$22.62 minimum wage!

Great idea

Now go find someone making less than 25k per year, and from your pay give them enough to meet the minimum. If you are still over 25k at that point find another and another until all are equal

Enough people do that and the problem is solved

Glad I could be of help
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!
you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.

You want to tell me about these wonderful companies please? Even the medical transcription jobs went overseas.
Why bother? You'll piss it away in a couple of years anyway. That's the problem with whiners like you. I was born poor. Very poor. Like I lived in a truck for a few years in the 1950's. I went to school and worked my way through college. What the fuck have you done to better yourself? Why should I give you money that I earned? Hmmm?

I help people all of the time. But you want to know who I help? People who are trying to better themselves that's who. I have sent 5 girls to college who could never have afforded it. I supported one young man all the way through grad school and now he's paying that forward and helping others like I helped him.

THOSE people DESERVE our help.

YOU don't.

I was born poor and raised poor, very poor, as a child we were mostly homeless at a time when there were no provided benefits for the poor.

I don't help the poor. I would not help someone bleeding in the gutter if I had the last bandaid between here and Jupiter. Helping the poor means helping them to stay poor and become more creatively poor. Growing up poor, sleeping in the streets, eating out of garbage cans taught me a special kind of hate for the do-gooders who enabled us to stay that poor. We might have gone on that way forever, if it had not been for one cruel and inhumane man who didn't help, didn't give us food or shelter but instead went to the police and stayed to smile in court when the Judge ordered me removed from my parents custody.

Perfect example of a capitalist right there. The poor should be helped and workers should not be exploited by employers. That's why NS is the best system.
The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.
What a high minimum wage does is lock out all entry level workers. Someone who gets a job at 17 mopping floors and emptying trash in a fast food joint and makes enough money to support his family on minimum wage locks into that job and never moves up. There is no entry level job available for the next 17 year old. This is what is happening in Europe where the unemployment rate for entry level workers is above 30%.

A high minimum wage destroys incentive, why bother moving on if you are comfortable where you are?

Please explain why you think 'minimum' locks people out of 'better than minimum'. I don't think you're being logical.

Because the money HAS to come from somewhere. Since most employers( small business) operate on thin margins, they will be forced to either raise prices or reduce workforce. Very simple.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

I heard once (no link) that the stock market investors are mostly the wealthy, yet Democrats tout the stock market as an Obama success.. It would follow then that Obama/Democrats support the wealthy yet are in denial or being, you know, hypocritical..

So he's damned if he supports him and damned if he doesn't.

But Right Wingers really do believe in "let him die". At least we can all agree on that.
No thanks. No interest in starting my own business. I will continue to make capitalist scum such as yourself pay slaves a decent wage so we the taxpayers have to help them pay to live decently. Either way you pay for it. I could never own a business I would get sued by some negro or faggot for refusing their service.

How's that been working out for you so far, Comrade JOOOOOO hater?

Want a better life? Get off welfare, you fuckwad.

Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Then pack up your lazy Ayran ass, your spouse and that litter of crumb crunchers your refer to as kids and move to some sub tropical shit hole dictatorship and then you shall have your socialist utopia.
You can lash out all you like. You are still a failure as human being in every sense of the word.....You are nothing. A flyspeck.
I was born poor and raised poor, very poor, as a child we were mostly homeless at a time when there were no provided benefits for the poor.

I don't help the poor. I would not help someone bleeding in the gutter if I had the last bandaid between here and Jupiter. Helping the poor means helping them to stay poor and become more creatively poor. Growing up poor, sleeping in the streets, eating out of garbage cans taught me a special kind of hate for the do-gooders who enabled us to stay that poor. We might have gone on that way forever, if it had not been for one cruel and inhumane man who didn't help, didn't give us food or shelter but instead went to the police and stayed to smile in court when the Judge ordered me removed from my parents custody.

