22 Million Need to Saddle Up to Pay for Their Healthcare by 2026


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
the southern white trailer trash better start braying to their baby jesus
Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
the southern white trailer trash better start braying to their baby jesus

And all those black mommas cranking out pay raises.

Want insurance? Well then pay for it. If not, we wont force you to pay but no tickey, no laundry

Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
the southern white trailer trash better start braying to their baby jesus

And all those black mommas cranking out pay raises.

Want insurance? Well then pay for it. If not, we wont force you to pay but no tickey, no laundry

Those 22 Million are people who will voluntarily opt out of Forced Participation in Health Care, or have you not read the latest studies?

Millions of people this year alone opted out of Mandated Healthcare, and opted to pay THE FINES instead. The GOV took in Millions in revenue from THE POOR who could not afford Obamacare and were punished for it.

More were projected to drop out next year, and more ensurers were projected to leave the market place as well leaving many with NO COVERAGE even if they could afford it.

Phuck your False god(s).
All 22 million are free to work a job and buy their own damn health insurance. What part of $20 trillion in debt and over $100 trillion in unfunded Federal government handouts is so hard for the left to understand?

We are maxing out credit cards in our grandkids names and sticking them with our bills. Is this fair? On this I agree with former president Obama who labeled this practice unpatriotic.
Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
the southern white trailer trash better start braying to their baby jesus

And all those black mommas cranking out pay raises.

Want insurance? Well then pay for it. If not, we wont force you to pay but no tickey, no laundry

Those 22 Million are people who will voluntarily opt out of Forced Participation in Health Care, or have you not read the latest studies?

Millions of people this year alone opted out of Mandated Healthcare, and opted to pay THE FINES instead. The GOV took in Millions in revenue from THE POOR who could not afford Obamacare and were punished for it.

More were projected to drop out next year, and more ensurers were projected to leave the market place as well leaving many with NO COVERAGE even if they could afford it.

Phuck your False god(s).

Most would opt out yes indeed. I noted that in my opening thread

Considering only 4.6% of Americans depend on Obamacare, it is safe to say the 22 Million estimate is a very small percentage. Let them pay for it themselves

Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

Read this article.

Why Obamacare enrollees voted for Trump
There will always be uninsured people the sooner everyone comes to terms with that the better.

This is what I don't understand. I mean even with the insurance it's not like they even use it. And all this about kids not having insurance is a blatant lie. Texas had kids covred long before half black Jesus came along. Whatever. Insurance really isn't an issue. Medical stuff is expensive. Specifically medicine. Work on that stuff and push for Americans to be more healthy again and this government insurance becomes a nonissue.
Healthcare is a service. Not everybody can afford it. If you can't afford it in the US then go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to pay for your health care.
Healthcare is a service. Not everybody can afford it. If you can't afford it in the US then go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to pay for your health care.

Agreed. But I had rather spend my money on other things like cell phones, new shoes and nights out on the town. Healthcare is just not a priority for some

From the responses here, Alan Grayson was spot on...

From the responses here, Alan Grayson was spot on...


Oh the drama.. Roll Grandma off the cliff already

Why is dying so important now? The left supports abortion and keeping the poor locked down in the ghettos.

sounds like obama care "death panels" that everyone said was misunderstood. yet, they understand *this* perfectly.

like you say geaux4it - the drama has to be in play for many i suppose.
^^^^^^^ Indeed ^^^^^^^^

The left says that if one decided not to purchase insurance they are counted as the ones who are 'Losing their healthcare'

The left is incapable of reason

Healthcare is a service. Not everybody can afford it. If you can't afford it in the US then go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to pay for your health care.

Agreed. But I had rather spend my money on other things like cell phones, new shoes and nights out on the town. Healthcare is just not a priority for some


That is why Republican health care plan is projected to have less people having health care insurance. Without the government forcing some people to buy insurance then many will not do it. That is called freedom.

People need to be held accountable for their life choices and not have the government providing them with a safety net when they are stupid or lazy.
Healthcare is a service. Not everybody can afford it. If you can't afford it in the US then go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to pay for your health care.

Agreed. But I had rather spend my money on other things like cell phones, new shoes and nights out on the town. Healthcare is just not a priority for some


That is why Republican health care plan is projected to have less people having health care insurance. Without the government forcing some people to buy insurance then many will not do it. That is called freedom.

People need to be held accountable for their life choices and not have the government providing them with a safety net when they are stupid or lazy.

Sad that Obama for 8 years championed the notion that everyone is a victim relative to their own circumstances in life and it was all at the hands of the 1%.

Many of those don't want it anyway


22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill

The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under Obamacare, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
The highly anticipated score answers key questions about the impact of the Senate's controversial legislation made public last Thursday.

The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May. That legislation would leave 23 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than under the Affordable Care Act, CBO said earlier.

22 million fewer Americans insured under Senate GOP bill
It all depends on what you think is "Being Covered".

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