$22.62 minimum wage!

yes, but that's the problem..Many today are actually eating up this stuff
this country is hopeless when this is why they think they are worth more for flipping burgers
Socialism works by sowing, jealousy and envy

It is the entitlement mentality.

If one is rational, then they grasp that they are marketing a product, themselves. What value do they offer? What compensation can they demand in return for that value? This is the path up, as the person will seek to maximize their own value, as the means to gaining greater compensation.

But the lesson of the left is that people "deserve a living wage," simply because they exist. That people are entitled because they have black skin, or don't speak English, or dropped out of high school, or abuse drugs. Go flip burgers, show up for 3 out of 10 shifts, and you DESERVE $50,000 a year - and an Obama Phone.
yes, but that's the problem..Many today are actually eating up this stuff
this country is hopeless when this is why they think they are worth more for flipping burgers
Socialism works by sowing, jealousy and envy

It is the entitlement mentality.

If one is rational, then they grasp that they are marketing a product, themselves. What value do they offer? What compensation can they demand in return for that value? This is the path up, as the person will seek to maximize their own value, as the means to gaining greater compensation.

But the lesson of the left is that people "deserve a living wage," simply because they exist. That people are entitled because they have black skin, or don't speak English, or dropped out of high school, or abuse drugs. Go flip burgers, show up for 3 out of 10 shifts, and you DESERVE $50,000 a year - and an Obama Phone.
The mentality of the libertardians . Thinks everyone that works at McDonalds or Burger King or something of the sort is lazy,only shows up to the minimum work etc...Thank goodness these retards will NEVER get in power. I hate your kind more and more every day. Ya see I was on the inside of this idiotic ideology for almost 4 years...I know where you are coming from and I have seen the ugly side. I have seen people like you say oh well when we take power of course a lot of the poor will die and so will the elderly because its a dog eat dog world its not our job to take care of the elderly. Course this is a jewish invented ideology intended to sew discontent in the collective as it should be a race/tribe/people sticking together helping each other etc and making selfish little teenagers think for themselves only.
If minimum wage and the middle class wages had increased at the same rate as the top 1%, we'd have a healthy economy now.

One of the great lies told by the left is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Since WWII, everyone has consistently gotten richer.

However, under George W. Bush, 84% of economic gain accrued to the top 1% - the bottom 99% got to split the remaining 16%. As a result, we saw the gap between the rich and poor widen.

Obama fans the flames of hatred as his core message, and engaged in no end of class warfare in both of his campaigns. So it should be no surprise that under Obama, 97% of wealth increase has accrued to the top 1% with the bottom 99% splitting the remaining 3%

Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush

Virtually all increase under Obama has been in the stock market, driving by billions of dollars essentially given to the largest investment firms and banks. Obama engages in a level of corporate welfare unprecedented in history, funneling no end of cash to well connected looters in Quantitative Easing.

The income gap has been increasing since long before GW
Though in principle I support raising the minimum wage a bit, my concern remains if it's raised too high, are we creating a disincentive for high schoolers to continue on to college if they can get a decent job right out of high school?

Minimum wage positions aren't careers. And if you're forced to make it one, expecting business to carry you and enable that choice isn't fair. Sure, business can afford to pay more easily, but businesses exist to make profit, not provide comfortable livings to their workers. If they do that's swell. But expecting businesses to reduce their profits for the benefit of their employees isn't sensible. Can't expect the economy to boom if legging businesses at the same time.

Raising the minimum wage significantly is rewarding uneducated workers and creating a disincentive to continue their education and get an actual career.

For decades we had a middle class without college degrees. Now we have people with college degrees who can't even make enough to be in the middle class. More education isn't the answer today. There are too many I know with an education and no job or a low paying job.

yes, but that's the problem..Many today are actually eating up this stuff
this country is hopeless when this is why they think they are worth more for flipping burgers
Socialism works by sowing, jealousy and envy

People said the same thing before the Factory workers started making a decent wage.