Perfect example of a capitalist right there. The poor should be helped and workers should not be exploited by employers. That's why NS is the best system.
The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.
Tiny flaw in your logic: There aren't near as many fish as there used to be. There was a time when a kid with grade nine could get a secure good paying job and raise a family and buy a home as long as he was willing to put in a decent days work at the company that made nails.
Those days are gone forever in the US.
Now without at least some college there are only minimum wage 'service industry' jobs for the poor saps the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers' streamed everyone through. Everyone got a 'gold-like' trophy whether they even showed up or not. That's the Liberal way.
I don't know of any motel/hotel owners who will pay the dude who sweeps the car park $23.00 an hour. The way the economy is going half the motels/hotels in the country will be closed in a couple of years. The days of piling the family into the SUV and driving a few days to Disneyland for the average family is over. That means the stays at restaurants/hotels/motels (all requiring minimum wage workers) is shrinking like George leaving the swimming pool.
"Daddy. What was a credit card? Was there really a place called Disneyland? What does 'take-out' mean?"
And you'll "make" them do this by... posting on this forum?

Nice work, you go-getter.

You think this is all I do? :lol: Funny very funny.

yes.. Perhaps less than that.
I was born poor and raised poor, very poor, as a child we were mostly homeless at a time when there were no provided benefits for the poor.

I don't help the poor. I would not help someone bleeding in the gutter if I had the last bandaid between here and Jupiter. Helping the poor means helping them to stay poor and become more creatively poor. Growing up poor, sleeping in the streets, eating out of garbage cans taught me a special kind of hate for the do-gooders who enabled us to stay that poor. We might have gone on that way forever, if it had not been for one cruel and inhumane man who didn't help, didn't give us food or shelter but instead went to the police and stayed to smile in court when the Judge ordered me removed from my parents custody.

Perfect example of a capitalist right there. The poor should be helped and workers should not be exploited by employers. That's why NS is the best system.
The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.
That's not what this shit system does ignorant fuck. Course I am expecting a capitalist with brains...mistake on my part.
How's that been working out for you so far, Comrade JOOOOOO hater?

Want a better life? Get off welfare, you fuckwad.

Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Then pack up your lazy Ayran ass, your spouse and that litter of crumb crunchers your refer to as kids and move to some sub tropical shit hole dictatorship and then you shall have your socialist utopia.
You can lash out all you like. You are still a failure as human being in every sense of the word.....You are nothing. A flyspeck.
Its Aryan you complete dumb fuck. Why don't you stop supporting the exploitation of poor people eh? Man you are worse than negros and jews combined.Complete bottom of the barrel dog shit...
Spoon is the perfect example of a capitalist.Angry,Sad,Spiteful etc. He doesn't know people's stories but assumes because of where they are now its because they are lazy and ignorant. Fact is both me and wife went to school for skills. I was told that's how you get ahead in life get a skill. Done. Didn't work. Obviously got wrong skill or just dealing with pricks who don't/won't give someone a chance to improve themselves. Again exactly why government should have more control.
Great idea

Now go find someone making less than 25k per year, and from your pay give them enough to meet the minimum. If you are still over 25k at that point find another and another until all are equal

Enough people do that and the problem is solved

Glad I could be of help
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!
you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.

Ah, the compassion of the cons. Fuck the disabled, fuck the poor, fuck the elderly, fuck the sick, fuck the middle class. Bet this is one of those CEO's that make 900 times the wage of one of his employees. Nice post fukwit.
Why would anyone pay that amount for laborers with no skill and who are available by the tens of thousands?

You should move to Venezuela.

Are you really asking that question? Isn't it obvious?

Here's the answer...because tens of millions of Americans with no discretionary income drag the economy down.

Ok...Then from where does the money come?
You people are pretty good at waving magic wands, but short on consideration for the unintended consequences.
So, a question has been put to you. Have at it.

Quite simply, the top echelon has to make do with less. Or, we're always being told the pie is not limited, it gets bigger. Well, now it's time to increase the slice for the poor and middle class instead of making it bigger for the CEOs and the ubber wealthy. Our income gap is worse than many 3rd world nations. We can't survive long at this rate.
If minimum wage and the middle class wages had increased at the same rate as the top 1%, we'd have a healthy economy now.

One of the great lies told by the left is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Since WWII, everyone has consistently gotten richer.

However, under George W. Bush, 84% of economic gain accrued to the top 1% - the bottom 99% got to split the remaining 16%. As a result, we saw the gap between the rich and poor widen.

