222 days until the next impeachment

While impeachment is political in nature....NONE of these issues would even remotely approach the threshold for that. And Republicans know this.
There will be no stomach for impeachment if Republicans by some miracle win back control of the House. McCarthy's already hinted as much.
If it does, happen, it will be perceived as petty and vindictive. C'Ya Republicans in 2024. :)
When Republicans file Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden and Mayorkas the Article(s) will be real, as opposed to the bullshit articles filed by the democrats.

1. Open borders is a clear violation of immigration law.
2. Abandoning AFG and $85b of US military equipment is also a crime, also being held in "contempt" by allies
3. How about showering with Ashley? According to her diary he molested her.
4. Selling access to foreign actors is a crime, see Hunter's laptop
5. Hunter's "paintings" being bought by unknown foreign powers is a crime
6. Not prosecuting protesters in front of judges/justices homes is a crime
7. Taking money from the Moscow mayor's wife is a crime.
8. Stopping US oil production while trying to buy foreign oil should be a crime

There may be more Articles of Impeachment, but the trial will be more legitimate than the bullshit democrat trials.

Speaking of 2024 who do the democrats have? Kamala? Hillary? Duh, damn right we'll see you in 2024.
When Republicans file Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden and Mayorkas the Article(s) will be real, as opposed to the bullshit articles filed by the democrats.

1. Open borders is a clear violation of immigration law.
2. Abandoning AFG and $85b of US military equipment is also a crime, also being held in "contempt" by allies
3. How about showering with Ashley? According to her diary he molested her.
4. Selling access to foreign actors is a crime, see Hunter's laptop
5. Hunter's "paintings" being bought by unknown foreign powers is a crime
6. Not prosecuting protesters in front of judges/justices homes is a crime
7. Taking money from the Moscow mayor's wife is a crime.
8. Stopping US oil production while trying to buy foreign oil should be a crime

There may be more Articles of Impeachment, but the trial will be more legitimate than the bullshit democrat trials.

Speaking of 2024 who do the democrats have? Kamala? Hillary? Duh, damn right we'll see you in 2024.
Honestly, please, just stop with the lists. They're beyond tiresome at this point.

1) We don't have open borders. Never have. Never will.
2) Here's the one area where I will criticize Biden for. The frenetic and sloppy withdrawl. I believe the last guy negotiated the deal to leave but failed to follow through. No shock here.
3) Yeah. Dismissed. Alt-Right masturbation.
4) Dude, this laptop is like the search for Jimmy Hoffa. A conspiracy theory not even worth chasing anymore. This is an attempt to manufacture evidence..or the FBI would have been all over it.
5) See #4. Oh yeah, Hunter Biden will STILL never be President.
6) Local police can arrest people if its against the law. I wish your just and righteous indignation was spared for the thousands of school board members and elections officials who don't get the protection afforded SC justices.
7) No evidence this happened. Alt-Right media speculation doesn't count.
8) This isn't even worth responding to. Because it didn't happen. Nuff sadi.

None of the alt-right taking points you listed is anywhere close to an impeachable offense.

2024? Right now, DeSantis is your only hope. If it's anyone else?....Kamala Harris beats them. And I don't even want to see her run. :)
Honestly, please, just stop with the lists. They're beyond tiresome at this point.

1) We don't have open borders. Never have. Never will.
2) Here's the one area where I will criticize Biden for. The frenetic and sloppy withdrawl. I believe the last guy negotiated the deal to leave but failed to follow through. No shock here.
3) Yeah. Dismissed. Alt-Right masturbation.
4) Dude, this laptop is like the search for Jimmy Hoffa. A conspiracy theory not even worth chasing anymore. This is an attempt to manufacture evidence..or the FBI would have been all over it.
5) See #4. Oh yeah, Hunter Biden will STILL never be President.
6) Local police can arrest people if its against the law. I wish your just and righteous indignation was spared for the thousands of school board members and elections officials who don't get the protection afforded SC justices.
7) No evidence this happened. Alt-Right media speculation doesn't count.
8) This isn't even worth responding to. Because it didn't happen. Nuff sadi.

None of the alt-right taking points you listed is anywhere close to an impeachable offense.

2024? Right now, DeSantis is your only hope. If it's anyone else?....Kamala Harris beats them. And I don't even want to see her run. :)
1. We do have open borders. Just ask the Border Patrol.

2. We agree that Xiden's AFG withdrawal was criminal.

3. LOL!! Showering with Ashley needs to be pursued, subpoena her and also ask her under oath if Joe molested her.

4. Hunter's laptop along with whistleblower Tony Bobulinsky should be entertaining.

5. Not sure if the emoluments clause applies to family, but painting experts could testify as to actual value, vs sale price. Even if its not a "crime", its abuse of power and position for financial gain, an "ethics issue".

6. You can't defend not enforcing the Law protecting Judges/justices homes, that is an actual crime.

7. Taking $3.5m from the Moscow mayor's wife is provable, especially if the FBI is directed to confirm it.

8. Agreed, Xiden's "war on energy" may not be a crime, unless it can be tied to a payoff from Putin, or others, to raise the global price of oil. See #7 above.
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1. We do have open borders. Just ask the Border Patrol.
View attachment 656941

2. We agree that Xiden's AFG withdrawal was criminal.

3. LOL!! Showering with Ashley needs to be pursued, subpoena her and also ask her under oath if Joe molested her.
View attachment 656943
4. Hunter's laptop along with whistleblower Tony Bobulinsky should be entertaining.