Now those jobs are gone and our economy is in the tank. Raise the wages for the Service Industry and watch our economy improve the same way it improved with the wages were raised for the factory workers.
yes, but that's the problem..Many today are actually eating up this stuff
this country is hopeless when this is why they think they are worth more for flipping burgers
Socialism works by sowing, jealousy and envy

It is the entitlement mentality.

If one is rational, then they grasp that they are marketing a product, themselves. What value do they offer? What compensation can they demand in return for that value? This is the path up, as the person will seek to maximize their own value, as the means to gaining greater compensation.

But the lesson of the left is that people "deserve a living wage," simply because they exist. That people are entitled because they have black skin, or don't speak English, or dropped out of high school, or abuse drugs. Go flip burgers, show up for 3 out of 10 shifts, and you DESERVE $50,000 a year - and an Obama Phone.

You think all minimum wage workers don't show up for 3 out of 10 shifts? You think they all have black skin or don't speak English? You think they all dropped out of High School or abused drugs? You really have a poor view of the hardest workers in our country. Or do you really think those CEOs "earn" 500 times what their workers "earn?"
Though in principle I support raising the minimum wage a bit, my concern remains if it's raised too high, are we creating a disincentive for high schoolers to continue on to college if they can get a decent job right out of high school?

Minimum wage positions aren't careers. And if you're forced to make it one, expecting business to carry you and enable that choice isn't fair. Sure, business can afford to pay more easily, but businesses exist to make profit, not provide comfortable livings to their workers. If they do that's swell. But expecting businesses to reduce their profits for the benefit of their employees isn't sensible. Can't expect the economy to boom if legging businesses at the same time.

Raising the minimum wage significantly is rewarding uneducated workers and creating a disincentive to continue their education and get an actual career.

For decades we had a middle class without college degrees. Now we have people with college degrees who can't even make enough to be in the middle class. More education isn't the answer today. There are too many I know with an education and no job or a low paying job.

For decades we didn't have computers either. Now that we do and most businesses depend on them, having the education to operate them is required. What worked decades ago wouldn't work now. Things are totally different.
Though in principle I support raising the minimum wage a bit, my concern remains if it's raised too high, are we creating a disincentive for high schoolers to continue on to college if they can get a decent job right out of high school?

Minimum wage positions aren't careers. And if you're forced to make it one, expecting business to carry you and enable that choice isn't fair. Sure, business can afford to pay more easily, but businesses exist to make profit, not provide comfortable livings to their workers. If they do that's swell. But expecting businesses to reduce their profits for the benefit of their employees isn't sensible. Can't expect the economy to boom if legging businesses at the same time.

Raising the minimum wage significantly is rewarding uneducated workers and creating a disincentive to continue their education and get an actual career.

For decades we had a middle class without college degrees. Now we have people with college degrees who can't even make enough to be in the middle class. More education isn't the answer today. There are too many I know with an education and no job or a low paying job.

For decades we didn't have computers either. Now that we do and most businesses depend on them, having the education to operate them is required. What worked decades ago wouldn't work now. Things are totally different.

Point me to anybody under 12 years old who can't operate a computer....anyone?

I was in 9th grade before I learned to type. Now everybody knows it in elementary school. Now if you are talking about SPECIFIC computers, they may need classes for that, but they sure as hell don't need a college degree. If I can operate a computer without ever having learned in a class, than every kid today out of 6th grade can operate one.
You think all minimum wage workers don't show up for 3 out of 10 shifts?

I said that many ONLY show up for 3 out of 10 shifts.

I "owned" a McDonald's franchise for several years. I had plenty of exposure to fast food workers.

You think they all have black skin or don't speak English? You think they all dropped out of High School or abused drugs?

Not at all, rather that the union fools demanding a "living wage" in an effort to loot the fast food industry cite black skin, drug abuse, and illegal status as the reasons that fast food workers deserve high wages.

Read for content.

You really have a poor view of the hardest workers in our country.

Fast food is far from the 'hardest work.' It is a low value task and compensated accordingly.

Those who pass through fast food fall into 3 basic groups.