Obama fans the flames of hatred as his core message, and engaged in no end of class warfare in both of his campaigns. So it should be no surprise that under Obama, 97% of wealth increase has accrued to the top 1% with the bottom 99% splitting the remaining 3%

Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush

Virtually all increase under Obama has been in the stock market, driving by billions of dollars essentially given to the largest investment firms and banks. Obama engages in a level of corporate welfare unprecedented in history, funneling no end of cash to well connected looters in Quantitative Easing.
If someone starts a business knowing what they are getting into, which is really the ONLY type of person that SHOULD start a business, and that business fails, WHO'S to blame?

As Obama pumps billions to his Wall Street cronies, declaring them too big to fail, is there an implied assault on small business in a "too small to succeed" scenario? After all, the local McDonalds franchise is not bribing Obama's SEIU buddies, so Obama would be encouraged to push policies aimed at destroying their business.
Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.
Yer kidding right?...You're forgetting the 6.2% for Social Security, 1.45% for medicare, plus the cost of workers comp insurance.
For a person making $20k per year in a job that is on the light side of hazardous, costs about $2k to $3k per year.
You are obviously not in the business world as an employer. Please stop.

If someone starts a business knowing what they are getting into, which is really the ONLY type of person that SHOULD start a business, and that business fails, WHO'S to blame?
You mean like 'Bobo' did when he applied for the job of President knowing he had never run anything but his mouth all his life?
'Bobo's 'business' failed so I guess he's to blame right? "Yeah but! Yeah but!." NO 'yeah buts! The 'First Affirmative Action President' turned out to be an incompetent liar bent on turning the country into a Socialist/Marxist/Communist state.....just like 'Daddy' and 'Mommy' would have wanted. I forgot to add his 'base' AKA the Takers.
If someone starts a business knowing what they are getting into, which is really the ONLY type of person that SHOULD start a business, and that business fails, WHO'S to blame?

As Obama pumps billions to his Wall Street cronies, declaring them too big to fail, is there an implied assault on small business in a "too small to succeed" scenario? After all, the local McDonalds franchise is not bribing Obama's SEIU buddies, so Obama would be encouraged to push policies aimed at destroying their business.

That was Shrub's line. Obama just took the hand off and ran with it. But no cons were whining when Shrub said it. Nice one hypocrite.
The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.

Give a leftie a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a leftie to fish, and he will file a court order demanding more free fish.
That was Shrub's line. Obama just took the hand off and ran with it. But no cons were whining when Shrub said it. Nice one hypocrite.

You're a partisan hack and formulate your posts to attack your political opposition.

Opposition to "too big to fail" came from virtually all corners of conservative thought - but what you posses in partisanship, you lack in integrity.

{our economy would transition as well, but in the end, if we turned to honest, sound money and a truly free market, we would end up with a more just society, founded on truthfulness and decency, not subject to the violence of force or the whims of fraudulent institutions. Unfortunately, it seems we are headed into a new era of slavery, however, where all taxpayers will be forced to render to the Fed and big banking interests the bulk of the fruits of their labor, possibly through higher taxes but definitely through the eroding force of inflation.} - Ron Paul

The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.

Give a leftie a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a leftie to fish, and he will file a court order demanding more free fish.
Give a LIB a fish and he'll demand two. He's not remotely interested in learning to fish. Why should they when they knew 'Bobo' would always demand you to give some of the fish you caught to the 'OJ jury' so they'd would vote for him to make sure the free fish kept coming.
Though in principle I support raising the minimum wage a bit, my concern remains if it's raised too high, are we creating a disincentive for high schoolers to continue on to college if they can get a decent job right out of high school?

Minimum wage positions aren't careers. And if you're forced to make it one, expecting business to carry you and enable that choice isn't fair. Sure, business can afford to pay more easily, but businesses exist to make profit, not provide comfortable livings to their workers. If they do that's swell. But expecting businesses to reduce their profits for the benefit of their employees isn't sensible. Can't expect the economy to boom if legging businesses at the same time.

Raising the minimum wage significantly is rewarding uneducated workers and creating a disincentive to continue their education and get an actual career.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

^^^ Propaganda for Low Info Morons ^^^

yes, but that's the problem..Many today are actually eating up this stuff
this country is hopeless when this is why they think they are worth more for flipping burgers
Socialism works by sowing, jealousy and envy
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