5. Not sure if the emoluments clause applies to family, but painting experts could testify as to actual value, vs sale price. Even if its not a "crime", its abuse of power and position for financial gain, an "ethics issue".

6. You can't defend not enforcing the Law protecting Judges/justices, that is an actual crime.

7. Taking $3.5m from the Moscow mayor's wife is provable, especially if the FBI is directed to confirm it.

8. Agreed, Xiden's "war on energy" may not be a crime, unless it can be tied to a payoff from Putin, or others, to raise the global price of oil. See #7 above.
How much were the annual dues to renew your membership to Alt-Right Nation?
All of these are talking points....except for #2, which wasn't criminal. Sloppy, but not criminal.
I recommend you go scream at the sky. :) Because that's about as much good as it will do you.
How much were the annual dues to renew your membership to Alt-Right Nation?
All of these are talking points....except for #2, which wasn't criminal. Sloppy, but not criminal.
I recommend you go scream at the sky. :) Because that's about as much good as it will do you.
I proved my points with credible links.
You can whine about the factoids, but you really can't dismiss them.
We'll see how many Articles of Impeachment the Republicans actually file. I hope they find a few more.
I proved my points with credible links.
You can whine about the factoids, but you really can't dismiss them.
We'll see how many Articles of Impeachment the Republicans actually file. I hope they find a few more.
No you didn't. You put the same BS lists and links up you always do. SOSDD.
ALT-RIGHT talking points (except for #2).
I miss those pelosi days, she was running the house and senate, pat leahy was the chief justice. Those were good times indeed.

The impeachment they're having now will end, but they know the Donald is coming back.

Democrat Lon Chaney is less like by the R's
Than here dad was by the D's.

Speaker McCarthy will b great.

Bernie will do another filibuster, schumer and schiff erect statues of themselves.

Pelosi and hillary fighting over the last broom.

House judiciary

We look forward to the Republican SOLUTION to high gas prices and inflation. You DO have one, right?
When Republicans file Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden and Mayorkas the Article(s) will be real, as opposed to the bullshit articles filed by the democrats.

1. Open borders is a clear violation of immigration law.
2. Abandoning AFG and $85b of US military equipment is also a crime, also being held in "contempt" by allies
3. How about showering with Ashley? According to her diary he molested her.
4. Selling access to foreign actors is a crime, see Hunter's laptop
5. Hunter's "paintings" being bought by unknown foreign powers is a crime
6. Not prosecuting protesters in front of judges/justices homes is a crime
7. Taking money from the Moscow mayor's wife is a crime.
8. Stopping US oil production while trying to buy foreign oil should be a crime

There may be more Articles of Impeachment, but the trial will be more legitimate than the bullshit democrat trials.

Speaking of 2024 who do the democrats have? Kamala? Hillary? Duh, damn right we'll see you in 2024.
We don't have open borders...neither North nor South.
No direct evidence that happened. Just alt-right media speculation. However, we do have direct evidence the last guy tried to extort a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his opponent.
But fear not, his enablers in the Senate let him off scot-free.

Don't be the farm on Republicans taking Congress back in November.
LONG way to go. :)
Actually you had a president asking a foreign leader about illegal actions a sitting vice president bragged about doing. The border situation is more than enough to impeach Biden over. But democrats have made it okay to impeach if you don't like the president.
We don't have open borders...neither North nor South.
Yes we do on the south. A caravan is already forming and is predicted to be the biggest yet. On top of the millions already illegally crossed it so far.
Why can't u tell us.

Obama's life story
"How do we explain stolen elections"

Tell them the truth about MAGA and The Big Lie.

No direct evidence that happened. Just alt-right media speculation. However, we do have direct evidence the last guy tried to extort a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his opponent.
But fear not, his enablers in the Senate let him off scot-free.

Don't be the farm on Republicans taking Congress back in November.
LONG way to go. :)
If We phrased it as a question as with bill clinton under oath ?

is that you on the video ??

I was just kidding !! It's a joke folks !

It was a debate !!
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That's right

Every trump rally in 2020 was really a Biden rally, as the failed human named trump drummed up more votes against himself than for himself.
You know he topped hillary right..
In the third election he wins Will he be able to beat Michelle Obama that's the big question because I'm not sure AOC is all enough to run
How much were the annual dues to renew your membership to Alt-Right Nation?
All of these are talking points....except for #2, which wasn't criminal. Sloppy, but not criminal.
I recommend you go scream at the sky. :) Because that's about as much good as it will do you.
Lol, your guys reaction to not getting their way.

Oh, and the best thing that is going to happen to your party is karma. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy watching y'all cry. When all of the destruction your party has done to this country is erased and we return back to normal.
Lol, your guys reaction to not getting their way.
View attachment 656956
Oh, and the best thing that is going to happen to your party is karma. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy watching y'all cry. When all of the destruction your party has done to this country is erased and we return back to normal.
Really don't need to see your weekend cell phone selfies.

Again, Don't..Bet..The..Farm..On..It! :)
Really don't need to see your weekend cell phone selfies.

Again, Don't..Bet..The..Farm..On..It! :)
Nope that was your guys after trump winning. Oh and we will have a super majority come next year and if Trump runs in 2024. He will win.
Nope that was your guys after trump winning. Oh and we will have a super majority come next year and if Trump runs in 2024. He will win.
If for some reason Trump runs again in 2024 (and that's a big IF assuming he'll get by DeSantis), he'll lose by a bigger margin
than he did in 2020. Doesn't matter who the Democrats put up.

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