  1. Those just starting out. These people show up on time, work hard, and move on quickly.
  2. Losers. These people can't get a better job. They do the very least in every situation. They are frequently absent and do the least when they do show up.
  3. Illegals. Usually hard workers and more reliable than the first two groups.

Or do you really think those CEOs "earn" 500 times what their workers "earn?"

Yes. When my retirement portfolio is on the line, damned right I think that a CEO who makes the prospect of my 401K growing earns his pay.
You think all minimum wage workers don't show up for 3 out of 10 shifts?

I said that many ONLY show up for 3 out of 10 shifts.

I "owned" a McDonald's franchise for several years. I had plenty of exposure to fast food workers.

You think they all have black skin or don't speak English? You think they all dropped out of High School or abused drugs?

Not at all, rather that the union fools demanding a "living wage" in an effort to loot the fast food industry cite black skin, drug abuse, and illegal status as the reasons that fast food workers deserve high wages.

Read for content.

You really have a poor view of the hardest workers in our country.

Fast food is far from the 'hardest work.' It is a low value task and compensated accordingly.

Those who pass through fast food fall into 3 basic groups.

  1. Those just starting out. These people show up on time, work hard, and move on quickly.
  2. Losers. These people can't get a better job. They do the very least in every situation. They are frequently absent and do the least when they do show up.
  3. Illegals. Usually hard workers and more reliable than the first two groups.

Or do you really think those CEOs "earn" 500 times what their workers "earn?"

Yes. When my retirement portfolio is on the line, damned right I think that a CEO who makes the prospect of my 401K growing earns his pay.

It was the CEO's responsible for the failed banks and the failed corporations. They make money off of sending our jobs overseas and hiring slave labor in other countries and in the end, that's going to cost you. It was our healthy middle class that made us the richest country in the world, not the top 1% that you worship. With the middle class disappearing, so goes our wealth. Soon those corporations that spread out overseas will lose everything as the people who purchased their goods, won't be able to afford it anymore. Some of that's already happened. Some of it has been pushed off to future generations with taxpayer bailouts.
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!
you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.

Ah, the compassion of the cons. Fuck the disabled, fuck the poor, fuck the elderly, fuck the sick, fuck the middle class. Bet this is one of those CEO's that make 900 times the wage of one of his employees. Nice post fukwit.

So? you send the government all your paychecks to help take care of those you listed?
you know, put you money where your mouth is...or just sit on a message board wailing how other's don't give a fuck...?
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you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.

Ah, the compassion of the cons. Fuck the disabled, fuck the poor, fuck the elderly, fuck the sick, fuck the middle class. Bet this is one of those CEO's that make 900 times the wage of one of his employees. Nice post fukwit.

So? you send the government all your paychecks to help take care of those you listed?
you know, put you money where your mouth is...or just sit on a message board wailing how other's don't give a fuck...?

I'll bet a higher percentage of my money goes to help those not so well off than yours does. I KNOW a higher percentage of my time goes to help them.
Ah, the compassion of the cons. Fuck the disabled, fuck the poor, fuck the elderly, fuck the sick, fuck the middle class. Bet this is one of those CEO's that make 900 times the wage of one of his employees. Nice post fukwit.

So? you send the government all your paychecks to help take care of those you listed?
you know, put you money where your mouth is...or just sit on a message board wailing how other's don't give a fuck...?

I'll bet a higher percentage of my money goes to help those not so well off than yours does. I KNOW a higher percentage of my time goes to help them.

You do huh? crystal ball tell you that? and that's why you have to brag about it
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So? you send the government all your paychecks to help take care of those you listed?
you know, put you money where your mouth is...or just sit on a message board wailing how other's don't give a fuck...?

I'll bet a higher percentage of my money goes to help those not so well off than yours does. I KNOW a higher percentage of my time goes to help them.

