short on consideration for the unintended consequences.
So, a question has been put to you. Have at it.
Or perhaps the CEO of an MNC can receive a 2 million dollar bonus rather than a six million dollar bonus?
The problem is that the ever shrinking professional middle class is taxed to subsidize the products and services received by the blue collar workforce.
Welfare, food stamps, ReaganCare, to name just a few.

That's ridiculous.
As a result of your pay edict, what makes you believe any transfer of wealth would take place?

The bonus of any given MNC CEO is dictated by the Board of Directors.
When the most popular method of attaining one's accustomed bonus is to off-shore, request business visas and substantially lower the wages of those under you, the economy as a whole WILL suffer.
Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.
Yer kidding right?...You're forgetting the 6.2% for Social Security, 1.45% for medicare, plus the cost of workers comp insurance.
For a person making $20k per year in a job that is on the light side of hazardous, costs about $2k to $3k per year.
You are obviously not in the business world as an employer. Please stop.

If someone starts a business knowing what they are getting into, which is really the ONLY type of person that SHOULD start a business, and that business fails, WHO'S to blame?

The person that started the business. No shame in that.
What is living wage?

Needing a roof over your head, needing clothes and needing food, those are the essentials. So what is living wage? Has the far left ever answered that question?

Being able to pay the rent, buy groceries, buy your medicine, pay for your insurance (stupid Yanks just need to go UHC) etc.

At least $500 a week.

If the job requires people be paid that level of salary, then yes. If not, then no, that amount is inappropriate.
Tell ya what.....Open a business, pay wages far above market rate and let us know how you are doing after a year.
Stupid Aussies need to mind their own fucking business, you pooch.
What is living wage?

Needing a roof over your head, needing clothes and needing food, those are the essentials. So what is living wage? Has the far left ever answered that question?

25k a year minimum for every person. Why answer it? Some retarded capitalist fuck would just whine bitch and complain about making sure their slaves were getting paid a decent wage.

capitalist fuck..
That's real funny....
By demanding higher wages, are you not exercising capitalism?
Define "decent wage".
25k a year minimum for every person. Why answer it? Some retarded capitalist fuck would just whine bitch and complain about making sure their slaves were getting paid a decent wage.

Great idea

Now go find someone making less than 25k per year, and from your pay give them enough to meet the minimum. If you are still over 25k at that point find another and another until all are equal

Enough people do that and the problem is solved

Glad I could be of help
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!
you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.
What is living wage?

Needing a roof over your head, needing clothes and needing food, those are the essentials. So what is living wage? Has the far left ever answered that question?

Being able to pay the rent, buy groceries, buy your medicine, pay for your insurance (stupid Yanks just need to go UHC) etc.

At least $500 a week.

If the job requires people be paid that level of salary, then yes. If not, then no, that amount is inappropriate.
Tell ya what.....Open a business, pay wages far above market rate and let us know how you are doing after a year.
Stupid Aussies need to mind their own fucking business, you pooch.

When I worked for United Airlines, I talked to a man who started and ran his own company. He paid much more than minimum wage and even took all of his employees and their immediate families on vacation every few years. I tried to get hired on but of course he had no openings, and being such a great boss, he wasn't going to have any opening for a long time. My job, meanwhile, got sent to India where they do it less than 1/2 as good for 1/2 the money.
25k a year minimum for every person. Why answer it? Some retarded capitalist fuck would just whine bitch and complain about making sure their slaves were getting paid a decent wage.

You are free to start your own business and pay your employees whatever wage you like. Good luck, I'm sure it will be a smashing success.

No thanks. No interest in starting my own business. I will continue to make capitalist scum such as yourself pay slaves a decent wage so we the taxpayers have to help them pay to live decently. Either way you pay for it. I could never own a business I would get sued by some negro or faggot for refusing their service.

You are no taxpayer. you rent. so no property taxes. You don't earn enough to have any federal tax liability. In fact you probably get a refund large enough so that the government is sending you back more than you have deducted. You are are a negative taxpayer.
A leech. Parasite. Blood sucker. Freeloader.

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