You do huh? crystal ball tell you that? and that's why you have to brag about it

What can I say, I'm psycho, I mean psychic. It's not bragging, it's a statement of fact. BTW, it's in your attitude. You are demanding that others give what they have, indicating that you are unwilling to give of your own. It's pretty telling. Also, very few people put in as many volunteer hours as I do and some put in even more.
Perfect example of a capitalist right there. The poor should be helped and workers should not be exploited by employers. That's why NS is the best system.
The poor should be helped. Yes, to attain better job skills so that their next job pays them more. VOILA! No longer poor.
Give a man a fish. He will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. He will eat for a lifetime.
Tiny flaw in your logic: There aren't near as many fish as there used to be. There was a time when a kid with grade nine could get a secure good paying job and raise a family and buy a home as long as he was willing to put in a decent days work at the company that made nails.
Those days are gone forever in the US.
Now without at least some college there are only minimum wage 'service industry' jobs for the poor saps the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers' streamed everyone through. Everyone got a 'gold-like' trophy whether they even showed up or not. That's the Liberal way.
I don't know of any motel/hotel owners who will pay the dude who sweeps the car park $23.00 an hour. The way the economy is going half the motels/hotels in the country will be closed in a couple of years. The days of piling the family into the SUV and driving a few days to Disneyland for the average family is over. That means the stays at restaurants/hotels/motels (all requiring minimum wage workers) is shrinking like George leaving the swimming pool.
"Daddy. What was a credit card? Was there really a place called Disneyland? What does 'take-out' mean?"
There is plenty of opportunity. However, good paying jobs are harder to obtain because more training and education is required. Nothing wrong with that.
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!
you make $725 per month? Diing what?...
There's your problem. You haven't the ambition to do anything else.
And please, spare me the "I'm disabled and cannot work" shit.
If you can type on a computer to bitch about how rotten everything is, you can become employed by any number of companies that permit telecommuting.
No...You'd rather sit home, collect your check, spew shit about racial purity and of course make babies you cannot afford. Shut the fuck up. You lazy good for nothing freeloading asshole.

You want to tell me about these wonderful companies please? Even the medical transcription jobs went overseas.
Enterprise Car Rental for one. The starting wage is $14 handling customer service calls. If one has a 4 year degree, Enterprise has customer service positions that are management track.
There are tons of other opportunities if one is willing to make the right moves, get the training or education..No excuses.
You think this is all I do? :lol: Funny very funny.

yes.. Perhaps less than that.

That's not what this shit system does ignorant fuck. Course I am expecting a capitalist with brains...mistake on my part.
Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Then pack up your lazy Ayran ass, your spouse and that litter of crumb crunchers your refer to as kids and move to some sub tropical shit hole dictatorship and then you shall have your socialist utopia.
You can lash out all you like. You are still a failure as human being in every sense of the word.....You are nothing. A flyspeck.
Its Aryan you complete dumb fuck. Why don't you stop supporting the exploitation of poor people eh? Man you are worse than negros and jews combined.Complete bottom of the barrel dog shit...

Fuck you..

I help poor people. I hire them when I need the help and I don't just hire them to do grunt work. I teach them about our business and encourage them to get into this field of work.
I cannot insult you anymore than you've insulted yourself.
Spoon is the perfect example of a capitalist.Angry,Sad,Spiteful etc. He doesn't know people's stories but assumes because of where they are now its because they are lazy and ignorant. Fact is both me and wife went to school for skills. I was told that's how you get ahead in life get a skill. Done. Didn't work. Obviously got wrong skill or just dealing with pricks who don't/won't give someone a chance to improve themselves. Again exactly why government should have more control.

I am a capitalist. And because of that, I am a happy person. I have everything I need.
Unlike you, who lust for the possessions and finances of others...Because you believe you deserve them.
What would you like government to do? Mandate they hire YOU because you say so?
Did it ever occur to you that the problem is YOU and not everyone else?
Perhaps your unreasonable fear of religious and ethnic groups has been picked up upon and used against you.
Or maybe it's just your attitude. You said so yourself. People that would not hire you are "pricks"..
The odds that "it's not you that's wrong, it's everyone else", being the case are pretty thin.
You suffer from self loathing and have a sense of entitlement.

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